35 min read

Ceremonies of Proclamation

In this way, True Parents brought the providence for the Completed Testament Age to its conclusion.

The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the Women’s Era - True Parents Legacy
True Parents declared the era of the Family Federation for World Peace (FFWP) on May 1, 1994, exactly 40 years after the founding of HSA-UWC, on the foundation of True Parents’ Holy Wedding and the condition of having completely indemnified the 33 years of Jesus’ life.

On January 3, 1993, True Parents proclaimed the opening of the Completed Testament Age. 

Following this, they developed the providence in the Completed Testament Age by making the following proclamations: 

Proclamation of Pal Il Jeol (8-1 Day), the Day of Returning to the Original Homeland (August 1, 1993, Belvedere Training Center, Tarry town, New York); Proclamation of the Settlement of the Family Federation for World Peace and the Dissolution of Indemnity (November 1, 1996, Montevideo, Uruguay); Proclamation of Chil Pal Jeol (7-8 Day), Declaration Day of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth (August 9, 1997, Central Training Center, Sutaek-dong, Guri); Proclamation of the Fulfillment of the Completed Testament Age for Beginning God's Kingdom in Heaven and on Earth (April 11, 1999, East Garden, Irvington, New York); Proclamation Congratulating the Parents of Heaven and Earth on their Cosmic-Level Victory (June 14, 1999, Olympic Gymnastics Gymnasium); Proclamation of Gu Gu Jeol (9-9 

Day), the Day the Parents of Heaven and Earth Open the Realm of the Unity and Liberation of Heaven and Earth (September 9, 1999, Central Training Center); Proclamation of Sam Shib Jeol (3-10 Day), the Day the Parents of Heaven and Earth Conduct the Ceremony for the Unity and Liberation of Heaven and Earth (September 10, 1999, Central Training Center); Proclamation of the Era in Which We Report Prayers in Our Names (September 14, 1999, East Garden, Irvington, New York); Proclamation of Ssang Shib Jeol (10-10 Day) (October 10, 1999, Punta del Este, Uruguay); Proclamation of the Day of Liberation by Giving the Blessing to All the Heaven and Earth (October 23, 1999, East Garden, Irvington, New York); and Proclamation of the Completion of True Parents' Providential Responsibility (December 26, 1999, Belvedere Training Center, Tarry town, New York).  

In this way, True Parents brought the providence for the Completed Testament Age to its conclusion. By this series of proclamations, they prepared to begin the providence for the Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity (Cheon Il Guk), which was ushered in at the beginning of the new millennium and would develop thenceforth. 

Pal Il Jeol (8-1 Day), the Day of Returning to the Original Homeland 

1. The family is the most fundamental unit. There must be three generations in the family: the grandfather and grandmother, the father and mother, who are in the positions of kings and queens, and then the third generation, the princes, and princesses who will become kings and queens.

We establish the family upon the ideal of True Parents, our immovable bedrock founded for eternity. Why so? When the sun rises, all things of creation face the sun. Likewise, all things of creation in America would like to return to their True Parents and want to become one with them. I am not just speaking empty words; this is true. 

Now that we have laid victorious foundations in each of the 50 states, this morning God and True Parents in total oneness are bringing back to East Garden all these foundations with the entire route that God blessed the individual foundation, the family foundation, the tribal, national, world and cosmic foundations.

The ceremony that we are performing on this first day of August is to unite everything. After all, August is the 8th month, and the number 8 signifies a new beginning. I want this day to be commemorated, and I proclaim it to be the beginning of the era of the Unification Church. (248-105, 1993/08/01) 

2. Before the Israelites entered the promised land of Canaan, the first generation, which had failed to fulfill its responsibility, was swept into oblivion in the wilderness. What have I been doing during the past 40 years from 1952 to 1992? 

The Unification Church and the world have dwelt within the realm of imperfection, so to bring them to the position of perfection, all remnants of failure must be swept away, just as God swept away the first-generation Israelites in the wilderness.

Without any foundation, I went to the front line and took responsibility, and I restored the foundation of the Christian cultural sphere that was lost. In the Garden of Eden, the archangel Lucifer pulled Eve into hell, and then Lucifer and Eve together pulled Adam into hell, but through indemnity I reversed this on the world level. 

As John the Baptist was unable to unite with Jesus, the Christian cultural sphere was unable to unite with me. I was thus hounded into the wilderness. Nevertheless, I indemnified the 4,000 years of Judeo-Christian history, and further, all the history since the time of the Creation.

I was able to indemnify what was left unaccomplished by Jacob's family, Moses, and his people, Jesus' 120 disciples, and the 160 nations to which I had sent missionaries and which should have accepted me. I took responsibility for all of this. This meant I had to create a foundation to recover Christianity and the free world that heaven had lost. 

That is why I proclaimed August 1 the day of returning to the original homeland. The time has arrived when we can return to the homeland. To do so, I had to recover the realm of the bride, the Christian cultural sphere that was lost.
(248-240, 1993/10/03) 

Settlement of the Family Federation for World Peace and the Dissolution of Indemnity 

3. I indemnified everything during the 40-year period that began in 1952. Then in 1992, on the foundation of proclaiming the liberation of women, I established Mother in a position equal to mine so that we stood side by side.

From that time on, I gradually handed my authority over to Mother. That is the path I have been following. I hurried because I had to conclude it by 1997. If I had left the process unfinished, problems would have arisen.

