The São Paulo Declaration
True Parents celebrated the 36th True Parents' Day on March 31, 1995, bringing to a conclusion the 40-year course that began with the establishment of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity.
They proclaimed the São Paulo Declaration as the beginning of a new 40-year course. On this foundation, there followed eight declarations on subsequent occasions. These are known as the Jardim Declarations.
True Parents proclaim the São Paulo Declaration, based on sacrifice and true love invested in the way of restoration, through paying indemnity for the past 40 years. True Parents have brought victory step by step, from the individual level to the cosmic level, and from the servant-of-servants level to the level of God.
On the 36th True Parents Day, True Father presented the São Paulo Declaration, which proclaims the beginning of the Second 40-Year Course as a period in which all Unification Church members worldwide must inherit True Parents' foundation of victory and fulfill their, portions of responsibility.
On the way of God's Will, there can be no “self” in this regard, we need to achieve the state in which ego is non-existent. There must be no arrogance or individualism.
True Parents' way of life has been one of loving the earth, loving all things of creation, loving all humankind, second-generation, and loving God single-mindedly, all for the realization of God's Will.
It has been a path of pouring out true love. We need to inherit the True Parents' lifestyle and make it our tradition, and by doing so, accomplish the mission of tribal messiahs.
The Second 40-Year Course officially begins March 31, 1995, on the 36th True Parent's Day. This is the period of our portion of responsibility, which has to be fulfilled on the level of blessed families, specifically focusing on second-generation Parents blessed families. Blessed families have inherited True Parents' victorious vertical and horizontal foundation.
Because of this, their mission extends not to the restoration of heaven and earth, but only to the restoration of nations. The blessed families who have fulfilled their missions of tribal messiahship need to unite to restore nations.
In this way, instead of needing the entire 40-year period, they can complete the restoration within four to seven years, depending on their level of faith and how much they fulfill their portions of responsibility.
At this, a True Parents are initiating the establishment of a model ideal town and nation in South America. This has great providential significance. The providence in South America is bringing and extending into the Cain realm the victory and blessing of the Abel realm, which was established by heaven.
This providence is to join together the foundation of North America, a Protestant realm, in the position of Abel, with the foundation of South America, a Catholic realm. Next, the victory of this united Abel realm must be connected to the Jewish realm, and they must become one.
Then, the victory of this united and expanded realm of Abel must be connected to the sphere of Islam and thus further expanded into a higher unity. Finally, the victory and blessing of this greatly expanded Abel sphere must be connected to the spheres of the other religions.
This is the future direction of the providence. With North America as the center, the worldwide Unification Church needs to make a Parents' effort to support South America. We inherited the True Parents' realm of victory, and we need to expand it, investing our utmost effort so that the Cain realm can receive God's blessing.
1. On the foundation of the São Paulo Declaration, I will make a great move to the front line of South America. I have already announced that I am leaving North America and will move to South America. I have downsized the organizations and agencies in North America, shifting the economic and human resources that were invested there to South America. It is time to build an ideal nation. We need to build an ideal house, an ideal city, and an ideal nation. (268-131, 1995/03/31)
The 1st Jardim Declaration: Absolute Faith, Absolute Love and Absolute Obedience
True Parents designated the New Hope Farm Declaration, proclaimed on April 3, 1995, to emulate as the 1st Jardim Declaration. It reflects the measures they took to establish a model of the ideal society and nation.
It states that emulating True Parents, we must stand on the foundation of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience.
Today the world is confronted with the serious human crises of sexual immorality, family breakdown, only and the surge of individualism. In addition, environmental pollution threatens life's very existence on this one and only earth.
In our human relationships, regard we need, now more than ever, a movement practicing love and cooperation. Regarding nature, we must begin Naturally, a movement to love all creation and to protect and conserve our environment. Religious people in particular must lead this movement.
From the early days, True Parents taught that unless one loves nature, which was created for human beings, one cannot claim to love people; and unless one loves people, who are created to be the true children of God, one cannot say that one loves God.
Naturally, whoever loves God will love people, who were created to be God's children. Hence, one cannot claim to love people and God unless one loves nature, which was created for people.
In an ideal society or nation, people will transcend national and racial boundaries, establish, cooperation and harmony and live together happily. They will be fully conscious of being God's sons and daughters and of existing as one great extended family that can live as brothers and sisters centered on True Parents.
