26 min read

True Parents' Completion of the Providence

After the Holy Wedding and the subsequent seven-year course, True Parents formed the True Family and established the four-position foundation on the family level.

True Parents’ Advent and the Era of True Parents - Cham Bumo Gyeong
Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors, should have obeyed God’s commandment, “Do not eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil,” and safely passed through the growing period.

The Proclamation of True Parents 

After the Holy Wedding and the subsequent seven-year course, True Parents formed the True Family and established the four-position foundation on the family level. On that foundation, they went through the eight stages to complete their mission, thus creating the foundation to establish and build the kingdom of heaven. As the providence of restoration progressed, they set indemnity conditions appropriate to each period and accomplished them. After each one, they conducted a corresponding proclamation ceremony so that Satan could not invade it. 

After True Parents had thus prevailed in the history of the providence of restoration through indemnity, by 1992 the foundation of the True Family was such that they finally could proclaim before the public that they were the True Parents of humankind. On August 24, 1992, at the celebration banquet of the 1st World Culture and Sports Festival, True Father formally declared in front of the assembled world leaders, “At the Women's Federation for World Peace Leaders' 

Assemblies that were held in five major cities of Korea in early July of this year, I proclaimed that my wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, and I together are the True Parents of humanity, the Savior, the Lord of the Second Advent, and the Messiah.” 

By holding marriage Blessings, True Parents have been carrying out the great revolutionary work of changing the lineage of all people to the true lineage of God. These Blessings have been interracial, interreligious, and international in scope.

True Parents come with the true love, life, and lineage of heaven. They alone are aware of the providential timetable for holding these events, and they are completing the providence of human salvation following that timetable.  

1. Christianity opposed me after World War II; hence, during the following 40 years, I had to completely restore through indemnity what John the Baptist failed to do. I had to restore the failure of Christianity; otherwise, I would have had no way to find and install the Bride. So, by paying indemnity for more than 40 years, I completely restored the failure of John the Baptist and the Christian cultural sphere. This work was to restore America and reclaim it from Satan. That is why True Mother went to the United States Congress and proclaimed “True Parents and the Completed Testament Age.” She did the same at the United Nations. 

The United Nations originally was meant to represent the free world, which had lost the foundation to receive the Bride. Mother is the Bride. Hence, when she proclaimed True Parents throughout America and at the United Nations, America New, and the free world had to unite with her. Fortunately, there was no opposition. Although she made that bold proclamation about True Parents and the Completed Testament Age, all audiences were moved to applaud her.
(249-109, 1993/10/08)

2. The Fall of the first human ancestors caused the loss of the four great realms of heart and the three great kingships. Now, finally, we are liberated to lift the name of True Parents. We reached that position 47 years after World War II, after indemnifying all the failures of history. The lonely path of the heart that Mother followed her whole life was entirely to prepare for this one day when she would fulfill the mission she was destined for. 

In April 1992, Mother took the first step when, as chairwoman of the Women's Federation for World Peace, she proclaimed to the world that the True Parents had come to earth to embrace all the families of humankind and bring liberation to the women of the world.

Then in July 1992, she proclaimed that the True Parents had come and that she and I are the Messiah, the Savior, the Returning Lord, and the True Parents of humankind. By making these proclamations, Mother prepared a zone for providential settlement in which to build the one axis in a world that lacks a center and whose families lack a framework that gives them hope; all this was done at a time when the international situation was chaotic. 

Because she made these conditions in a manner that was acceptable to God, the era when we could proclaim the liberation of Mother and the second generation was ushered in. (241-249, 1992/12/26)

3. Korea is the land to which the Lord is to return. The Lord at the Second Advent whom Christians have been expecting is none other than I. Today, July 3, 1992, is the first time I am announcing this in public. 

For the first time, I am putting it in writing, to let the world know who the Lord at the Second Advent is. What did I write? Sun Myung Moon! I wrote this for the first time. Now that I have made this official announcement, you need to clearly understand what it means. From now on, everything will be revealed.
(232-109, 1992/07/03) 

4. In August 1992, during the World Culture and Sports Festival at the Little Angels' Performing Arts Center, in front of approximately 1,000 prominent leaders from around the world, including heads of state who were participating in the eight events of the festival, I proclaimed, “I am the Messiah, the Savior, and the True Parent.” Even so, they nodded their heads; no one shook their heads in objection. 

