22 min read

True Mother's Guidance during the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown Tour

Beginning in the United States, with a rally in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on April 28, 2006, True Mother went on a 180-nation world speaking tour, ending August 19.

Beginning in the United States, with a rally in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on April 28, 2006, True Mother went on a 180-nation world speaking tour, ending August 19.

In addition to presiding over Universal Peace Federation gatherings for the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown, she offered much guidance and encouragement to church members.

Having inherited the victory of True Father's 120-nation speaking tour, and accompanied by True Children, she conducted Blessing events and proclaimed True Parents' teachings.

By doing this, True Mother restored the realm of the united Cain and Abel and the realm of lineage Eve had lost. She spread to the world the grace of changing lineage, together with a new proclamation of the Word. 

America and Asia 

1. You are living in an age of tremendous blessing. Unlike the time of Jesus 2,000 years ago, we now have clear convictions about the future. Accordingly, today we understand how we need to proceed.

The words of True Parents are your textbooks; they will guide you. Please understand why even Father, who is the substantial embodiment of these words, does Hoon Dok Hae every day. The vision True Parents presents to you today is not a dream; it is reality.

It is our responsibility to realize that vision. Because you are constantly encountering True Parents' words, you cannot use ignorance as an excuse. I hope in the future you will be able to stand in a position worthy of your descendants' praise.

This Miami region of the United States is especially important because it connects North and South America. I hope you will become the central people who will bring these two continents into unity and substantially accomplish True Parents' will. (True Mother, 2006/05/04) 

2. On June 16, 1996, Father convened the first meeting of the Federation of Island Nations for World Peace for the sake of realizing world peace by bringing island nations together. After connecting island nations, what must we do?

Until now, island nations, which are spread throughout the Pacific Ocean, have been subordinate to continents. These island nations should combine their power and put forth their voices in this age of the ocean.

They should take the lead to realize world peace. We are drawing near the time when island nations will become truly important. Unlike movement on the continents, movement in the oceans is free; you can go anywhere. Fish move around freely.

Looking at the ocean, we see a region that symbolizes people coming and going freely without obstruction. 

True Father especially loves the sea. I am sure he saw pictures of this rally while fishing in Yeosu, Korea. 

You carried out the Universal Peace Federation gathering for the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown here in Manila on May 28, 2006. This 180-nation Universal Peace Federation tour is a period of special grace when we can inherit God's true lineage through True Parents and True Children.

God desires a world where all people transcend national borders, races, and religions, and live peacefully. As Filipino church members, you must lead other countries in renewing your determination for the sake of accomplishing the Will of God. You must put this into practice. (True Mother, 2006/05/29) 

3. The work Father has been planning will be accomplished. From a geographic perspective, India occupies an important location for the realization of peace in Asia. As I was touring various nations of the world, I was struck by the fact that there is not one country that has not been influenced by China's power. 

In the future, India will rise as a strong nation, together with China. However, a problem now is that the major powers are expanding their influence while thinking only of their nation's interest, without any relation to God's Will. 

From this viewpoint, we can see that India has a major role to play in realizing world peace. This nation should stand at the forefront of God's Will. The time has come when you need to manifest actual results. 

You mustn't simply live a ritualistic life of faith, just floating along while listening to sermons. If you carry out your activities enthusiastically, every nation in the world will help you.

You need to especially take care of those people who came to this evening's meeting. I hope you embrace them with warm hearts. Please make strong connections of heart so that they will want to see you, and you will be able to visit them often. (True Mother, 2006/06/03) 

4. You young people are a great source of hope for Cambodia. Of course, you need to study hard at your universities, but more than that you need to understand the importance of purity.

You have to start a purity campaign for your peers and lead them to the marriage Blessing. You need to live a model life and practice a life of living for the sake of others in your school. Father teaches church members every day, but he always conducts Hoon Dok Hae too. That is because the Word is important. 

How tragic it is when people in this world go to the spirit world without knowing their true Parents! The history of witnessing in Cambodia is short, but if you take the lead with each member saving 10 people or 100 people, you can quickly extend your roots and sprout branches. If you do this, it won't be long before this country is restored. 