In this way, I prepared the foundation for the Family Federation for World Peace. I even needed to hold a ceremony proclaiming the dissolution of indemnity.
(280-269, 1997/01/02)

4. Our foundation had been such that Mother had no basis upon which to connect the standard of the family messiah and the tribal messiah to the standard of a world Messiah. To solve this issue, I set up 33 

people to represent Jesus' 33 years of life the life he lost due to John the Baptist. With these 33 representatives that I brought from North America to South America, I am weaving together their nations as subject and object partners. In this way, I am building a bridge for Mother to use.

With those 33 people living in these vast plains, I built a bridge for Mother, connecting South America to North America, then to Japan and finally to Korea. By investing my total devotion to attend Mother in South America, it turned out that everything was accomplished.

South America was challenging for us. However, since we succeeded there and prepared a foundation, it is no longer a problem to hold events anywhere in North America where we have already established a foundation. 

The 16 nations that participated in the Korean War are in the position of Abel. Adding 16 more nations in the Cain position makes the number 32. Including Mother, the number is 33.

Hence, on the foundation of those 33 missionaries, we could establish the realms of the family messiah, tribal messiah and national messiah. On this basis, we can proclaim that we have reached the standard whereby Mother and I have the authority as the world-level Messiahs to freely travel around the globe and create the one world family on this earth. 

That is why on July 30, 1996, we were able to hold the inauguration of the Family Federation for World Peace in Washington, DC. On the first day of November, three months after the first day of August, I proclaimed that with the creation of the Family Federation for World Peace comes the dissolution of indemnity.

Through the Family Federation, we are entering an era when we will receive good fortune. I tell you, the time has arrived when the families of the world will come to us and want to receive the Blessing. (281-039, 1997/01/02) 

5. Up to this point, we have been working hard to restore the Garden of Eden. To this end, we have been expanding the authority of the elder son, the authority of the parents, and the authority of kingship throughout the world, which were all lost by the family in the Garden of Eden.

Thereby, we achieved balance and equality on the horizontal plane and reorganized the family to be centered on God. We established a straight line from the level of the individual to the family level, the tribal level, and the levels of the people, the nation, the world and finally the cosmos. 

These all must unite, just as our mind and body need to unite. Then God will be able to come and go freely anywhere from the level of the individual, to the level of the family, the people, and the nation. 

However, because there were still conditions whereby Satan could oppose God's providence, we True Parents established the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification for the settlement of numerous families and proclaimed the conclusion of indemnity for them. (282-320, 1997/04/07)

6. By serving True Parents better than you serve your parents, you can receive their Blessing and inherit their victory. As their son or daughter, neither Satan nor God can deny your right to inherit their victory. This is the dissolution of indemnity.

When the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is settled, and when you become sons and daughters who attend True Parents as your parents, and your families become absolute families in which you and your spouse can unite with God in love as filial children, patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters, you will be able to inherit the entire victory of True Parents and the absolute authority of God. (280-077, 1996/11/01) 

Chil Pal Jeol (7-8 Day), the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth 

7. Heavenly Father, You lost all the cultures of the East and the West. You lost the land of the fatherland which, based on the unification of North and South Korea, should have been the central nation of all nations of the world.

We, Your people, face a situation where we have to be divided into two, although we should have all received the Blessing to become heaven's extended family. 

Unification Church members understand the fact, derived from history, that we had to once again go through a course of 40 years to rectify the division and conflicts between the ideologies of communism and democracy.

That 40-year period represented 4,000 years of providential history. Yet no one knew Your sorrow and pain, Heavenly Father, about this period during which Satan exercised his sovereign power by collaborating with the people of his world to cause Christianity and Christian nations, and religions and people of religion and faith, to attack Your Will and the True Parents who had come. 

Heavenly Father, You have been pioneering this path alone, alone, utterly alone. Still, under Your guidance, I have fought to prepare a haven of Sabbath rest for You.

Struggling during that 40-year history, I brought victory to You on every level, by making havens where You can rest in individuals, havens where You can rest with husbands and wives, havens where You can rest in the tribe, the nation, the world, and the cosmos.

I have been fighting to make the creation into the ideal environment where You can dwell and freely act as You will. Now I have surmounted every rugged hill. Therefore, today, centering on True Parents, we can welcome the wonderful age when we can proclaim the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath. (286-080, 1997/08/09) 

8. Heavenly Father, on this day, Your Son being 77 years old, we are at a focal point that connects 8 instances of the number 7: my age of 77, 1997, the 7th month, the 7th day of the month, at 7 minutes and 7 seconds past 7 o'clock. Thus, we can go over the number 7 and connect to the number 8, the number of a new start, the start of the year of the Sabbath. 

Because of this, all Unification families can now attend God by virtue of being members of the family of True Parents, who have inherited the tradition of love and the authority of heaven, and who now enable God to rest on the national level, the world level and the cosmic level.

We must connect to God and the True Parents' foundation of Sabbath rest on which they can come and go freely everywhere from the family to the cosmos. We can accomplish this by working to welcome the time when we cross these boundaries and establish the royal sovereignty of the one kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven, where we achieve oneness with God. (286-082, 1997/08/09)

9. Heavenly Father, now the time has come when the stains of the sorrowful tears that flowed from the family of True Parents will disappear. Thus seeking Your liberation, I proclaim in the name of True Parents the dawning of the age in which there will be no hindrance in the comings and goings of True Parents and their church family with all Your beloved children, Your beloved nations, beloved world, and beloved cosmos.