I am traveling all over the world. Don't you think I know what to say about the current political scene? No one has more profound insight or a better brain for dealing with this transitional era than I do. The world recognizes this about me.

That is why I must let the world know what is happening. Unless I proclaim who I am in public, I cannot take root in the world. 

It is only after their wedding that people can be officially recognized as husband and wife. Accordingly, I traveled throughout the nation and held banquets where I made proclamations about who we were. This was so that True Parents could settle; then heaven and earth could also settle. To find a nation, it is not enough just to select the members of the cabinet. The founder must proclaim himself to the public. That is why I proclaimed that we are the Messiah, the Lord at the Second Advent, and the True Parents. 

Henceforth, we will build our foundation. (243-168, 1993/01/03)

5. Centering on God, I proclaimed that we are the True Parents of humankind. I proclaimed worldwide that the unfallen True Parents who can liberate humankind have come to this world. Now that True Parents have emerged, their children can also become True Parents, and all those who receive their teachings likewise can become true parents. Due to the Fall, the term “true parents” vanished, and the persons who could have become true parents disappeared. (322-250, 2000/05/21)

6. My encounter with Mikhail Gorbachev of the Soviet Union was equivalent to Jacob's encounter with Esau in the Old Testament Age. I represented the United States, Japan, and Korea in the position of Jacob, and Gorbachev represented the Soviet Union, Chin, and North Korea. We met, and I planted God's true love in his heart. This meant Jacob returned to his hometown. Now the only remaining thing for Esau to do is to unite with his younger brother and attend the Heavenly Parent.

He needs to bring his communist nations to unite with the younger brother nations of the free world and attend the Heavenly Parent; it is the only way for the communist world to survive. 

This was an event unprecedented since the beginning of history. It was a new beginning to bring victory for heaven's side. For this reason, now that I have returned to Korea, I am holding this Rally Welcoming True Parents, to proclaim True Parents to the people of the Republic of Korea. (204-144, 1990/07/06) 

7. Now that True Parents have been proclaimed to the world, the cosmos is approaching a turning point. 

For the cosmos to follow True Parents, it must have true children, true clans, and true peoples. Now that you have been proclaiming True Parents throughout the world, it is time for you, as their true children, to proclaim the true family. Your proclamations should not be limited to the family level.

Since the First Adam and the Second Adam were unable to complete their missions, to indemnify this you need to expand the realm of tribal messiahship.

Therefore, all of you need to conduct events to proclaim True Parents while taking the position of true parents to your tribes. That is how you can build the foundation to bring change on the national level and the world level.
(202-178, 1990/05/20)

8. Jesus strove to fulfill the work that Adam failed to do, but he was unable to complete it. Since Jesus passed away before he could do this, the Lord of the Second Advent, who comes as the perfected Third Adam, is required to rectify the failures that occurred at the time of the First Adam and Second Adam and complete their unfinished work. 

Originally, all humankind should have been the descendants of the First Adam.

Even though the First Adam failed, had Jesus not died on the cross, this world would have been filled with Jesus' sons and daughters. The world would have become one world by now. Had Jesus not died but married and given birth to sons and daughters, the members of his clan, in the position of the elder son, would have inherited the kingship on this earth for tens of thousands of years. 

Democracy is a siblings' ideology. It is not Parenting. Siblings compete and fight to get what they want. 

They fight because they have no parents to be centered on. That is why humankind must turn to parenting. True Parents need to come to solve the problems throughout the world that came into existence due to the siblings' ideology.
(224-054, 1991/11/21)

9. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve fell in their teenage years. The Fall was a problem of love between a man and a woman. Since that is the seed that was sown, now that harvest time has arrived worldwide, the problems of promiscuity among young people and family breakdown have become serious. 

All humankind is bewailing this reality, yet no real owner has stepped up to take responsibility for it. 

Therefore, True Parents, the original owners of creation, must come. When they do, everything that was defiled by the false parents can be resolved. In the Last Days, all these problems will face judgment. 

Individuals, families, peoples, nations, the world, and the cosmos on God's side will establish a new viewpoint centering on True Parents. Then we will undoubtedly recover the world where everything in heaven and on earth is united.