Thailand and Cambodia use similar alphabets. There are church members who came here today from Thailand; you are one family, brothers, and sisters under God. Now if these two countries join hands and cooperate, you will certainly harvest substantial results with which God can be happy.
(True Mother, 2006/06/05) 

5. Some of you Mongolian women are engaged in remarkable activities, and there are many women here who surpass men in various fields. Accordingly, women need to take the lead and work so that no one in this country does not know True Parents.

The time has come when you as women can determine victory or defeat. Especially if Mongolian women make strenuous efforts, this nation will be restored to God within a short time.

It is said that “the husband is heaven and the wife is earth,” so the men too should make strenuous efforts. If men and women cooperate in restoring this nation, that will shorten the time frame even more. I hope all of you will work hard. (True Mother, 2006/06/17)

6. To accomplish any goal you set in this world, you need to work 10 times or 100 times harder than others. You should set the personal goal of making these teachings known to everyone around you.

Invest your efforts to achieve that. You have to do your best, especially to have all your blood relatives receive the Blessing. Think that the extent of your efforts will determine how quickly this nation will develop. 

There is no blessing greater for Kyrgyzstan than that of rising by implementing these teachings. 

Kyrgyzstan has been living without a name until now because it was suppressed by the Soviet empire. If this country is to avoid such a fate in the future, you need to inform all citizens about True Parents.

We cannot say that our event on June 18, 2006, was adequate, but we did succeed in sowing a seed. There is nothing more hopeful than that.

We do not have much time. You need to accomplish excellent results in front of True Parents as soon as possible. (True Mother, 2006/06/18)

7. Never forget the fact that each of you who lives in Kazakhstan is a revolutionary, and you are receiving enormous blessings such that you can stand in the same position as the Lord of Creation. True Father has said that this fallen world is like a field of wild olive trees.

Blessed families have been engrafted with cuttings from the true olive tree. Accordingly, do not allow all those wild olive trees in the world to remain the way they are. You have to make cuts in the wild olive trees and engraft branches from the true olive tree onto them.

Invest your sincere devotion for the sake of fulfilling your mission and responsibility as blessed families. Work openly so that others will be able to participate in the ranks of the Blessing. 

We cannot even begin to imagine how much effort God had to invest before He could welcome Cheon Il Guk. True Father endured prison six times without committing any crime. Even while going through all of that, for your sake, True Parents led the providence right until the end. From that perspective, blessed families have incurred a great debt in front of God and True Parents.

Our original minds do not want us to return only 90 percent of what we receive, keeping ten percent for ourselves. It is just the opposite. Our original minds want us to return more than 100 percent, even 120 percent.

Until now, True Parents have paid all the indemnity and laid this foundation for success, but now is the time for blessed families to step forward. You should work in such a way that every last person knows the Will. You have to inform people of the world about True Parents.

True Parents have appeared in the current era. You need to help people understand the importance of this time, the age in which we live together with the True Parents. (True Mother, 20//06/06/20) 

The Middle East, Europe, and Africa 

8. The situation in the Middle East is very complex. In previous world tours, we were often stopped from going to dangerous areas. Nonetheless, because True Parents are in the position of having to save the whole world, we cannot stay away even from dangerous places. 

We see that the reason conflict and antagonism continue in this region is that the people have not received God's Will. With God as the center, you have to reach beyond relationships of mutual understanding and join hands with those who misunderstand you.

In God's eyes, there can be no divisions between white and black, and there can be no walls between religions, peoples, or cultures. I emphasized these points at our rally in Jordan on June 30, 2006. 

People in the Middle East have to face the current reality, instead of clinging to the past. The Middle East will welcome eternal peace only when its people live their lives attending True Parents and accurately understand God's Will for this time.

We are one family, brothers, and sisters under God, and you should not forget that God is our eternal True Parent. God established this nation of Jordan.

All the brothers and sisters of Jordan need to understand the Will of God, who established Jordan, and work for the sake of realizing that Will.
(True Mother, 2006/07/01) 

 9. You have to be proud of True Parents and testify to them. You have to become people who resemble True Parents and work for the sake of realizing their will. True Parents' teachings are the guidebooks and textbooks to help you live such lives.

The important task for you as blessed families is to fulfill the mission of tribal messiahs. One day, you too will go to the spirit world. If you fail to fulfill your responsibility on earth, your tribe members who are alive today will accuse you of not letting them know about True Parents.