Centering on True Parents, all humankind will reach the highest summit where everyone can freely travel and enjoy the privileges that You bestowed upon them according to the ideal of creation. 

I proclaim that in this way You will be liberated everywhere and all the grievances in Your heart will be eradicated. Thus, I sincerely beseech that You will accept these offerings that we make to You. 

May You receive in Your heart this hour when we are making this proclamation of the Realm of Cosmic Liberation of the Parents of Heaven and Earth. May You proclaim this from heaven. May You raise high the flag of victory in the united realm of the earthly world and the heavenly world. (286-083, 1997/08/09)

10. God lost the home of His peaceful rest. To seek the ideal family in the fallen world is to seek the home of God's peaceful rest. What is the focal point of establishing this home? It is a true family, which can be formed by true parents and true children, centered on true love. 

That is why I am saying the family is the center of everything. Centered on the family, we should establish the clan. You Unification Church members must become clan messiahs and tribal messiahs.

In the family, you should become family messiahs. When you become family messiahs and tribal messiahs and then form a nation, you will become national messiahs and eventually world messiahs. From there the kingdom of heaven on earth is established. 

The Sabbath means that God can rest on any level – from the individual to any level, anywhere in the physical world, even in heaven. When the family is the place of His rest, everyone in it – husband, wife, sons, and daughters –

all attend God and rejoice together. (286-114, 1997/08/09) 11. Heaven had us proclaim the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath based on the foundation of the world-level Blessings of the 30,000, 360,000, and 3.6 million couples. Therefore, we could give the Blessing to 36 million and then 360 million couples. The 360 Million Couples Blessing was an important milestone. 

Now that we have climbed over this mountain, all the people of the world can become one family. 

Adam's family lost the Blessing; they were unable to fulfill it. Thus, people were unable to accomplish it in the nation and the world. However, we brought victory at every level, from the family to the nation and the world centered on True Parents, and for the first time, all humankind can enter the realm of liberation. 

What is important here is that we are welcoming the age of the global family, and we are entering the age when families throughout the world can represent heaven and earth.

Because True Parents have been victorious individually and triumphed over Satan's world in the realms of the family, tribe, people, nation, and world, heaven stands in the domain of freedom. Hence, the day when the Blessing can be freely given, in villages and nations, is dawning before our eyes. (287-109, 1997/09/01) 

Fulfillment of the Completed Testament Age for Beginning God's Kingdom in Heaven and on Earth 

12. In front of True Parents, America did not stand as the elder son. America was like a prodigal son, one of the nations that opposed us the most. But we restored the authority of the elder son to America by recovering for Great Britain and America the positions they had held, based on their victory in the Second World War. Because of this, the True Parents and the elder son became one. 

On this foundation, True Mother and I embarked on the Speaking Tour for the Global Expansion of True Families. We dispatched the saints and others from the spirit world, designating their missions and posts on earth. We did this under our authority as the True Parents.

By mobilizing all these spirits at a time when Korea was becoming distant from the Will, Japan was becoming distant from the Will and America was still far away from the stage when it could fulfill the Will we conducted the International Blessing Ceremony of 360 Million Couples on February 7, 1999. In this way, we took responsibility for all these nations. 

True Parents directly took responsibility for all the failures of the spirit world and the chosen nations on earth. We solidified and secured the positions of Korea, Japan, and America.

This was done through the International Blessing we conducted on February 7, 1999. Then, to expand the foundation of our settlement on the world level, I carried out an eight-city speaking tour in Korea.

Thereafter, Mother took responsibility for continuing the speaking tour in Japan and America. She delivered speeches in 16 cities in Japan, and 24 cities in America, and now she has embarked on a tour of 80 cities in various parts of the world. (300-300, 1999/04/11) 

13. True Parents were the first people to shoulder and accomplish the responsibility for all the failures in the parent-child relationship between God and human beings. For the first time in history, we also took responsibility for what Christianity and even God could not do, which was to prepare the foundation for God to be present on earth.

Through the victories of Korea, Japan, and the United States, and based on the authority of the elder son, we, as the True Parents, took responsibility for what the Christian cultural sphere could not fulfill in 1945, as well as for all its failures during our 40-year wilderness course on the way to Canaan, up to the present day. 

After taking full responsibility and assuming full authority, we were determined to resolve all unsettled matters in history and bring settlement for God on earth.

For this, we decided to launch True Mother's Speaking Tour for the Global Expansion of True Families in 34 nations. The tour includes 33 nations in the Cain cultural sphere representing Jesus' 33 years of life.

Including Korea makes it 34 nations. The purpose of the tour is to bring God's settlement on earth and to establish Him throughout the world. With this tour, we can clear up all the setbacks that occurred during the 34 years when Jesus should have recovered the nation and gone on to the world. It is time to lay our foundation throughout the world. (300-301, 1999/04/11) 

Congratulating the Parents of Heaven and Earth on Their Cosmic-Level Victory 

14. You should have mind-body unity within yourselves. The body is horizontal, and the mind is vertical. 

Together, they constitute an origin-division-union paradigm. However, since the body and mind are separated from God and therefore divided from each other, the Unification Church is striving to unite them.