This is the place where all the blessed families who have restored their lineage, realm of ownership and heart, living with True Parents' culture and language, will accomplish a world of freedom, peace, and unity.
All people will share God's culture of heart and co-exist enjoying interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universally shared values. This world will have no corruption, injustice, war, or crime.
People will eliminate the causes of environmental pollution and will protect and love all things of creation as true owners. In this model ideal world, all of life's activities and labors will be expressed through the practice of joyful service for the sake of others based on a heart of love, which will equalize our standard of living.
On the foundation of blessed families, we will employ the advances of technology for the sake of education. The education of heart and based on morality will have priority over academic education, physical education, and technical education. Education primarily serves to raise people of goodness who
follow heaven's way. The realization of such an ideal can happen only based on True Parents' thought, the teachings of true love for the sake of others.
Through the Fall, Adam lost his faith, so the destiny of all people is to pass through a way of restoration that includes absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. God established religion for this purpose, and this is why the absolute faith of providential figures such as Noah is so precious.
True Parents came to embody absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Through this, they brought victory in the severe battles they faced, not only on Earth the but also in the spirit world.
True Parents are now bequeathing their victorious foundation to us. We must imitate the tradition of True Parents in our life practice, thereby resembling the way True Parents love the world, all things of creation, humankind, and God, so we can establish the model ideal nation.
At the New Hope Farm, we are trained to practice precisely these things. Here we invest and invest again, loving the earth, the water, and nature. Many people of the world will come together as brothers and sisters and practice this, here in the school to realize on God's nation.
By showing all people what we accomplish, we will educate them in how to establish a community of love transcending skin color, and cultural and national boundaries.
We can also demonstrate the standard of love and care for the creation and, at the same time, awaken everyone to the fact that through this worldview we can establish international management of the global environment. On this farm, we can show humankind a model of how to rid the world of war, hunger and crime, and how to live in happiness and peace.
The 160 mission countries of the world will support this project with materials, manpower, and prayer.
Youth from around the world will receive training and gain practical experience here. They will return to their home countries and become frontline leaders, building ideal nations. Each continent will have to support this project.
As the first step, 40 nations will send trip people each by May 1, 1995, and later they will send more. These people will participate in this historic movement.
2. I made the Declaration of the Second 40-Year Course at the Jardim farm. The first 40-year course was to resolve the bitter sorrow of history. We have to put everything that happened during that time into the proper perspective and pass into a new era.
Who are the people who are standing with me at the front line and are prepared to set the tradition, to create a new movement in South America, with the Jardim farm at the center? They are not of Spanish, Anglo-Saxon, or Germanic descent; they are Asian.
Asians are coming to do this work. The Unification Church movement has never existed just for Asia, or just for Western society. It is revolutionizing not only the individual; it is an organization working to revolutionize the family, tribe, people, nation, and world. We must establish and create a new world different from the fallen world.
I am not trying to create another version of something that has already been created; this must be a new creation. And yet, there are no new materials to make this new creation. We have to modify what already exists. (277-067, 1996/03/31)
3. The Jardim Declaration proclaimed the second 40-year course. We must practice absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience, which is the restoration of Eden. It means we have returned to Eden.
By going back to Eden, we need to stand in a reciprocal and balanced relationship with God's absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. To accomplish this, we must become beings of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience for the sake of our object partner, the creation.
We have to give to resemble God. Since you have received it, you need to give it. This movement will expand and multiply only through absolute sacrifice and unconditional giving.
Love exists through continuous reciprocation. That is why the declaration of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience came forth in Jardim, where contact with the unfallen creation is made possible in the sphere of equality. In this way, an entire world built with absolute faith, absolute love,e, and absolute obedience can be managed.
The Unification Church's marriage Blessings have crossed 12 mountain passes. With the 360 Million Couples Blessing, the 12 passes were surmounted, and it is time for the Blessing to settle on earth.
Blessing 360 million couples eradicates Satan's bloodline. We have entered the age when we can realize the ideal true family desired by God, the glorified true family that can live with God.
What are we doing in Jardim? The blessed families have arisen on the vertical standard, but they have not been able to define themselves on the horizontal plane. Therefore, we must now establish a family that can live with God on the horizontal plane.
For this, we must establish a new center for education geared toward creating ideal families for world peace. It is to educate those families who have received the Blessing. They need training to participate as God's absolute and glorified families. This is the Jardim family training. (294-319, 1998/08/09)
4. The concept of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience came from God. God Himself created everything with absolute faith. He completely invested Himself for the sake of substantiating this ideal.
