3 min read

Please Let Us Cut Off Our Relationship With The Realm Of Satan And Find Our Original Parents

Father! Because we are those who were born from evil, we must be born again to goodness.

Father! Because we are those who were born from evil, we must be born again to goodness. This destiny of having to be born twice is a very miserable one. Isn't living as a stepchild very regrettable even in the world?

We are not at the level of stepchildren; since we were born as the children of the enemy, we must find our original parents, but that path is never a smooth one. Therefore, we are receiving countless attacks from the spears, swords, and arrows of Satan.

But we will have to cut the ties that are binding our bodies and go forth.

We will have to collide with those who are binding us, and cut them off with our mouths or cut them off with our strength. We know thattoo do that, we will have to go through a miserable course of history where we will not be able to help shedding blood.

How great your sorrow must be over having sons and daughters like us when you cannot advise us even as you watch this. We must come to know that your heart is like that. We must become sons and daughters who know how to experience your situation, the heart of a parent whose pathetic breast is constricting at a point that cannot be expressed when his son who sinned is dragged away by the court and stands on the gallows.

We must know how to feel your pitiful heart as you watched your sons and daughters who were born with the central value of the universe and who could not be represented by anything else be dragged away by the touch of the enemy and your heart as you have gone forward silently hoping for a time of hope.

We bow down before your anxious heart, before your mind which is hoping for sons of hope like that, and we are thinking about you, our wretched father who has been struggling to find his lost sons and daughters even if it will take billions and trillions of years. When we think that even when that wretchedness unfolded in reality in the course of history, and even while in such a position you have not been able to receive pity, we realize that we deserve to be cursed over and over again. But we know that you have endured all that and forgiven us because if you cursed us, you would be in the position of cursing your children. We must follow this example of forgiveness and patience which you have given us, Father.

We know that the person who seeks heaven in circumstances more pitiful than anyone else on earth remains in history. And indeed the people who know this way and who are going this way are people to be pitied. They are lonely orphans of the world. They are people who are in a situation they cannot complain about to anyone.

Even if they had a nation, they could not believe that nation, and even if they had the world, they could not have hope in that world. In that way, everywhere they went they could find you only if they stood in the position of being struck by the spears, arrows, and swords of the enemy. We know that our being able to form a deep, heartistic relationship with you in this way is a tragic reality that we alonecano have.

From that kind of position as sons and daughters who inherit your indignant heart, we will have to be able to call you "Father" sincerely while in your presence.

Therefore, we know that we cannot go your way without shedding blood.

Therefore, thinking of the history of the blood shed by Abel, we must become a fortress surrounded by walls of blood for the sake of our Father, and we must prepare a foundation of eternal rest, a citadel that can receive your sympathy. And please allow us to become heaven's true children who can eternally defend you and comfort your misery, Father.

We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.

Please Allow Us To Find The True Path Even In The Midst Of Confusion
This time now is like the time when the Israelite people were in confusion 2,000 years ago, the time when the Messiah had to come.