This should be our first and foremost goal in life. Achieving mind-body unity is the formation-stage origin-division-union paradigm. Achieving unity between husband and wife is the growth-stage origin-division-union paradigm, and then the unity of parents and children is the completion-stage origin-division-union paradigm. 

Unless you accomplish these, you will not be able to go to heaven. Even if your family has received the Blessing, unless you attain this standard, when you go to the other world you will not be able to go to the kingdom of heaven. Instead, you will go to paradise, and there you will have to go through a further course of training. You must meet these requirements even if it takes thousands of years. In that case, a family paradise would have to come into existence. 

True Parents took responsibility to prevent this eventuality by clearing all the major obstacles both vertically and horizontally. Therefore, you will be able to surmount these hills as long as you center on True Parents with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. For this to happen, on June 14, 1999, I made the Proclamation Congratulating the Parents of Heaven and Earth on their Cosmic-Level Victory. In doing so, I concluded everything. (303-135, 1999/08/08) 

15. By the Proclamation Congratulating the Parents of Heaven and Earth on their Cosmic-Level Victory, I established a foundation for the existence of the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, on July 27, 1999, after traveling to South America, I created a holy ground. First, it is the Original Holy Ground; second, it is the Root Holy Ground; and third, it is the Holy Ground of Victory. 

With the loss of the original holy ground in the Garden of Eden, God, the True Parents, and the blessed families all lost what then should have been the original holy ground, the root holy ground, and the victory holy ground. We recovered it by achieving the cosmic-level family.

This is the holy ground that can bring order to history, from its beginning to its end. Therefore, in Jardim, we built the Center for the Education of Ideal Families for World Peace. The kingdom of heaven begins from there. You are to go to the kingdom of heaven by receiving education there and by visiting this holy ground. (303-138, 1999/08/08) 

16. Heavenly Father, it's now 1:15 p.m. on June 14, 1999. On May 14, in the Pantanal, Brazil, in the name of True Parents we have already conducted the Ceremony to Proclaim the Liberation of the Cosmos, and on May 30 we proclaimed the Celebration of True Parents' East-West (Global) Victory at Belvedere.

On that foundation, we are now welcoming this extraordinary and historic point when, based on the victorious realm of True Parents who represent heaven and earth, we can proclaim this victory celebration. 

We understand that ever since the ancestors of humankind sinned in front of You, Heavenly Father, in Your heart, You have been burying all manner of sorrows, which no one could dissolve throughout history.

We understand how despairing and entangled Your heart must be, having watched Satan mock, curse, and revile You. You planned to inaugurate the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven, centered on the family of the original, unfallen, perfected Adam and Eve that would have formed the realm of a loving tribe bonded to Your lineage, and then would have expanded Your lineage to a loving people and a loving nation. But it ended up completely disintegrating. 

However, in these Last Days, when the morals and ethics that would have characterized the perfect family of the original, unfallen Adam and Eve had vanished and the foundation of the family had completely disappeared, True Parents appeared for the first time.

We came to a world that is so unlike the ideal that God wanted to complete in the Garden of Eden, with the mission to connect it to the lineage that You have envisioned through True Parents.

Despite enduring all kinds of suffering from my adolescence through the prime of my life, my wife and I have spread globally the Blessing that engrafts the lineage of Your love to young people whom we have educated with the foundation of morals and ethics of God's family.

Now we have come to the stage at which we are going beyond the Blessing of 400 Million Couples, which connects the five races as brothers and sisters stemming from Your one lineage and binds their hearts with sibling love.
(302-234, 1999/06/14) 

Gu Gu Jeol (9-9 Day), the Day the Parents of Heaven and Earth Open the Realm of Unity and 

Liberation of Heaven and Earth 

17. At 9 minutes and 9 seconds after 9 o'clock, on the 9th day of the 9th month of 1999, on my 79th birthday, I surmounted the realm of the number 9, which is Satan's number of completion. 

The Principle of Restoration explains that due to their relationships caused by the Fall, the realms of both heaven and earth have been in bondage to Satan. Satan blocked all levels, beginning in the womb, to infancy, youth, engagement, marriage, husband and wife, parents, grandparents, and the king's nine levels in all.

Humankind could not achieve the united, ideal realm, the realm where men and women connect through God's lineage.

Being blocked on every level, good and evil emerged and fought in the realms of the womb, infancy, youth, engagement, marriage, husband and wife, parents, grandparents, all the way to the realm of kings. As a result, many people in the Abel realm on God's side lost their lives. 

Nevertheless, unless we, as Abel, bring Cain to surrender voluntarily, and thus recover the authority of the elder son of God's kingdom, we will not be able to establish God's good lineage out of Satan's defiled lineage.

This has been the work of salvation, filled with bitter pain and sorrow. It is the fundamental and mainstream path for the salvation of humankind. I discovered it because I came to the world as the True Parent. (303-253, 1999/09/09) 

18. The number 9 is the highest number that the false parent, Satan, can claim. That is why God should be able to subjugate the number 9. Thus in the Old Testament, God conducted providential work to claim the number 9 by setting up the condition of tithing, which is claiming one out of ten. 