For this to happen, True Parents must emerge and bring true love, true life, and true lineage. (362-158, 2001/12/12) 

10. The Messiah is the True Father. Because the Fall occurred, the false parents emerged and all human beings have been born from their false lineage; therefore, the providence of salvation is not an easy task to fulfill. No matter how many times the blood of the false lineage is purified, it cannot be purified completely. That is why the salvation of human beings remains incomplete even after tens of millions of years. 

God cannot undo what was defiled by the false parents. The ideal of creation is that human beings complete their portion of responsibility, inherit God's lineage, and bequeath it to their descendants. Adam and Eve destroyed the ideal of creation.

Therefore, Adam and Eve must restore it. No one else can rectify it; not even God. That is why True Parents must come and restore it through indemnity. 

What went wrong must be turned around to the original state. This is called restoration through indemnity. Restoration cannot be done by following a natural course. It must be done by taking the reverse course to return to the original state.

Without going through such a course of restoration through indemnity, there is no way for human beings to return to the original world. Not for eternity.
(334-035, 2000/09/27) 

11. You do not understand the difficult circumstances I have faced until now.

Ninety-nine out of 100 people would have given up and run away. That is how fearful and serious my position was. However, I did not budge even one inch. This is because I regarded it as my destiny. Had the path been easy, I am sure that Satan would have taken it first. I went on a path that even Satan did not dare to go.

This is how I have expanded my scope from the family to the tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos. 

As a true man, I am positioned as the mediator between God and human beings in a world disconnected from God. I am to bring God back to them by building God a highway. On it, God will descend from the level of the cosmos to the world, to nations, peoples, tribes, and families. The place where God descends and dwells is the realm of the True Parents. Now I have established a realm that Satan cannot invade. (248-037, 1993/05/30) 

12. I was not born as a prince of a fabulous kingdom. No one recognized who I was. Few ever imagined that the Lord would return to Korea, a small nation scarred from numerous wars. The Lord of the Second Advent comes at a time when the four realms that emerged as a result of Jesus' death on the cross-democracy and communism, and Islam, and Christianity are enemies of each other. Their conflicts have reached the world level, and the Lord has to deal with them and bring them into unity. 

Indeed, this is what I have done. I have finished my part. To come this far, I had to deal with many complex situations behind the scenes. They were incomparably more difficult than what a typical family has to deal with. They were incomparably more difficult than even the ordeals that nations have to deal with. Nevertheless, I worked patiently to deal with them and overcame every challenge I faced along the way. (249-085, 1993/10/08) 

13. When the Lord comes again, he needs to unite the world that is now divided between the left wing and the right wing. He also must unite the religions of the world. That is why I have been forging unity between the left wing and the right wing, and among religions. Neither the United States government nor the government of the Soviet Union is doing this. The Lord to come needs to fulfill what Jesus was unable to fulfill in his lifetime. Otherwise, he cannot turn the world around. 

Human history does not proceed randomly; it proceeds hand in hand with God's providence. Since I came, providence and history have advanced side by side. I can testify that God is alive and working in human history. We are now living in a time when we cannot deny the existence of God. (235-212, 1992/09/20) 

14. Blessed families are in the position of Jesus, and they must restore the nation as Jesus was supposed to do. Israel was divided between the north and the south. It was divided between the northern kingdom, composed of ten tribes, and the southern kingdom, with two tribes. Leah and Rachel should have united; because they were unable to resolve their struggle, the nation was divided into two. Jesus died under similar circumstances, symbolized by the thief on the left and the thief on the right. The two thieves represented Cain and Abel on the world level. Thus, when the Lord returns, he needs to change the situation and bring them into unity. That is how he can establish the realm of victory. 

That is why, as the person with the mission of the Lord of the Second Advent, I must gain victory over communism. I had no choice but to become the premier world champion in the fight against communism and bring about its defeat.

Furthermore, I must bring unity to democracy and bring unity to the world, even by guiding the United States of America. Furthermore, I must unite the worlds of religion and politics. (250-331, 1993/10/15) 

15. True Parents are responsible for connecting the realms of indirect dominion and direct dominion. The question is how to tear down the walls that Satan has erected around individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations, and the world. God has been working continually to achieve this goal, while Satan has been challenging God and striving to block God's work. In this way, God and Satan have been confronting each other. 