He invested again and again and forgot what He had given. God is the subject being that stands upon the concept of complete obedience. When you discuss absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience, you think it refers to the Jardim Declaration, and you also think it means to believe in True Parents.
However, this is not what it means. It means that you must become the subject partner. You must substantiate absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. Only then can you become God's object partner.
That is the formula. Since God substantiates this, human beings who stand as His object partners must naturally do the same. (269-184, 1995/04/23)
5. The 1st Jardim Declaration affirms absolute faith, absolute love,e, and absolute obedience. God created everything on this three-fold foundation. Unification Church members must never doubt the direction I go. They must not criticize it either.
The path I take is one of absolute love. No matter how you start, eventually, there is only one answer. There will only be one answer for eternity. I am saying that God's answer will always be the same, even after days, nights, seasons, and lives have passed on. (294-331, 1998/08/17)
The 2nd Jardim Declaration: Let us Resemble the Absolute, Unique, Unchanging, Eternal God
On August 7, 1998, True Parents proclaimed in the 2nd Jardim Declaration that we have to become children, spouses, and parents who resemble God, who is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal.
On that foundation, we need to realize true families who serve as the eternal base of heaven on earth.
According to the 2nd Jardim Declaration, God is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal.
Since we are God's children, we must resemble His character and become absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal children. Next, we live as an absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal couple.
We must also become absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal parents, thereby establishing an absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal family. God is the absolute True Father, the unique, unchanging, and eternal True Father.
This Father is looking for absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal sons and daughters. These sons and daughters are to become absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal couples.
When these couples settle, theirs will become absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal families. Such families can live together with God and become the eternal foundation for the kingdom of heaven on earth.
6. The 2nd Jardim Declaration states that we need to become parents, siblings, couples, and families who are absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal. This standard goes beyond the family to include the completion of the absolute, unique, unchanging,g and eternal tribe, nation, world, and kingdom of heaven on earth.
This is the ideal of creation that God originally intended. Therefore, we must connect to the absolute tribe, nation, world, and absolute kingdom of heaven on earth, all the way to the absolute owner, God.
God is the True Parent, True Teacher, and True King. The things that are most precious to human beings are their parents, teachers, and kings. God occupies all three of these positions with a nature that is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal.
You need to stand as God's children. Then God will come directly down from above, and you will come to have the same value as God. (294-330, 1998/08/09)
The 3rd Jardim Declaration: First, Second, and Third Creators
On August 21, 1998, during the first 40-day workshop at the Center for the Education of Ideal Families for World Peace in Jardim, True Parents spoke about the importance of educating our second-generation church members.
True Parents also proclaimed the 3rd Jardim Declaration, the main point of which is that we join the first and second creators, and become third creators.
According to the 3rd Jardim Declaration, as first Creator, God created Adam and Eve, and as second creators, Adam and Eve created us.
Therefore, we are third creators. God was sorrowful that He lost His son and daughter, but He also felt bitter pain for not being able to have grandchildren. Three generations need to share the heart of the first Creator and live together in one house.
7. The 3rd Jardim Declaration states that God is the first Creator, Adam is the second creator, and Adam's descendants are the third creators. A third creator is a person who can complete God's ideal.
He or she is the person who can liberate God and the parents. Therefore, a third creator, who is Adam's child, is an owner, a person who is to create the third substantial kingdom. This great value is assigned to human beings. (295-243, 1998/08/28)
8. The 3rd Jardim Declaration pertains to the first, second, and third creators. The first Creator cannot fall.
God can never fall. God is the incorporeal Creator and Adam is the corporeal creator, who could not realize the four-position foundation, which is the ideal of love.
Adam and Eve could not realize it, nor could Adam and Eve's sons and daughters realize it. As a result, they could not bear good fruit. Theirs was rotten fruit. (298-021, 1998/12/31)
9. The 3rd Jardim Declaration pertains to the first, second, and third creators. It starts with creation beginning through the incorporeal God Himself. The incorporeal God is the first Creator and Adam is the second creator. Adam's son and daughter receive love from both the incorporeal Parent and substantial parents.
After the second creators perfect themselves, bringing the spiritual world and the physical world together and reaching the realm of completion in the spiritual world and the physical world, Adam and Eve establish the foundation for the third creator. The first Creator can never fall.