Not only did we have to defeat the number 9, which is the highest of Satan's numbers on the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and world levels, but now that True Parents have surmounted it, through our love on earth we must connect people directly to the path to the kingdom of heaven.

This will happen when True Parents clear up all the issues between the earthly world and the heavenly world and tear down the vertical and horizontal walls that have blocked people from leaving hell on earth and hell in the spirit world.
(303-254, 1999/09/09) 

19. Heavenly Father, a full two years have passed since Chil Pal Jeol (7-8 Day), when we proclaimed the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth. Before entering the year 2000, we have to completely liquidate all the claims made by Satan's world.

To make the transition from 1999 and welcome the 2000s, we must connect to the number 10 on the 10th day of the 9th month of 1999.

This signifies realizing the world without the Fall, the original ideal of creation. It spans the earthly world and the heavenly world in all dimensions, from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation, and world. 

We must do this to achieve the realm of liberation in heaven and on earth, the spherical world of unity that You have long sought according to Your original Will. 

On June 14, 1999, we conducted the Proclamation Congratulating the Parents of Heaven and Earth on their Cosmic-Level Victory. On that foundation, today we can proclaim the Day the Parents of Heaven and Earth Open the Realm of the Unity and Liberation of Heaven and Earth. (303-255, 1999/09/09) 

20. Heavenly Father, beginning on September 9, 1999, people need to obey and surrender in front of this proclamation, which is Your proclamation. Even those who have opposed You to this point need to turn 180 degrees to the direction of goodness by demonstrating absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience.

By doing so, they need to rectify through indemnity the failure of the archangel, who did not follow You the Great Subject Partner in the Garden of Eden and to restore the heavenly bond between You and Your creation with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. 

Now we True Parents, as Your partners, stand before You as the Parents of Heaven and Earth, with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. You have absolute faith in all humanity and all things of creation.

By Your absolute love, they will come into absolute obedience to You following Your authority of absolute liberation. Thereby, not only the archangel Lucifer but also hell will be liberated. This we proclaim on this 9-9 Day, in the name of True Parents. (303-257, 1999/09/09) 

Sam Shib Jeol (3-10 Day), the Day the Parents of Heaven and Earth Conduct the Ceremony for the 

Unity and Liberation of Heaven and Earth 

21. Heavenly Father, at 10 minutes after 10, on the 10th day of the 9th month of 1999, I proclaim the Day the Parents of Heaven and Earth Conduct the Ceremony for the Unity and Liberation of Heaven and Earth.

Yesterday we proclaimed 9-9 Day. We were able to do so because the world had gone beyond the stage in which families on earth were making relationships with me, True Father, as my younger siblings or my children. After all, Mother and I had reached the stage at which we had been inaugurated as the Parents of Heaven and Earth, who represent to humankind the original relationship of husband and wife, the original parents, and the original king and queen. 

This was achieved on the foundation of 7–8 Days when I proclaimed the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and after the Proclamation Congratulating the Parents of Heaven and Earth on their Cosmic-Level Victory.

Therefore, we can now proclaim the Parents of Heaven and Earth and at the same time praise Your victory. 

We established Gu Gu Jeol (9-9 Day) on this foundation of proclaiming the age of great change of heaven and earth. Chil Pal Jeol (7-8 Day) marked the boundary line of goodness centered on God.

With this boundary line, by straightening up everything in Satan's world that was in opposition to God, I established Gu Gu Jeol (9-9 Day), so that all can return to God. And then, based on that foundation, after choosing the 10th minute of the 10th hour on the 10th day of the 9th month of 1999, we were able to welcome Sam Shib Jeol (3-10 Day), the Day the Parents of Heaven and Earth Conduct the Ceremony for the Unity and Liberation of Heaven and Earth. (304-057, 1999/09/10) 

22. Heavenly Father, based on Gu Gu Jeol (9-9 Day), today on Sam Shib Jeol (3-10 Day) we are conducting the Ceremony for the Unity and Liberation of Heaven and Earth in the name of True Parents. 

Now the Parents of Heaven and Earth, who stand at the summit in all areas, can embrace the entire cosmos centering on You, and offer the grace of the Blessing. 

After 9–9 days, those who went to an opposite path were brought back to You, and this prepared them to stand in the realm of 3–10 Days. Thus, all can take the same direction and stand in the realm of Your dominion. In this way, we brought all that was established by 7-8 Day and 9-9 Day, which encompassed the numbers 7, 8, and 9, under Your dominion.

When we established those days, we built a buffer zone, a realm of unity, between the boundary line of heaven and the boundary line of Satan. However, now, by claiming dominion over all numbers – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 – which had been in Satan's realm, we can dedicate the standard that all numbers – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 – are united on the side of God. (304-057, 1999/09/10) 

23. Heavenly Father, we proclaimed 7-8 Day and 9-9 Day, uniting every level from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos. On this foundation, we now establish 3-10 Day, which enables us to go over every hill.

We thereby have reached a pinnacle whereby we can come and go freely through all numbers from 1 to 10, no matter how many digits, whether 100, 1,000, or a billion or more. In this way, we have established our dominion as the owners of all things in the universe with the authority of all generations, numbering many thousands. 

On this day, 3-10 Day, we True Parents received and acted upon every direction that You, Heavenly Father, asked of us. In proclaiming this day, we resolve that it will be a day of proclamation for all eternity.

