9 min read

Sunday Service With True Parents In East Garden

Because it's day in Korea when it's night in America and vice versa, we should have no concept of night and day.

Hoon Dok Hae Sunday Service

East Garden

Revelation 5:5: And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof...

All internationally blessed couples, raise your hands, please. Only one-third. The majority of blessed couples should be international couples. Father has invited 50 leaders here from Korea and 50 from Japan for the Coronation.

This is a time of great transition. Are there more nights or more days? Actually, in God's eyes, there is always Day. Dr. Yang, which percentage of the time is greater - the night or the day?

Because it's day in Korea when it's night in America and vice versa, we should have no concept of night and day. We can work all the time. When you give birth to a child, you are giving birth to a precious child of the cosmos - it has the same value, whether during the night or the day.

We must go beyond the realm of the sun. There should be no boundaries, and we must go beyond time and space.

Do you think you are living only when the Sun is up?

We must go beyond the boundaries and be working for God at all times. Are you the son of God or another son? You must wake up and understand. With that realization, we must be born again. Otherwise, you may end up in hell.

Although America has taken away Saddam Hussein, why is America hated around the world?

Because the people in Iraq are also the children of God, and they feel that America doesn't see it that way. The white people are dominant in America. Do they see all races as equal children of God?

There are different colors of bears - Black Bear, White Bear and Brown Bear. Are they different? - No. In the past, white people were the champions in sports, however, now Asians and Black people have become the champions. Therefore, history is in transition.

History has created such giant boundaries. Who has killed the most white, black, Asian? Hitler and the Communist empires stem from the white race. They have destroyed the most people.

I have suffered so much because of the language barrier - especially English.

Do the oriental people get along with white people?

Many want to go to Harvard, but what will they teach? Will they teach respect for all people?

Dark Forces tried to kick me out of America, but I overcame it. Now, a great transition is on. The Jewish and Christian people have been at odds, but now the solution has come. Now, homosexuality is coming out. It is worse than an animal lifestyle. However, we will solve it.

You must understand why I came back to America. Not because I missed America but because I must save America. If America listens to me, it will prosper, if not, it will decline. How about you, Jewish people? I feel there is change coming now.

I returned to America to save this country and to give the final warning to America.

This is the time that America must respond and change. I came here to save America by saving Christianity. You must understand.

Do you think there is the realm of God on this them?

Or should we turn this world upside down?

Many times, you think you can simply do your own will and do things your way. But you must follow your parents.

How much do you resemble Father?

Just like one eye. Do you resemble the whole part of me or just part of me? How about the blood lineage? To be part of Cheon Il Guk, you must understand Korean. You are the founding fathers of our church - you must know Korean.

Someday, if you don't know Korean, you may not be able to come to East Garden. If you don't understand Korean, you can't fully understand my course. You must understand the language of the Fatherland.

If you study hard every day, you will progress. All young people seek fun things, and they would rather not study. They don't even know how to dominate all things.

You must study Korean. On March 23r,d should my speech be in Korean or English?

Which language should I use?

(Hangul!!). Can a bird speak two languages, how about a cat, dog, or cow? Do you think that a Cow can speak two languages?

People speak many languages, and that divides us. We need just one language.

Even God will use the one language that can express the heart and love most deeply. Korean is the easiest for God to express his heart. (It delineates the position of siblings).

Does anyone here oppose me?

There must be one. You don't oppose me because you are pragmatic. You know Father is going in the right direction. Everyone says they love me here. Yet, without education, we cannot distinguish who is the one with a True heart. You must do Hoon Dok to develop your character. Do you love Hoon Dok like you love your brother or parents? Blood is thicker than water. Blood is what makes us truly close.

The Blessed Land Shall Be Established By Truth, Character And Heart
In order to find such a truth, numerous people passed away and so many righteous men sacrificed their lives throughout history.

Rev. Kwak, you are the person who can resolve the problems in America and the Middle East. You are also the person that can resolve the issue in China. You should be ashamed that you have to listen to me through translation.

Father asked Rev. Kwak to Report:

This is the most serious time in the history of America. We must understand that as Owners of Cheon Il Guk, we have been given the authority by God and True Parents to pray in our name.

Therefore, we have the incredible blessing of having the ability to report to God in prayer all the details of our situation. This allows God to guide and direct the Blessed Central Family toward the fulfillment of their responsibilities.

The most fundamental responsibility that we share is to bring about the change of Blood Lineage. With the establishment of the Fourth Israel, we all made a new covenant with God by drinking the Cheon Il Guk Holy Wine.