The only way to avoid being accused in this manner is to inform everyone in your tribe, without exception, about the True Parents. 

In particular, you members of the Malta church need to establish a foundation to receive assistance from the spirit world. You need to establish a reciprocal standard so that good spirits can come down and work in this country. From now on, you have to implement changes in your daily lives.

This means that now is the time you have to invest your effort with utmost sincerity. We are happy people. This is because we are living with and attending True Parents, something that no one else in this world is doing. Never forget that God is with us. (True Mother, 2006/07/02) 

10. On July 2, 2006, we victoriously concluded the Universal Peace Federation gathering for the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown here in Warsaw, Poland. I think with just the people who attended that gathering, there is enough manpower to bring Poland to God. To

To achieve that, you need to accelerate your efforts and work quickly with the help of those people to restore Poland. It is up to you to shorten the period. You have to receive God's Will for the sake of Poland so that it becomes a nation that receives God's blessing.

Everyone who attended this program was inspired. I hope that you will share even greater happiness with them in the future and raise them well.
(True Mother, 20/06/0703)

11. Romania's history is as honorable as that of Rome. Until now, you have lived as wild olive trees, but in the future, God will hold greater interest in your country after you become perfected, true olive trees. 

It is okay to engage in intense competition if we compete with good motivation. People from many nations are gathered here today. What is important is which nation will be the first to fulfill God's Will.

Many members and ambassadors for peace worked very hard for the success of the Universal Peace Federation gathering for the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown that was held here in Romania on July 3, 2006. This is the beginning.

Those who are active and full of life will prosper, but those who are idle will decline. When we consider all European nations, this nation's development can be improved in various respects.

Romania will rise to the position of a developed nation in God's sight if it stands at the forefront, focusing on His Will. (True Mother, 20/06/0704)

12. True Parents' teachings are the medicine that will make Slovakia a healthy nation. There is no medicine better than these teachings. I understand that many of society's problems, starting with family problems and youth problems, are arising in this nation.

We successfully concluded the rally on July 4, 2006, but our work did not end there. It is just beginning. When you are empowered with these teachings and put them into practice, Slovakia will prosper and wax strong.
(True Mother, 2006/07/05) 13.

We are conducting the Universal Peace Federation gathering for the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown. You do not know how joyful all humanity is that we are holding Blessing ceremonies in every country.

Because of Russia's church-state relations, some countries in Eastern Europe could not receive the grace of the Blessing. Whether we see this from God's viewpoint or the human viewpoint, it is contrary to God's Will. Nonetheless, we must give everyone life using the Blessing. 

That we can attend True Parents in the age of Cheon Il Guk and participate in this type of event is like a miracle. The fact that Slovakia participated in this historic event is truly a miracle.

When I think about the countries that could not participate, I realize that you are very fortunate people. You need to reflect on how you can return that degree of joy to God. 

Happiness that you enjoy alone is not true happiness. The more you share your happiness, the more bountifully it will return to you. Put true love into practice while feeling the happiness that comes from giving more than you receive. (True Mother, 2006/07/05) 

14. God created us so that we would practice true love in this world. Are you living that kind of life? Are you living like that for the sake of your family, tribe, and nation?

From now on, you have to be determined to live like that, studying our teachings enthusiastically and practicing true love. I am grateful that people from many other nations participated in this rally in Bosnia. We have sown the seed in this nation. 

However, you, as Bosnians, have the responsibility to nurture this seed well, and in a healthy manner. 

Therefore, you need to work to build close relationships with your neighboring countries and bring about greater development. (True Mother, 2006/07/07) 

15. We say that a fruit is ripe when it bursts with flavor. Economic growth is important for Albania to become a rich and powerful nation, but for this, it needs to become a strong nation spiritually.

If Albania is empowered with the Word, within a few years it will become a prosperous and vital nation. When True 

Parents started this movement in the 1950s in Korea, there were less than 100 members. Since Albania has 300 members, within ten years you will be able to make this nation strong and prosperous. 