We pray that everyone in the cosmos will voluntarily follow and begin establishing the tradition accordingly. I proclaim all this before heaven and earth, both in the name of True Parents and in the name of the vertical God. (304-059, 1999/09/10) 

24. On the 10th minute of the 10th hour of the 10th day of the 9th month of 1999, I proclaim 3-10 Day. 

Currently, on September 10 at 10:10 a.m., in addition to the 9th day of September, we have three 10s. 

In the providence of restoration, everything is all right based on the number 3, which signifies completion. Having completed the number 3, the Old Testament Age is okay, the New Testament Age is okay, and the Completed Testament Age is okay. 

In terms of restoration, the number 10 represents the number of return and the number of completion as well. Being above the number 9, the number 10 surmounts Satan's apex, which comes from the number 3 multiplied by 3 stages. So the fact that we can claim the number 10, heaven's number, is truly historic. 

This signifies the completion of the Old Testament, New Testament, and Completed Testament ages. 

We are going through a transition into the age where we will be governed under the dominion of love according to the ideal of the original creation. It brings with it the heavenly fortune to realize the unification of North and South Korea, the unification of the East and the West, and the unification of the North and the South, where the gap between the wealthy and the poor will be closed.
(304-060, 1999/09/10) 

25. Through the ceremony that I conducted today, September 10, 1999, Adam's family has reached the standard of perfection that God wanted to see. Therefore, now we can enter the age to connect this family to God's kingdom on the levels of the tribe, people, nation, and world. Satan no longer has any basis to exercise his power.

Humankind, who was taking a path opposite to God, has now turned around. As a result, we have come to the point where people from both sides can put their heads together. Since the numbers 9 and 10 are now united, the buffer zone and boundary line that had been set up based on 7–8 days will now disappear.

Thus, all can enter the dominion of God. (304-063, 1999/09/10)

26. What is the meaning of 3–10 Days? Jehovah God sent the Messiah in the position of Abel, and from that position, he is to complete the entire providence on God's behalf on the individual, tribal, people, and national levels.

The Messiah represents Abel and the authority of the elder son of the central nation. Until the era of the Second Advent, everything had been part of the preparation for his departure on the path toward fulfilling the work of True Parents on the world stage.

This was to bestow the Blessing of True Parents on the world stage. I have now completed that mission, the Cosmic Expansion of the Marriage Blessing and the Rooting Out of Satan's Lineage. 

On this foundation, I conducted the Ceremony to Proclaim the Liberation of the Cosmos on May 14, 1999, in the Pantanal and removed the borderlines of Satan's world. Because Satan's borderlines were removed and the borderline of the heavenly kingdom was set up, equalization is possible.

Now everyone has the same landing pad. Now God's children, whether in the physical world or the spiritual world, will face no obstacles or interference in fulfilling their portion of responsibility for their parent-child, husband-wife, and brother-sister relationships.

Having thus expanded the form of the family of the original lineage worldwide, I have marked this day, September 10, 1999, as a day of victory.
(304-103, 1999/09/10) 

The Era in Which We Report Prayers in Our Names 

27. Up to the present you have prayed, “Please do this; please let that be done” God then listened to your prayers and fulfilled everything for you. However, after receiving all that from God, you need to do what I have done: face Satan's world of the flesh, invest all your mind and body, fight and win.

You understand all this. If so, why do you need to pray like that? The age of pleading through prayer is over. From now on, you should pray in alignment with your responsibility, saying, “I understand what I need to do, and I will do it.” 

You should no longer pray “in the name of True Parents.” Instead, pray, “I pray this in the name of __________ (your name) who received the Blessing in the name of True Parents.” You should say, “I pray this in the name of ________ (your name), a true child by the merit of True Parents.” Furthermore, you should not just pray, but say, “I report this…” The age of praying for this and that and asking God to do this and that is passing. God already gives everything to us. 

Henceforth, you need to understand the victorious foundation True Parents have established, and you should be determined to do as we have done, that is, to fulfill the responsibility of a son or daughter to achieve actual results.

As a true child, you will have to carry out your responsibility as an individual, and also carry out your responsibilities for your family, your tribe, your people, and your nation. Your family must become a family of filial children and patriots. (304-129, 1999/09/14)

28. All of you can inherit true love, but to do so you have to pray differently. As members of the Unification Church, you must not only pray for your sons and daughters to do well. You must pray for the sake of the kingdom of heaven on earth and the kingdom of heaven in heaven.

There is the kingdom of heaven on earth on different levels: the individual level, the family level and the national level. When you pray for these kingdoms, the boundary lines separating peoples and nations will disappear. This is what God wants. 

Furthermore, rather than praying first, you should first go out, work hard, and report afterward. If you have nothing to report, you should kneel and repent. You have to repent for your failures or your negativity.

You need to honestly report about it, and say, “This is what I did,” or “I did this much.” And then make a promise to God about what you will do to make it up. After I came to America, I was more focused on action than on praying. I focused on carrying out my vows to God. (304-130, 1999/09/14)

29. This is the age when you pray in your name, when you leave behind the time of praying in True Parents' name. This means you are taking responsibility for the content of your prayer.

You must become the embodiment of your prayer. Do not pray carelessly. In whose name do you think Jesus prayed? He would have prayed in the name of the Son, in the name of the only-begotten Son.