Satan persists in confronting God. So, standing between God and Satan, I have been working to remove Satan. I have to advance the providence to the position where Satan cannot accuse me. That is why I had to go the path of indemnity, which is the human portion of responsibility. The first human beings failed to fulfill their portion of responsibility.

Satan understands that their portion became the responsibility of the Messiah.

That is why he mobilized all his forces to attack True Parents. All the difficulties we face have come about because we are breaking down the walls around individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations, the world, and the spirit world. (131-070, 1984/04/16) 

16. People who did good deeds through their devotion to and faith in the major world religions and then went to the spirit world as good spirits have helped the earthly providence according to God's desire. 

Until the present time, the only way they could connect to the earth was through religion. However, now True Parents have come to earth. They have fought and triumphed over evil, and they have established God's tradition from the level of the individual to the family, tribe, nation, and world. As a result, we are entering the time of the emancipation of the religious realm. 

Now that the scope of True Parents' victory has reached the world level, in the age inaugurated by the True Parents, religion will disappear. If Adam and Eve had not fallen but become the True Parents of humankind, religion would not have been necessary. If they had fulfilled their responsibility from the beginning, they would have united with heaven as one body. Then, their ideal oneness would have been the basis for all ancestors in heaven to connect with their descendants living on earth whenever they were needed. 

I have done everything necessary to restore through indemnity the realm of the people of Israel as a chosen people, the realm of worldwide Christianity as a chosen people, and the realm of the cosmic Unification Church as a chosen people.

With that, the age is coming when religion will be liberated from its responsibility. Then the spirit world and the earthly world will connect directly. 

Therefore, even those without religious belief can be connected to the spirit world through the realm of the chosen people, which passes through religion. The old era is coming to an end.

Thanks to True Parents' victory, even people who do not believe in religion will be able to grow through the Old Testament Age, New Testament Age, and Completed Testament Age, just as people who are situated within the realms of the major religions. Hence, the time will come when all their ancestors will come down from the spirit world to visit their descendants and support them.
(202-255, 1990/05/24) 

Proclamations of True Parents' Ultimate Unity

In 2010, on the 8th day of the 5th month by the heavenly calendar (June 19) at 2:20 a.m. and the 15th day of the 5th month by the heavenly calendar (June 26) at 3:25 a.m., True Parents proclaimed in Las Vegas that they had achieved oneness in mind, oneness in body, oneness in thought and oneness in core with God, vertically, and that they had achieved ultimate unity horizontally.

On that foundation, they declared the completion, conclusion, and closure of the Old Testament, New Testament, NT, and Completed Testament Ages, and the advent of the age in which God is all-immanent, all-transcendent, all-power, full, and all-capable. 

 Then, on the 17th day of the 11th month by the heavenly calendar (December 11) in 2011, True Father announced at Cheon Jeong Gung Palace, “Now that all beings in heaven and on earth are aligned with God the Creator original standard of creation that has now been restored, I declare the completion, conclusion, and closure of the entire providence and the final victory.” 

Then he proclaimed, “All is finished!” 

 On the 17th and 18th days of the 11th month by the heavenly calendar (December 11 and 12) in 2011 at the Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung Palace, True Parents wrote the Proclamation of the Final Cheon Il Guk Victory, “God and True Parents are completely one. God is complete, perfected, and fulfilled. Aju! Heaven is here. Congratulations! Sun Myung Moon. Aju!”” 

Finally, on the 26th day of the 6th month by the heavenly calendar (August 13) in 2012, 21 days before his Holy Ascension on the 17th day of the 7th month (September 3), True Father, during his report prayer to our Heavenly Parent made the final official proclamation of his earthly life, with the following words, “Today, as I have returned the conclusion of the final perfection to You, Father, I know that up to this moment, I have offered my whole life to You. I am spending this time now to bring my life to its conclusion, to bring it to a close with utmost devotion, following Your Will. May the tribal messiahs be able to fulfill the calling of national representatives. I have accomplished everything for this. I have completed everything. Aju!”  

17. Now I am establishing the tradition that no one can match, either mentally or physically. With my mind fixed on heaven and earth, I am making countless conditions of devotion. When my conditions are so sincere that they touch both heaven and earth, Satan cannot invade what I am doing. It is mainly those conditions of devotion that prevent Satan from invading.