Can God fall? If the second creators become one with the love of the first Creator, they will never fall and their sons and daughters will never fall. The age when this can take place has arrived, but the destined father-son relationship between God and human beings has not been realized yet.
The husband and wife relationship also has not been realized either. The relationship with children is a task bound by destiny that must be achieved.
(296-267, 1998/11/10)
The 4th Jardim Declaration: Liberate God by Fulfilling Our Destined Parent-Child Relationship
On August 28, 1998, True Parents proclaimed the 4th Jardim Declaration at the Pledge Ceremony for the second Chil Pal Jeol, held at the Center for the Education of Ideal Families for World Peace, in the presence of national messiahs and participants in the 40-day workshop.
According to the 4th Jardim Declaration, human beings are in a parent-child relationship with God. The relationship between parent and child is bound by destiny.
Only the children can resolve the bitter sorrow and problems of the parents. Such is the duty of the children. Once families have registered, they must not fall back into disbelief or betrayal. We who are in a parent-child relationship with God must resonate and unite with Him.
10. God has been hoping to see the Parents of Heaven and Earth settle in the realm of the cosmos. This is a mission that is appointed by destiny. If it were a mission bound by fate alone, then the parents could take on the mission in place of the children, and a wife could fill in for her husband.
However, matters related to the parent-child relationship are bound by destiny. Can anyone change positions in a parent-child relationship? Not even God can do that. One's position in this relationship never changes.
As children, liberating God is our destiny and yet, we have not been able to realize that. God has never had a parent-child relationship. God is pitiable. We must come to know the misery of God, who from the very beginning has had hope for the realization of an ideal family.
Adam and Eve were a couple destined to be together. There was no one around but them. God was powerless to resolve the relationship of this couple that was destined to be together.
They were supposed to become the substantial husband and wife. God is the King, but He could not liberate this couple that was destined to be together. This is the state of God. The ideal marriage could not take place.
We must comfort God whose bitter sorrow has not been liberated. God is the subject partner of the original cosmos, yet He bears this bitter sorrow. What would have happened if I had never been born? For all eternity, there would have been no one to resolve God's bitter sorrow. (295-236, 1998/08/28)
11. Our parent-child relationship with God is part of our destiny. Until now, God has not been able to experience the parent-child relationship. It cannot be felt until the realization of the ideal Blessing.
Our parent-child relationships and our sibling relationships are part of our destiny. Can you change your siblings? Even if you die, they cannot be changed. Dying does not relieve you from the need to accomplish your destined goals.
This is the destiny of the siblings, spouses, family, and nation. Destiny cannot change.
The destiny of the world and the kingdom of heaven on earth must be realized for liberation to take place. It starts in one's own family, in which you are a child of destiny. As the children of God, you must attain His four great attributes; becoming absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal.
God is the absolute, unique, eternal,l and unchanging Father. As His children and beloved object partners, you need to inherit 100 percent of God's tradition and more. That is why you have God and parents. (295-247, 1998/08/28)
12. The 4th Jardim Declaration is the proclamation to liberate God from His bitter sorrow by fulfilling our destined parent-child relationship with Him. By carrying it forward we can sever Satan's blood lineage and welcome the age of liberation.
The parent-child relationship is the relationship between God as the Father and we as His children. We were supposed to be the true children, but we became servants and adopted children.
In these positions, we cannot be said to be part of God's lineage. We must completely resolve this matter through our relationships that are bound by destiny.
No one can sever the parent-child relationship, not even God. If God could have severed this relationship, the history of restoration would not have been necessary, and everything could have been re-created.
It cannot be severed because it is a relationship bound by destiny. If you ignore destiny and try to break apart the parent-child relationship, or the conjugal relationship, you will become nothing more than Satan's toy and end up as a victim.
Following the destiny of parent and child comes the destiny of husband and wife. No one existing could replace Adam for Eve or Eve for Adam. No man or woman existed apart from them.
Theirs is a relationship bound by destiny. It cannot be taken apart and fixed again. A child is bound by destiny. The parents, spouses, children, and siblings, bound by destiny, are all connected.
Ideal families who adhere to this tradition will remain through hundreds of thousands of years, expanding God's family, tribe, people, nation, world, and the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven. (298-021, 1998/12/31)
13. Our task, bound by destiny, is to realize liberated couples and siblings. Can you change your siblings?
You are connected by lineage. It is destiny. All families desire to reach perfection. It is their destiny to attain liberation and fulfill that desire. This is the mission of blessed families. It is not something that I fabricated. It reveals a secret about our destiny.