However, we must establish the family. Therefore, we cannot omit the word, “family,” which includes your husband and all the other members of your family. (304-135, 1999/09/14) 

Ssang Shib Jeol (10-10 Day) 

30. Today is October 10, the 10th day of the 10th month of 1999. It is the day when the number 10 in heaven and the number 10 on earth become one. Therefore, when you pray, you should now pray in your name.

I declared this on September 14. What this means is that we are now beyond the realm of indemnity. Hence, you should now give the Blessing to your sons and daughters. You need to do so. 

Praying in your name means that you can now give the blessing to your children. Your faith may not be deep enough; you may not meet the requisite conditions. However, because you can now give the Blessing to your sons and daughters, you are entering the realm of the Fourth Adam. 
(304-155, 1999/10/10) 

31. Ssang Shib Jeol (10-10 Day) is the day when heaven and earth can completely unite. Thus far, you who came from fallen families were brought to liberation by completely centering on True Parents, the embodiments of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience.

In achieving this, you are to go beyond the realms of the First Adam, the Second Adam, and the Third Adam and enter the realm of the Fourth Adam. 

To enter the realm of the Fourth Adam, you should be able to indemnify all of your sins from a position of self-reliance and report to God independently. That is why from now on, you can and should pray in your name.

Moreover, the family that prays in their name can and should give the Blessing to their sons and daughters. (304-155, 1999/10/10) 

32. I already proclaimed in 1998 that the realm of the Fourth Adam must come. Today, on Ssang Shib Jeol (10-10 Day), we have gone beyond this. The realm of the Fourth Adam has arrived.

That is why October has become a glorious month. October 4 was the day I was liberated from Seodaemun Prison, and October 14 was the day I was liberated from Hungnam Prison. With these two 4s, I proclaimed the cosmic Sa Sa Jeol (4-4 Day). I proclaimed the family level 4-4 Day in Kodiak and the cosmic level 4-4 Day in Uruguay.

This means that once we connect to God's ideal of the four-position foundation, we can surmount Satan's obstacles. Having made all the conditions with which to subjugate Satan, we are now entering the age when indemnity is no longer necessary. This is the age of the realm of the Fourth Adam. 

It is no longer the age of restoration through indemnity; it is rather the age of restoration naturally. (304-160, 1999/10/10) 

Day of Liberation by Giving the Blessing to All Heaven and Earth 

33. Since proclaiming 10-10 Day on October 10, we have passed through 10 days plus 3 more days to arrive at today, October 23, 1999. I proclaim it the Day of Liberation by Giving the Blessing to All Heaven and Earth. Today, adding another 10 to the numbers 10 and 10 from 10-10 Day, we have 30. 

Adding 3 makes 33. Because today is the day this is achieved, from the providential perspective, the time has come to bring to a conclusion all that True Parents have proclaimed up to now. 

We have gone through the Old Testament Age, the New Testament Age, and the Completed Testament Age, through the First Adam, the Second Adam, and the Third Adam. During the past 40 years, we recovered what was divided spiritually and physically and indemnified the entire substantial realm. 

However, that is not enough. Now that we have gone over this hill, my proclamation today is that we must establish on this earth the realm of Adam's eternal victory. It is a realm having nothing to do with the Fall, a realm of unfallen, created beings. This is the age of the realm of the Fourth Adam, which I announced earlier. 

In the age of the realm of the Fourth Adam, I am placing all the Unification Church members who received the Blessing throughout the world in the position that Adam and Eve would have been in had they received the Blessing without having fallen.

These members are in the position of having received that Blessing on the foundation of having inherited the victorious realms of the First Adam, the Second Adam, and the Third Adam.

The condition for this is their heart of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience to the True Parents of Heaven and Earth, which brings them into oneness with True Parents. On that basis, they have to liquidate everything through the Total Living Offering. 

God lamented the Fall of Adam and Eve, and that lamentation spread from the Lord of Creation throughout all the realms of substantial beings.

But now that we, the True Parents, have fulfilled all the indemnity conditions passed down through the history of religion, we have secured the position of owners who should liberate all things of creation, liberate all fallen children, liberate the family of Adam and Eve, and finally liberate God. Once these things have been done, everything will be finished. 

We had to pick one day for this purpose and clean up everything from the past. That day is today. To achieve this, we had all Unification Church families make the Total Living Offering as their indemnity condition.

Today on Ssang Shib Jeol, the 10-10 Day, with their offerings as the condition we bequeathed to them the blessing of entering the realm of the Fourth Adam.
(304-169, 1999/10/23)

34. All things of creation were in lamentation until the coming of the True Parents. Unable to center on True Parents, they could not enter the world of God's love and live under His dominion.

We need to liberate them from the state of lamentation. It is the same with your children; your children are not yet in the realm of grace where they can be liberated, and therefore they must enter the realm of liberation. 

Next, your family has not yet gone beyond the realm of making indemnity conditions. You can bring your family beyond that realm by making the condition of giving the Blessing to others, giving True Parents' victory to others. 

Next, your family has not yet completed the work of liberating your tribe, your people, and your nation. 

Although Satan had been exercising his full power on the national level, we crushed his power. We made all the necessary indemnity conditions so that you can connect the nations to heaven, exercising God's full authority.

In Kodiak, I announced a great change, that we are entering the age when God can be present everywhere, immanence, with all authority and all power. This was the proclamation of overcoming everything. 