The future of Albania is in your hands. (True Mother, 2006/07/07)

16. I have visited many nations before coming to Kenya, and I have observed that True Parents' teachings produce miracles. Up to now, life in Africa may have been difficult, but if you are born anew through these teachings, you will become strong and prosperous and will make major contributions to the world. 

It is important for you not to lose this opportunity. Therefore, you now have no reason to envy any other nation.

In the Bible, it is recorded that Jesus said, "The last will be first, and the first will be last."

This describes the age in which we live. Do not let God's blessing slip out from between your fingers. (True Mother, 2006/07/19) 

17. I understand that Tanzania is facing many challenges today. I have heard that there are many orphans here who lost their parents because of family problems or AIDS.

Other countries in Africa also face this kind of sad situation. For this reason, Africa urgently needs a movement for purity and a movement for true family values. You must go forth and purify Africa anew through movements for purity and true family values. 

Korea in the 1950s after the war was more difficult than your current situation. At that time, Father mobilized a few people to lay the foundation on which Korea could grow and prosper.

In those difficult pioneering days, Father launched a campaign for education throughout the country, focusing on middle and high school students. He taught reading and writing in the countryside and concentrated his efforts in rural communities. Because he made that foundation, Korea now takes its place among the ranks of advanced nations. 

Your current condition is not as difficult as Korea was at that time. There are other nations nearby that are in a situation similar to yours. Furthermore, you have many nations that can assist you.

If you maintain the consciousness of being an owner and move forward enthusiastically, if you are determined to revive this country, thinking that a 24-hour day is too short, there will be hope for this nation. (True Mother, 2006/07/21) 

18. You need to stand at the forefront of restoring Ethiopia and turn it into a strong nation. To achieve that, you have to launch a citizens' educational campaign. The ambassadors for peace gathered here should do the same.

You have to begin this movement with your family and with the people around you. You need to practice a life of true love so that all citizens can live in happiness and peace. 

Father started alone from a place where he had nothing. He started without anyone's help. Yet, he built this worldwide foundation. We can only call it a miracle. Of course, it was possible because God was with us. 

I hope you do not forget that God is also with you. (True Mother, 2006/07/21) 

South America and Oceania 

19. While touring Africa, I mentioned the fact that True Father mobilized our members and launched a citizens' educational campaign in circumstances where Korea lay in ruins as a result of the Korean War. 

At that time, because there were not many adult members in the church, even a lot of middle and high school students were mobilized. They enthusiastically developed a campaign to teach literacy and awaken the national spirit.

True Father created this to help spread the Korean government's New Village Movement to the entire nation, thus playing a major role in making Korea the prosperous country it is today.

With the addition of the “New Mind Movement,” which was based on the teachings of the Principle, Korea was able to enter today's ranks of advanced nations even more quickly. In the background of Korea becoming a central nation, both spiritually and economically, True Father's contribution was highly significant. 

Africa is in a better situation than Korea in the 1950s and 1960s. Africa has incredibly fertile land. 

Anything planted there can flourish. Why, then, do its people sometimes face famine or the outbreak of disease? Development in some areas has been limited because the nation's leader does not have the consciousness of true ownership. He does not think, “This person is truly my family, and this country belongs to all of us.” 

The teachings given to you today are the textbook and teaching materials for your lives. If we practice these teachings, there is nothing we cannot do. They teach us everything about how we should live. We must reflect and repent: why aren't we able to live in prosperity, able to witness, and able to develop? 

Visiting Uruguay and looking around the streets of Montevideo, I do not feel the city is prospering as much as it might. Those of you in Uruguay need to reflect deeply. 

You have received an enormous blessing. You are called true olive trees, while the people of the world who still have not been restored are like wild olive trees. If you cannot multiply, you will eventually diminish.

You have to solve everything by yourself. Discard any expectation that others will do your job for you. Please work with devotion, thinking, “This is my job and I will put my life on the line.” (True Mother, 20/06/0728) 

20. At one time, the people of Argentina lived in affluence. For Argentina to rise again, you have to change your mindset. To achieve that, you need to equip all citizens with the teachings of the Principle.

Blessed family members and ambassadors for peace have to unite and stand at the forefront of building a new nation. If you make such a resolution at the gathering for the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown on July 30, 2006, you will reap the benefits of my visit here.