My conditions enable family members in heaven and all the spirit people in heaven to build a bridge to earth, and when those in the spirit world come down on that bridge and connect to my foundation, Satan cannot oppose them. This means that I have now laid all the foundations needed to fulfill the Will. (285-303, 1997/06/29)

18. Thus far, everyone opposed the path I was taking. America opposed me, the Soviet Union opposed me, China opposed me, Kim Il-sung opposed me, and all others opposed me. Yet, I have overcome them all. My mission is to defeat the left-wing communists and completely liberate the people in the communist world. I am working to unite all the people in Satan's realm and bind all humankind together, based on one standard. 

Now there are no barriers for those on this path. There had been all sorts of barriers, but I tore them all down. I now have gone through all eight levels, from the individual to God, so that I can make the environment free of barriers. The unity that I am referring to is the unity of the individual, unity of the family, unity of the tribe, unity of the people, unity of the nation, unity of the world, and unity of heaven and earth. By tearing down the walls of Satan's world and forming an environment of unity, I am trying to recover the original fatherland.
(241-325, 1993/01/01) 

19. I have to represent 4,000 years of history; that is why I have not been able to sleep comfortably for the past 40 years. I have faced opposition from all people and all nations. During that time, I struggled desperately to find out how to overcome that opposition on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, nation, world, and cosmos. To overcome those obstacles, I had to take a path entirely different from the paths in Satan's world.

While communicating with God, who was with me behind the scenes wherever I went in heaven and on earth, I tore down the walls of Satan's world one by one. By breaking down all the walls, I built a highway from the individual level to the levels of the family, tribe, people, nation, world, and all heaven and earth. These efforts restored human beings to the positions of Adam and Eve before they fell. 

Now God can be with us wherever we go. I recovered this position for humankind. Heaven's world is advancing, and Satan's world is retreating. Satan cannot interfere with God's world any longer. Whenever heaven advances, Satan has no choice but to surrender. (244-208, 1993/02/07)

20. I broke down all the walls in front of me eight levels of walls from the individual and family to the nation and beyond. Over the past 40 years, I have prepared the path for Adam and Eve to return, so they can move back and forth. Now that path is complete. It is a path that will remain even after I have returned to God. 

Numerous religions and nations opposed me, but I did not oppose them. Yet, I did not die; I am still alive. 

Now I have finished everything. Therefore, even if I die now, it doesn't matter. This is because the truth I have brought will continue to exist. The Principle will remain; it is the teaching that was declared victorious at the trial in God's court. Even Satan cannot deny it. (235-248, 1992/09/20)

21. Adam should complete restoration in his generation. Since all the issues of restoration must be resolved within True Parents' generation, you have no idea how busy we are. 

That is why we conduct proclamation ceremonies. Through these ceremonies, we plant flags to make God the owner. Once we plant a flag, God and True Parents have the authority of dominion over that territory; it no longer belongs to Satan's domain. That is why, when we returned to Korea after traveling to Russia and America, we made proclamations throughout the nation. By so doing, we drove in posts, to signify that we prepared an environment in which the people of Korea would not oppose us but would welcome us. After we did this, Satan had to retreat. 

If people believe these proclamations and come into the realm of these proclamations, then Satan cannot take them away. It is as if a person who formerly lived without nationality joins a nation with a newly drawn national boundary and lives following the laws of that new environment; then he or she can belong to its people. (329-267, 2000/08/11) 

22. A problem would arise in the spirit world as well as on earth if I did not disclose that I am the one who comes into the world with God's Divine Seal as the True Parent, the Savior, the Messiah, and the king of peace, the one long sought by humanity. That is why I proclaimed who I am.

That proclamation can be likened to proclaiming a constitution that has already been ratified. Those who are not in accord with it will fall behind, and those who are in accord with it will move forward and remain forever. 

I have become the standard for perfection on all levels; my position is above the Constitution, just as the Constitution is above all other laws. Therefore, I must disclose everything, without hiding anything. I have not done it yet, but by the time I leave Earth, I should be able to say, “I have finished everything.” I should be able to say that everything I did and all that I connected with in my surroundings had a reason and a purpose for the fulfillment of the Will. 