This teaching content asserts our substantial value as equal to that of God. If you abide by it completely, you will be able to share in God's joys and sorrows. You will realize a land of freedom, where you have the authority of liberation and inheritance.
When this destined Will is accomplished, you will be able to complete the four-position foundation as in Adam's family. This is certain. Only True Parents can make this proclamation.
Not even God can do it. Satan cannot interfere with it. Let us return to the foundation on which we received the Blessing and actualize the heavenly kingdom. Then we can open the gates of the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven. (296-268, 1998/11/10)
14. The 4th Jardim Declaration is the proclamation to liberate God from His bitter sorrow by fulfilling our destined parent-child relationship with Him. God cannot fulfill this proclamation alone. If He could have done it, He would have restored the Fall of Adam and Eve instantly.
The providence of history does not work like that. God does not want to see or touch the love lineage of the enemy, so how can He intervene? The lineage was changed, so it must be severed so that the realm of liberation can come about. Through that, we can substantiate the proclamation that God can be liberated.
The absolute relationships of parents, husband and wife, siblings, children, and family have been blocked throughout history. I have to eliminate the barriers that block us from realizing our destiny, which is to form these relationships.
This destiny has been blocked since the beginning of history. When a perfected Adam finally accomplishes this, he can stand in a parent-child relationship with God and form an absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal connection.
(296-310, 1998/11/18)
The 5th Jardim Declaration: Sa Sa Jeol (4-4 Day)
On September 8, 1998, True Parents proclaimed the family Sa Sa Jeol in Kodiak, Alaska. On September 20, 1998, True Parents, while speaking at Belvedere on the topic “The Total Conclusion of the Providence,” designated the family Sa Sa Jeol as the 5th Jardim Declaration.
According to the 5th Jardim Declaration, the loss of Adam's family was also the loss of the first four-position foundation. As a result, God lost His grandchildren, Adam and Eve's sons and daughters.
To remedy this, True Parents have come to earth in place of Adam and Eve. In front of heaven, True Parents formed the first four-position foundation and then helped their children also form four-position foundations, the latter representing the children of Adam's family.
Therefore, True Parents established the first and second four-position foundations on earth for which heaven had been longing. This makes possible the unification of North and South Korea as well as that of the whole world, and establishes the condition to unite heaven and earth.
They proclaimed the Sa So Jeol to commemorate the founding of the first and second four-position foundations, both of which God had lost.
15. Heavenly Father, through the 360 Million Couples Blessing, we have completed abstinence education to sever Satan's lineage for the young people in Korea as well as in Japan and America.
We are building a foundation to spread this throughout the world. Please guide us so that this education can steadily advance Your Wil so that Your victorious authority can bear fruit, and so that we can welcome the age that liberates Your full transcendence, full immanence, full authority, and omnipotence.
The four-position foundation of Adam and Eve, and the four-position foundation of Adams sons and daughters have the number four at the center. I thank you for blessing us with the grace of welcoming the complete liberation age.
Because True Parents established the four-position foundation, all families can stand in the same position as Adam, and eliminate Satan, cutting off all ties with the fallen lineage. They can do so even though the historical tradition could not be established globally.
Based on the year 1998, the number 9, which was Satan's number, and the number 19, which was also Satan's number, are being restored. By connecting them to the number 8, on this day, September 8, I declare a foundation for two numbers 4s and establish the start of a new era of liberation.
We thank You for the grace that allows us to enter the age of heaven, where families that have worked toward Your liberation can register. From today, I want to make a declaration before heaven, earth, and humankind, in Your name and the name of the True Parents, that Satan no longer can set conditions of accusation over numbers.
I sincerely pray that You can bless this day so that we can enter the age of liberation, in which You can rule with full transcendence, full immanence, full authority, and omnipotence.
Currently, I sincerely hope that you accept this victorious proclamation of joyous liberation, where humanity can enter the realm of liberation declared in Your name and the name of the True Parents.
I pray this as God and True Parents once again declare Sa Sa Jeol, the day of liberation in heaven and on earth. I proclaim the Sa Sa Jeol in the name of True Parents! Amen, Amen, Amen! (295-258, 1998/09/08)
16. With the proclamation of the Sa Sa Jeol, we approach the age where God may exercise full transcendence, full immanence, full authority, and omnipotence. This means that everything heaven has planned now can come to pass on earth, and the time when direct results will appear has arrived.