We have been commissioned by True Parents to bring the blessing and change of blood lineage to all humanity. Therefore, we should always have holy wine with us at all times. We should give it out freely. In addition, we must freely distribute the Spiritual World messages to this couple.

The three ceremonies of Rebirth, Resurrection, and Eternal Life have now been given to all couples based on the Cheon Il Guk Blessing. These are the three stages that each person should go through.

The Cheon Il Guk Blessing opens the way for us to receive our birth certificate (rebirth ceremony) - Blessed Couples register their families with their fingerprints this way.

Think about how precious the Elder Son Nation is. You can inherit all the victory and foundation of True Parents. This is such a precious country. Father made a total revolution through providence. If you go back to World War II. 7 Nations were enemies: Korea, Japan, America, England, France, Germany, and Italy.

Through the providence, Father has brought these former enemies into a working relationship for the Peace Kingdom.

In terms of China, there are 1.6 billion people there. Father has been working directly for 20 years to save China. The International Education Foundation, created by Dr. Seuk, has done an excellent job creating the foundation for Father's Providence. China has the Olympics coming in 20,06, and yet there is so much criticism concerning human rights.

They are very concerned. They are also discussing the way to open up the door to religious freedom and freedom of speech. When this happens, they are concerned that many foreign thoughts and ideas will come in and divide the nation.

Therefore, they are opening the door slowly. Religious freedom is strict. Churches can have services in approved places, and only the Chinese can give the sermons.

Why are they afraid of religion?

Because with religion, many other material things and ways will come with it. They are especially concerned that they will receive many secular things that destroy the people.

Which country are they most wary of?

America. They don't want the secular ways and music from America to come in the door. Father is not in the box of any religious ideology. This is hard for them to understand. Father came from the Christian foundation with the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity.

However, Father always said he would take down that sign. Father did and created the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification without any boundaries. This moved the Chinese leaders - Father is out of the box. Father took down the banner of the Unification Church and eliminated Boundaries.

The Religious Person’s Attitude
We have gone forth not longing for this nation in the present state of affairs, but longing for the eternal kingdom.

Suppose you think about this, it's wonderful. Father did such an unusual thing in taking down the banner of our church, and yet became a living example of Father's teaching and could move the hearts of the Chinese leaders.

They are only allowed to have one child per family. This creates a problem in that each child doesn't grow up with brothers and sisters and cannot develop their hearts.

Rev. Kwak asked to meet the top leaders. Rev. Kwak said,” I didn't come here to ask for help but to help you to save China.” In a sense, the Chinese do not have a lot of baggage about their religious teachings. Younger leaders have taken the central positions of power. China is changing and coming close to Father.


The next important providential country will be India. I have worked so hard to support and develop America to save America and Christianity. Although I was persecuted in this country, I gave everything here. But if China responds more, things could entirely change.

This is the time for fall and the harvest. America has a great issue of individualism. Do you think I will stay here in America? I must now guide the whole world. In Asia, the population is 3.7 Billion. They wonder why I continue to work for America.

America must fulfill its responsibility by the 8th year of Cheon Il Guk, or America will be lost. This is God's Warning to you.

Rev. Kwak:

We must inherit through Hoon Dok Hae all the cosmic content of Father's words. The Kingship is given to us on March 8th this year. For Father, the Proclamation of Kingship is the completion, however, for us, it's the beginning.

We must walk according to Father's way of life and way of heart to fulfill our responsibility before heaven. We must become one body, one mindset, and one heart with True Parents. This is easier said than done. This is what you should do.

This is such a crucial moment for America, many in the Middle East hate America.

Therefore, we must rise to guide America to bring the blessings of God to the world. America must turn to True Parents to gain the love of God to heal this division in the world. Only through True Parents can America rise to become truly number one.

Father: The equalization of the whole world must occur. America must go down and be humble to solve the problems. Iraq, Syria, and the Middle East could be solved by Father's guidance.

If the CIA is listening, they will understand and bring this message to the President. I won't lie. I have the solution to bring reconciliation between Muslims, Christians, and Jews. This will heal the problem between America, the Middle East, and the Muslim world.

If America cannot fully unite with Father - he may have to go to China. China doesn't need Christianity. Why do I concern myself with Christianity? Not because I require Christianity but because God's heart is to save Christianity.


Dr. Yang - please ask Hyung Jin Nim to read Father's speech on March 23rd. (Hyung Jin Nim came and read)

Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon's “Declaring the Era of the Peace Kingdom” Address to the United States Congress

Hoon Dok Hae - Han Nam Dong
This is the first Hoon Dok Hae of the fifth year of Cheon Il Guk. As we enter Cheon Il Guk, we have to return to nature.