Then, when I go to the spirit world, I should be able to begin taking firm root there. Earth will also unite in partnership with the spirit world, and together they will form the kingdom of peace. What I am saying is serious. I have come this far, pouring out my utmost devotion, to transcend the realm of life and death, and to remove death once and for all. I am proclaiming this now for your sake.
(504-203, 2005/08/16) 

23. God is invisible, yet I must be able to attend to Him as the True Parent even better than I would attend to anyone visible to my physical eyes. I have a responsibility to follow the way of light amid the light, to remove the darkness, and to reach the position where I can liberate all people from the realm of hell. I must erase Satan's footprints and even his shadow from the realms of the spirit world. 

When I have completed my portion of responsibility, God should be able to say, “This is My world, My heaven, and My earth.” When there is no distinction between day and night, only brightness 24 hours a day, the sovereignty will belong to God alone, not to Satan. Only after I hand over everything to God can I declare that the indemnity has been paid and liberation and complete freedom have been achieved. Then we will be in the realm where the portion of responsibility is fulfilled. 

That realm is the realm of liberation. No longer will there be barriers in the spirit world, such as the barriers between heaven and hell. The steep valleys in the spirit world will be leveled into plains. All people will be able to live with their ancestors in the spirit world as they please. If you call out to your ancestors, they will come to you; and after listening to them, you will be able to follow their guidance. 

Once I establish this original standard, God should be able to declare, “I have finished everything.” Once I have completed the ideal of creation, it also means that God has fulfilled His portion of responsibility. 

The first human beings fell due to their ignorance of the Principle and its laws. Therefore, True Parents must teach humanity about these things and create the realm of oneness. Then peace will dwell in the realm of liberation the ideal kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven, the realm of the original homeland.

Then the liberation of the fatherland, where everyone attends God, will begin. (598-108, 2008/09/19) 

24. I have overcome all the obstacles. When I think about what I have done, it seems like a dream. I wonder, how could I have done all this? I never thought that it was I who did it, not even in my dreams. It is God who did it. He prepared everything, inside and out. He set up the entire framework; He trained me and made foundation upon foundation so that I could complete my work. I am saying that heaven toiled much more than we can ever imagine. That is why, whatever happens in my life, I live without complaining. (311-107, 1999/08/19) 

25. Due to the Fall, human beings lost their original hometown and original fatherland. Yet, the planet Earth is our original homeland, and the place where God dwells is our original fatherland. 

Early in my life, I already knew how to become a filial son, a patriot, a saint, a divine son, and a king. 

When it comes to the fundamental issues, there was nothing that I did not know.

That is why I know how to build the kingdom of heaven on earth and the kingdom of heaven in heaven. 

I told you that the era of the Fourth Adam's realm is approaching. On Chil Pal Jeol (7-8 Day), we took firm root as True Parents. On that basis, on Gu Gu Jeol (9-9 Day) and Sam Shib Jeol (3-10 Day), I proclaimed the realm of liberation. As the True Parent, I have eliminated everything by which Satan made himself the false father, and I have recreated the entire basis for God's dominion that Satan destroyed. I have thereby completed the restoration of everything. By doing so, I have ushered in the era of building a unified world, the kingdom of heaven on earth based on the ideal of the family. 

The original world, the realm that has nothing to do with the Fall, has been empty for thousands of years, awaiting the Fourth Adam. Now, based on the realm of liberation that I established, this realm will be filled all at once. The foundation has been completed for God to be liberated, and even for Satan to receive forgiveness and enter the kingdom of heaven. 

I, too, must be liberated. What liberates me is to rescue the people in the dungeons at the rock bottom of hell and bring them with me to the kingdom of heaven. (313-282, 1999/12/26)

26. Despite receiving persecution my entire life, I have always lived for the sake of others. This is how I was able to cover all the levels of opposition, from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation, and world. Not only have I attained perfection as an individual, but I also have completed my mission on all eight levels, including the family, tribe, people, nation, world, cosmos, and God. I completed all this, which never could have been done before, not even during 6,000 years of history. Now that it is finished, the world is no longer in the course of restoration where we must pay indemnity. 

Thus, if you invest yourself with absolute faith and absolute love, centering on the realm of the heart of the Fourth Adam, you will be elevated accordingly. It is like having a highway that takes you effortlessly to the front gate of the palace. There is nothing to obstruct you. The only questions are your driving skills and whether you have fuel. We are in an inane era when you can drive wherever you want to go, as long as you can supply the gasoline. (332-042, 2000/09/04) 

27. God has been leading the providence of salvation not just for one generation but for thousands of years. Biblically speaking, God has been working in history for the restoration of humankind for 6,000 years. Four thousand years is the length of time that the history of restoration was centered on the chosen people of Israel, which did not fully succeed.