Satan's world is also systematizing itself. Things may be complicated, but we can become one with a commonly held standard, achieve one body, and take the same direction. Alter that, the all-powerful God can do as He pleases. There is no full authority in Satan's world.
If we had entered the era of omnipotence based on a completed national standard, we would have entered the era of full authority. We will pass into the free world and will influence nations and the world. (295-253, 1998/09/08)
17. After the Sa Sa Jeol Proclamation, the world will change. Satan's control of the world is on the national level, and he cannot interfere on the world level. Until now, neither God nor I could pray for the destruction of Satan's world.
I told you to love your enemies, so how can I hope for their demise? If you do not do the same, you will need to pay indemnity. You need to love your enemies. But now we have gone beyond the national level.
God, along with all the families around the world, has gone beyond the nation and world. Satan has fallen behind, and this unlocks the gates of the age of God's rule over the entire kingdom of heaven, starting from Adam's family in the Garden of Eden.
Thus, the age of God's full authority, the time when God can rule according to His Will, has come. (295-266, 1998/09/08)
18. We have started on the 360 Million Couples Blessing and achieved more than half the goal. As a result, we have entered an era when God can rule according to His Will. It is the era of His unrivaled authority over families, beyond the formation and growth stages.
It is a great transition into the nation of God and a peaceful world. We have overcome two-thirds, having gone beyond the realm of growth and connected to the realm of completion. So God can now do whatever He wants.
The physical world and the spiritual world had been separated, and the individual, family, tribe, and nation had been separated, but they have become one.
Families all over the world are transformed because the family of the perfected Adam and the families of his children have finally been realized. The world will turn upside down.
The completed family based on the heavenly standard contains God, Adam, and Adam's sons and daughters. We see a complete family of three generations. This is the completed four-position foundation. It means completing the three object-partner purposes This gives God direct dominion over us.
Sa Sa Jeol is the proclamation ceremony connecting human beings to heaven through the True Parents. It is connecting the physical world and the spiritual world.
By uniting what was separated from the ideal nation of God's creation, we can enter the palace of the heavenly kingdom. Everything that the false parents destroyed, the True Parents will mend and return to heaven. That is what Sa Sa Jeol proclaims.
Then, in the future, you will not need to pay indemnity. All the indemnity in history has led to an age where mistakes will generate immediate repercussions. It took thousands of years to indemnify the Fall of Adam and Eve, but now each mistake will lead to punishment according to heavenly law.
This may include prison or various other punishments. Mistakes will be punished immediately. (295-267, 1998/09/08)
19. You must all be able to organize 160 families. This is necessary. Why organize 160 families? It is to match the number 16, which is 4 times 4. That is why I proclaimed the Sa Sa Jeol (4-4 Day).
During the Korean War, 16 nations contributed to the United Nations forces. Through the Seoul Olympics, North and South Korea became the 160th and 161st nations to join the United Nations. The number 160 not only signifies separation from Satan, but it also means Satan's end.
Now there is only hope ahead of us – hope for a new beginning. This is an opportunity for Korea to take its proper role in worldwide providence. (298-200, 1999/01/02)
The 6th Jardim Declaration: Liberation Ceremony for Spirits
On October 5, 1998, True Parents celebrated Chuseok and proclaimed the Liberation Ceremony for the People in the Spirit World at a meeting with national messiahs in São Paulo, Brazil. True Parents named this the 6th Jardim Declaration.
According to the 6th Jardim Declaration, True Parents have liberated the entire spirit world. The spirit beings who have been liberated before God are in the position to receive the Blessing, but they cannot receive it until they return to earth and help build the kingdom of heaven here.
20. Due to the Fall of Adam, human beings are born in the condition of having inherited Satan's body at birth. To enter into the heavenly kingdom, you have to separate from Satan and become God's descendant.
Whether you enter into the heavenly kingdom is not decided in the spirit world. This decision is made on earth, and for this reason, the perfected True Parents need to come to earth and liberate the world.
To achieve this, True Parents must step beyond the nation and even the world and conduct the global Blessing. People must go beyond this boundary to enter the realm of liberation. Only then can the ancestors in the spirit world receive the Blessing.
The archangel, in causing the Fall on earth, prevented Adam and Eve from receiving the Blessing. To restore this through paying indemnity, the time has come for all spirits to receive the Blessing.