Whether your nation takes first place or falters depends on your results. I hope you engrave in your minds that the restoration of Argentina rests on your shoulders. (True Mother, 2006/07/29)

21. In the task of establishing Bolivia as a nation that can stand in front of God, your responsibility is greater than that of anyone else. You have an opportunity.

You should bring many people to fulfill God's Will, such as those who participated in the Universal Peace Federation gathering for the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown and the Blessing event.

While touring Africa this time, I felt that we could establish it as a place where people can live affluently, based on the effort they make. They have fertile land.

Some may live impoverished, but they do not need to. Likewise, True Parents' teachings can help the Bolivian people mature and also revive Bolivia as a nation that receives the Blessing. (True Mother, 20/06/0801) 

22. The more you make people aware of True Parents and the more widely you spread the teachings you heard at the gathering for the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown held on August 1, 2006, the more hope you will have. The era of heavenly fortune has come. For that reason, you have an important responsibility. 

There are many second-generation children of blessed families in Colombia. You have to create an environment in which they can freely practice true love in their lives. Many nations are suffering severely from family and drug problems, among others.

Colombia too suffers misery from the problems of drugs, violence, and AIDS, especially in their effect on youth. The movement promoting true love and true family values can solve these problems. 

Accordingly, you have to reform this nation's image and demonstrate this through your deeds. You have to take action so that no one in any corner of this country does not know about True Parents. 

You need to plant the traditions of true family, true love, and true lineage. Once you have developed the various aspects of our movement, such as the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles, you have to work so that Colombia will be remembered by God. (True Mother, 2006/08/02)

23. When I visited Africa, I told the people there, “Compared to the Middle East, where people in Israel enjoy prosperity in a land that is practically a desert, Africa is a land that is blessed by God.

Why isn't Africa living up to its full potential? We need to convey True Parents' teaching help.” There is no path to revive Africa other than by conveying these teachings.

I told them, “If, after receiving this new philosophy and being born again, you go out and spread the true love of True Parents to your family and neighborhood, and reach further into your nation, God's Will, can be accomplished quickly. If you do that, your nation will take the lead no less than advanced nations.” 

The movement to become new people who have been born again internally, based on True Parents' teachings, has a sense of urgency. Those of you who have traveled to Korea know that Korea has risen to the level of a developed nation.

Especially in the field of the Internet, it is ahead of every other country in the world. Depending on your resolve, the nation of Jamaica can also experience a major transformation in a very short time.

True Parents are just one couple, but we created the groundwork that can change the world. You, too, can change Jamaica and move the world. There are many blessed family members in this nation. You can condense the time to restore Jamaica; it depends on the type of resolution you make. 
(True Mother, 2006/08/04) 

24. The Bahamas, an island nation in the Caribbean, is where Columbus landed when he began his discovery of the new continent in 1492. After being a colony of Spain for a long time, it became a territory of Great Britain, and finally gained independence in July 1973.

Our holding of the Universal Peace Federation gathering for the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown in the archipelago of the Bahamas, which is made up of about 700 islands, can only be regarded as God's great blessing. We have come a long distance on this tour.

I arrived in Nassau on August 4, 2006, and tasted the joy of meeting people whom God had prepared over a long period On this tour, I have been conveying our teachings and conducting the Blessing.

The only path for the Bahamas, if it is to stand again in front of God, is to passionately receive True Parents and these teachings. Please carry out your activities enthusiastically so that the Bahamas can receive God's blessing. (True Mother, 2006/08/05)

25. I visited Caracas, Venezuela, ten years ago. Now, on August 7, 2006, I have returned. Meanwhile, it appears that things have not changed much. I therefore think I need to work more vigorously to introduce our teachings to everyone in this country. 

 Perhaps some of you have visited Switzerland. That nation once faced difficult circumstances, when it was oppressed by powerful neighbors and independence was difficult to gain. Nonetheless, it has become a haven for diplomatic, political, and ideological refugees.

Lenin lived there, and leaders of the Reformation conducted activities there. Because there were good ancestors who foresaw the future of that country and preserved its natural environment, they could build a prosperous and vital nation.

I think that if Venezuela has people with leadership ability, it can also stand before the world as a country with an environment no less beautiful than that of Switzerland. 