That period is what I had to restore through indemnity during the past 40 years. I have given Mother all the fortune I accumulated throughout my life. She, in turn, had to live her life accepting that I, her husband, am also her grandfather, her father, and her older brother. She has lived her life with that standard. This is what makes Mother so wonderful.
(256-219, 1994/03/13) 

28. What is it that True Parents should accomplish in 2007, a jubilee year of the providence? I came to earth representing the incorporeal God. I discovered and revealed all the secrets of heaven, earth, and human beings, and brought victory by paying indemnity. Then I passed on my entire victorious foundation to Mother. On this foundation, Mother held a global speaking tour of 180 nations. Afterward, with unity between Cain and Abel, she toured 40 nations. The oneness of the family during these tours was the foundation for the work I did to deal with the providence. All of your families must follow that path. 

Consider that God is the first generation, Adam was the second generation, and Cain and Abel in Adam's family were the third generation. Didn't God lose the realm of three generations? So I had to win a victory that included the third generation, Cain and Abel, which I did. Mother also triumphed in this, thus bringing victory to Eve's realm. Accordingly, both True Parents, Father and Mother, are victorious. (569-071, 2007/07/22) 

29. I did not mind going to prison. When I went to Pyongyang, I already knew whom I would meet, as if the meetings had been prearranged. Jesus had 12 disciples, but when he went to prison, they all betrayed him. In my case, when I was imprisoned, I found 12 disciples and even more. For restoration through indemnity, I had to restore all that was lost. 

In the future, where should you build a memorial tower to commemorate me? You should memorialize the places where I experienced prison life. One of those memorials should be at Danbury, where, based on Mother's unity with me during my incarceration, I proclaimed the realm of ideal oneness between Father and Mother. (566-183, 2007/06/19) 

30. We, the True Parents, opened a new age by completing, concluding, and closing the entire history of the providence of restoration through indemnity. We opened the era of Cheon Il Guk. Now you need to reach out and educate your neighbors and people of every nation, to enable them to unite with the Will of our Heavenly Parent and True Parents. That is the best way to satisfy the debt you owe to God in return for His love and blessing and to fulfill your mission for humankind. (True Mother, 2013/10/22)

31. The 15th day of the 5th lunar month in 2010 was an important date. On that day, Mother and I together made a final declaration. At that time, Mother and I agreed on matters about Korea and other matters about policies. That was when Mother promised that she would unite with me regardless of what happened.

Based on her promise, we made our declaration. Amid the final battle with the fallen world, Mother and I made a solemn promise centering on God; that event took place at 3:25 a.m. on the 15th day of the 5th month by the heavenly calendar in 2010. 

The hour of that proclamation is significant: three represents the three ages of the Old Testament, New Testament, and Completed Testament. In particular, it signifies that this is the third age, the Completed Testament Age, which must never fail. Thus, we stated, “As we welcome the age for the completion, conclusion, and closure of the Old, New, and Completed Testaments, we offer and declare the age in which the ultimate realm of oneness between True Father and True Mother is perfected and consummated, and the age in which God is all-immanent, all-transcendent, all-powerful and all-capable.” (True Mother, 2010/07/01) 

32. O Father, every being in heaven and on earth is focused on this day, December 11, 2011. On this day, True Parents perfected, finalized, and consummated the original standard of the Creator. Now, Father, You have become the Owner of earth. Now heaven and earth, Father and children, and the family and the world can be liberated and enter a state of complete freedom. Accordingly, this is the day to proclaim the perfection, conclusion, and consummation of Your victory as the True Parent of the Cosmos, and Your victorious supremacy in the world according to the ideal of creation. Mansei to God! 

Mansei to True Parents! 

Father, as the prince who brought You victory by enabling the family kingdom to come by establishing the realm of total oneness between the True God and True Parents, I have accomplished everything that You asked me to fulfill. Based on all these victories, I proclaim that Your sovereignty is now secured. On this morning we, the Parents of Heaven and Earth who have become one, thank You for giving us this chance to proclaim that everything is perfected, liberated, and concluded. Aju! (True Mother, 2011/12/11) 

The Way to Become True Parents
Hence, it is the hope of every human being to form a true family.