Chapter .9 Abraham's Family Moses’ Family
Whenever their names are called out during these lectures, Adam, Eve, Noah, and Abraham become apprehensive.
Sermons about Moses
Whenever their names are called out during these lectures, Adam, Eve, Noah, and Abraham become apprehensive.
God wanted to boast about the creation He had made in six days. When He was looking at all the created things, He was extremely delighted.
You know very well that although many people are living in this world today, a destined path of misfortune lies before them that they have no choice but to cross over.
However, because humans disobeyed the heavenly principles established by God, they came to grief, and the blessed land where they should have lived became a mere hope to them.
You know very well that fallen humanity is longing for the dawning of the glorious day that is their hope and ideal.
Therefore, you must keep in mind that the history of God's dispensation forecasts the providence that begins and concludes adventurously.
When Moses entered Egypt after receiving the promise from Heaven, he was ecstatic. However, he was not satisfied by the joy.