I cannot understand why Venezuela, which is among the top nations in the world in terms of natural resources, suffers from poverty. There is only one way out. Everyone, from those in positions of power to the common people, needs to receive True Parents and begin a movement of spiritual renewal.

If you are determined to work, even if just by yourself, and if you feel that 24 hours in a day is too few, and if you work for the sake of the eternal development of this country and a future of peace, there will be hope. (True Mother, 2006/08/08) 

26. If you intend to restore Peru, you need to pour out all your energy to witness to college students. We have to raise them as the future leaders of the Unification Church and of this country. The quickest way is to educate them, and through them purify your country's mistaken social customs.

When they graduate from university they are of marriageable age, and then if they receive the Blessing, they can create true families. Then, when they enter society, they can purify the whole nation. For the next generation to take their position, you first need to witness to university students.

You have to properly organize the education of the next generation, and, under the leadership of your national messiah, you must witness to university students. (True Mother, 2006/08/09) 

27. The Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) must be activated if Chile is to develop. You, as university students, are in an age group from which you can grow up to be the future leaders of this nation or the church. The responsibility of college students is critical.

To fulfill this responsibility, strive to become a role model in everything, both in my studies and activities. You must make your manner and appearance such that your fellow students will want to become your friends and want to work with you for the Will. Your CARP activities are important for the future of our church. 

The entire church must cooperate in harmony and embrace the CARP members, just as I must embrace Cain and Abel.

The church is in the mother's position, and it must actively help CARP. We must educate college students well. (True Mother, 2006/08/10) 

28. From the providential perspective, regarding Oceania, New Zealand has to fulfill the mission of the mother nation. New Zealand has the responsibility to unite with Australia and support and educate the island nations. That is the mission of the mother nation.

New Zealand has been asleep, but now she has to wake up and fly. We have the teachings of True Parents and our global foundation is secure. You need to pass on to others what you have heard and seen.

Now you have to give back to the world what you have received free of charge from True Parents over all these years. You have to make a new resolution and as members of our second generation, you need to fulfill your responsibilities. (True Mother, 2006/08/14)

29. Before coming to Australia, I passed through the Middle East region, including Israel. There, ambassadors for peace took the lead and completed the Universal Peace Federation gatherings for the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown.

We harvested good results there, but soon after I left, a war broke out. When I think about that, images of those ambassadors for peace come to my mind and my heart aches. 

The only solution to all the problems in the world, including the barriers that exist between religions, races, and cultures, is to receive True Parents. Blessed families have the responsibility to enlighten people about this.

You need to feel responsible for what is happening in the Middle East. You have the responsibility to thoroughly inform the people in your region and your nation about True Parents.

In this age, we readily discuss peace, hope,e, and happiness centering on True Parents, but think about the people who perish without knowing anything about them. You have to bear a sense of responsibility and take the lead in establishing people in front of God's Will. (True Mother, 20/06/0815)

30. The Korean government's New Village Movement began while we were conducting educational activities in rural areas. You should be interested in the fact that this was how the Korean church, under Father's leadership, developed in its pioneering days.

This nation, the Solomon Islands, is in a position parallel to that of Korea during those pioneering days. You need to work so that the flame of revival can burn, following the example of those days when we held worship services in spirit and truth, centering on the True Father. 

People who live in a materialistic civilization tend to pollute and destroy nature. You need to protect and nurture the beautiful natural environment that heaven has given your nation.

You need to step forward more actively for the movement to protect nature. That is why you need to go forth and launch a spiritual movement nationwide. (True Mother, 2006/08/18) 

 31. For Palau to compete with large nations and stand in the same rank, you need to convey the teachings of the Principle. There are many things that you do not know about the heart God had while creating the world. Furthermore, you do not know about True Parents' course to lay the foundation for the restoration of fallen humanity.

If only you could understand them, you would inevitably love the teachings, and the True Parents, who are the center of these teachings. You have to love your nation of Palau with this heart of love, which goes beyond that of even the Christians who are opposing you.

It is my sincere desire that you take the lead, so that by practicing true love, guided by these teachings, Palau will become a nation that God loves deeply. (True Mother, 2006/08/19)

Advent of a New Era
True Parents proclaimed that the era of the Pacific Rim civilization would arrive, focusing on the Korean Peninsula.