Thus today, October 23, 1999, I am proclaiming the unity of the four great realms of heart, the liberation of the realms of creation, the liberation of children, the liberation of husband and wife, the liberation of parents, and the liberation of the Parents of Heaven and Earth.

Once you believe in the standard of this victory, you can enter the realm of God's absolute ownership, where God can freely act in your life.

Based on your absolute faith, the absolute liberation of all things, the absolute liberation of children, the absolute liberation of couples, and the absolute liberation of families, clans, and nations, will take place. Then it will not be long before Satan's world comes to an end. (304-172, 1999/10/23)

35. Heavenly Father, on this day, October 23, 1999, I proclaim the liberation of all things of creation, the liberation of all children, the liberation of all husbands and wives, the liberation of True Parents in the earthly world, and the liberation of all beings in the heavenly world. It is the transition to a new age. 

On the foundation of proclaiming 7-8 Day, 9-9 Day, and 3-10 Day, all Your blessed children now can ask for God's blessings on behalf of True Parents. They can even reach the level to suggest all manner of paths to pioneer for heaven, and by doing so, any of them can receive heaven's entire inheritance.

By this ceremony that transfers the victorious realm of True Parents to the heavenly world and the earthly world, we have ushered in a new age. In this new age under heaven, Satan's entire realm can be eliminated. This means all the realms of creation – of children, husband and wife, and parents can declare the beginning of glory. 

From this moment on, through this ceremony, in the name of True Parents and the name of Jehovah, the True Parent of the Cosmos, we proclaim that all things of creation are liberated, all children are liberated, all husbands and wives are liberated, True Parents are liberated, and the Creator in heaven, the Parent of the Cosmos, is liberated.

Along with their liberation, may heaven and earth be united as the world where You are sovereign, under the dominion of Your ideal love, so that it may advance in the one direction, on Your path alone, toward the world where the sovereignty of Your love is victorious. (304-174, 1999/10/23) 

Completion of True Parents' Providential Responsibility 

36. Once we can say “Completion of Providential Responsibility,” it means that everything is finished. 

Who has been fulfilling the responsibility? It is God. Until today, God did the work that we did not want to do, which we call the providence of salvation.

Originally, God did not envision a providence of salvation; He had intended to complete His Will as the ideal of creation alone. However, because our original ancestors allowed Satan to invade, a different world was created, which overwhelmed the sphere of God's original work in history.

Instead of following His original plan, God had to take responsibility for saving humankind by carrying out the work of providence. (313-262, 1999/12/26)

37. History thus far has unfolded not from the perspective of the original Will, but as the providence of salvation. If God had become the Owner as He had originally envisioned, the false owner, Satan, would not have come to exist. God created all things of the creation for His son and daughter.

Therefore, they should have thoroughly understood the meaning of all God's work for the Will as revealed through their Father-child relationship with Him. However, due to that other owner, who had appeared and taken over the world, God could not disclose these matters, and humankind began a history of ignorance.

That is why human beings have not understood anything fundamental but, having plunged into the realm of the Fall, have remained ignorant of all fundamental matters, including God, His original Will, and the perspective of His providence. (313-262, 1999/12/26) 

38. When we say, “Completion of True Parents' Providential Responsibility,” what do we mean by the completion of responsibility?

It means completely elucidating God's view of providence, disclosing all the mysteries, clarifying all misunderstandings, and connecting us to the standard of His heart when He created the first human beings. True Parents completed their responsibility for these things, centered on God. 

No one had understood how human history began and why it played out the way it did. However, I have discovered God's ideal of creation, what happened to His relationship with His son and daughter, Adam and Eve, and how to build connections between Him and all people on earth.

I discovered the Principle by which we can build and complete the kingdom of heaven in the earthly world and the heavenly world on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, and nation. (313-263, 1999/12/26)

39. If all the ideals that God had for the Will had been realized, all would have become like one body. 

That is, when God moved as the Father, His son Adam would have moved, and all created things, which symbolize that son, would have moved in unity with him. If this had occurred, the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, cosmos, and even the eternal world would have moved as one, as His perfect embodiments.

Had they become one with God, every single entity would have been complete and perfect, manifesting complete and perfect value. They would have created one substantial and ideal realm. 

Had God and human beings become one, all created things would have made an environment in which to nurture human beings, sustain them, and provide everything they needed for a comfortable life.

All created things in the physical world would have existed for human beings.
(313-265, 1999/12/26)

40. What is the responsibility that True Parents need to fulfill from the viewpoint of the providence? It is to teach you that “marriage” as it occurs in nature throughout the universe can be connected with human marriage, and that human marriage can be connected with marriage in heaven, in the spirit world.

True Parents have also been teaching you your responsibility, which is to fulfill your duty to bring your marriage under God's blessing. The core teaching for this is love – love that is absolute, unique, eternal, and unchanging, which can come only from the One.

Anyone who connects to such love naturally becomes a being who is absolute, unique, eternal, and unchanging. Only through love can we become such people. (313-273, 1999/12/26) 

The Founding of WFWP and the Proclamation of the Women’s Era
The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the Women’s Era - True Parents LegacyTrue Parents declared the era of the Family Federation for World Peace (FFWP) on May 1, 1994, exactly 40 years after the founding of HSA-UWC, on the foundation of True Parents’ Holy Wedding and