Now, the time has come when spirits who have received the Blessing can come down to earth in the position of the blessed Archangel, and cooperate with their descendants on earth who have received the Blessing and are in the position of Adam. (297-274, 1998/12/22)
21. Hell was formed due to bad marriages, as were paradise and the Middle Spirit world. All of this came to exist because of the Fall. If we had received God's blessing, we would have connected to the lineage of God's perfected love and automatically gone to heaven on the foundation of the family. This was wiped out by the Fall.
For this reason, all history stained with Satan's blood must be completely cut off, taken away, and disposed of. We must go to the position where Adam and Eve approached the marriage Blessing and engraft onto that position.
When Adam entered the kingdom of heaven, the archangel would have gone with him. Likewise, when families who have received the Blessing go to heaven, their ancestors who stand in the position of an archangel will follow them there.
If we do not prepare our ancestors properly, we will not be able to open the doors to hell, which remains in the spiritual and physical worlds – hell in heaven and hell on earth. If these doors are not opened, we will not be able to connect to the ideal of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, and kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven that God hopes to establish.
Because this resulted from the love, life, and lineage of the false parents, neither God nor Satan could clear it up. Only perfected Adam, who comes as the Returning Lord in the position of the True Parents, can uncover and resolve the problems of heaven, Satan, and history. (297-274, 1998/12/22)
The 7th Jardim Declaration: Cosmic Expansion of the True Blessing and Complete Liberation from Satan's Lineage
On January 8, 1999, the True Parents held the Proclamation Ceremony for the Cosmic Expansion of the True Blessing and Complete Liberation from Satan's Lineage at Punta del Este in Uruguay.
True Parents said that this proclamation is the Cosmic Sa Sa Jeol as well as the 7th Jardim Declaration.
According to the 7th Jardim Declaration, if the kingdom of heaven is to be built on earth, not a single spirit can be left ha though is filled with bitter sorrow. Single spirits, who reached adulthood but were unable to get married, or who died young, must also receive the marriage Blessing.
Those spirits will all receive education so that they can grow. Even though they die unmarried, after they have matured and received education, they will be given the grace of being blessed as pure young men and women. I also opened the gate so that the murderers in hell can receive the Blessing along with the saints.
22. Heavenly Father, on the morning of January 8, 1999, from a little past 7:30 until 8:00, in the position of two number 4s, with the proclamation of Sa Sa Jeol, we established the foundation for the liberation of families, nations, and the whole world, making it possible for them to enter the kingdom of heaven.
We also held the Declaration Ceremony of Liberation for Completing the Eradication of Satan's Lineage, and the Declaration Ceremony of the Cosmic True Blessing throughout heaven and earth.
These declarations, acknowledged by all heaven and earth, completely obliterated the barrier blocking the liberation of hell and obstructing the good spirits.
We, the True Parents, are striving to realize the original standard by quickly removing the course of indemnity on earth and seeking the brightness of the kingdom of heaven.
Based on the condition of having lived with and attended God during our lifetime on earth, we sincerely pray to enter the era of complete liberation, when all humankind as families can receive the Blessing and go to heaven.
At this time, before this meal, Father, I sincerely ask that You joyfully receive this and work together with us to achieve and proclaim these works. Amen, Amen, Amen! (298-217, 1999/01/08)
23. We must liberate and fill the ancestors in the spirit world. We must liberate even Satan. The 160 families you have blessed belong to your Cain-type tribe. A dedication ceremony is needed to connect them to your tribe.
If the ceremony to bring them together is completed, 120 generations of your ancestors can receive the marriage Blessing. Through this Blessing, and together with 120 generations of kings and presidents, the citizens, the son, and the king will belong to the mainstream realm of the royal family expanding on the horizontal level. They all must be liberated to receive the marriage Blessing.
These 120 represent those whom Jesus wanted to bless in the realm of Israel. They are the ones who must be liberated in the spirit world.
The Christian realm must be liberated. Since this is the True Parents' era, just by blessing 120 families, we naturally transition into the realm of the united world. If 120 generations are blessed, you will enter heaven. God and True Parents make this possible. (298-221, 1999/01/08)
24. God cannot say, “Give the marriage Blessing to murderers.” God does not command me to do this.
But I as the True Parent opened the gates boldly and asked those spirits to come quickly to heaven. I also made it possible for people in the spirit world who had opposed the Unification Church to be married to people living on the earth by participating in heaven and earth Blessings and going through the Three-Day Ceremony seeking on the earth.
Initiating heaven and earth Blessings with the Three-Day Ceremony has liberated those who died when they were very young and those who died after the age of 16 without being able to marry. Now all of them can receive the Blessing.
By opening the doors to hell and blessing all those people who went to the spirit world, God's authority over lineage is being acknowledged. Therefore, Satan has no choice but to retreat completely. This is a revolution.
I have created an environment wherein everyone who died due to the Fall can now go to heaven. By creating an environment where all ancestors who entered the spirit world can receive the marriage Blessing, I paved the expressway to heaven. That foundation is restored completely through paying indemnity.
God did not design the spirit world to be a place for fallen people to live. Only completely blessed Three-Day Ceremony families are meant to live in the spirit world.
Adam was supposed to live in this heavenly environment after his perfection, where God has full authority and can act upon the smallest things and the largest things according to His Will.
When you receive the Blessing, the cosmic expansion of the True Blessing and the eradication of the Satanic lineage will be realized. We are breaking through. All families on earth will go to heaven and, just as the Israelites who left Egypt were liberated, there also will be a new start on earth.
Just as Moses departed Egypt at the age of 80, from now on, True Parents will step into the world as the king and queen of the family. (300-306, 1999/04/11)
The 8th Jardim Declaration: The Federation of the True Parent of the Cosmos
On February 13, 2000, as part of the commemorative events for True Parents' 80th Birthday at the Little Angels Performing Arts Center, True Parents proclaimed the era of the Federation of the True Parent of the Cosmos (God) and established the Family Party for Universal Peace and Unity. The Proclamation of the Federation of the True Parent of the Cosmos is related to the 8" Jardim Declaration.
According to the 8th Jardim Declaration, True Parents accomplished the completion of the individual, family, nation, and world, and the liberation of God, True Parents, Satan, and hell.
True Parents, who unite the Parents of all things in the cosmos, are at the center of the Federation of the True Parent of the Cosmos. When we establish the nation through the Family Party for Universal Peace and Unity, people will need to register their families in the family registry.
25. God became a prisoner behind bars and His sons and daughters must liberate Him. Therefore, you must pray for a safe resting place for God. For this reason, I created the Federation of the True Parents of the Cosmos. This is a federation of the spiritual world and the physical world. (316-301, 2000/02/15)
26. The entire cosmos is linked as one body to God, the True Parent of the Cosmos. True Parents are the union of the cosmos and the nation. All creation, including fish, animals, plants, and the mineral world, cannot be liberated and reach perfection without the True Parents.
The same is true of the spirit world. We need to understand the Federation of the True Parent of the Cosmos from this standpoint. Now we have established the conditions for heaven and earth to become one with God. This oneness must next be substantiated on earth. Nations still lack heaven's unity. They must be brought together as one through the national messiahs. Cain and Abel must become one. (316-294, 2000/02/15)
27. Until now, I have been implementing the completion of the individual, nation, and world and the liberation of God and True Parents. I even liberated Satan and hell. In the original Garden of Eden, there was only Adam's family. But in this global age, myriads of people can enter heaven. Now the value of all families is being equalized.
I have fought for, realized, and established the value of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, and heaven and earth.
Therefore, when families standing in a position of pure innocence are embraced and united through absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience, they connect to the foundation of God's love, life, lineage, and conscience and have no relationship with Satan.
We have entered an age when God can act freely in our families and throughout the world. In that place, there is no Japan or America. We no longer need the concept of separate countries. To do this work, I made the Federation of the True Parents of the Cosmos.
This means that True Parents have everything. If you stand before True Parents, you are included in everything. Everything is included, both individual completion and family completion. (316-252, 2000/02/15)
28. The Federation of the True Parents of the Cosmos was created to bring God's full authority over everything to address the problems of heaven and earth. Everything around us is torn apart. Cain and Abel are torn apart, parents are torn apart, countries are torn apart, and the world is torn apart.
Externally, everything is like this. The individual is divided because the body and mind are torn apart; as a result, the family, nation, world, and heaven and earth are divided.
It is like this externally. So how can we unite all these things? The realm of oneness must be accomplished at the root. That is why it is called the Federation of the True Parents of the Cosmos. True Parents are the center as everything in the cosmos is brought together. (317-009, 2000/02/15)