The vertical Parent and horizontal Parents
Adam and Eve were created as God's substantial object partners Adam was the representative of God's masculinity and Eve was the representative of God's femininity. God is the self-existent incorporeal subject partner, whose dual characteristics are in harmony.
In the beginning, when He created the first human beings, one man and one woman, His purpose was to assume a body, which He needed to relate with the substantial world. God wanted to freely communicate and interact with the substantial world through the bodies of the two human beings, Adam and Eve.
This was because as long as God was an incorporeal being without a body, He was limited in relating to the corporeal, substantial world.
Therefore, had Adam and Eve, on the foundation of reaching perfection by attending God and becoming one with Him, married and had children to form a family, they would have become the external, horizontal True Parents, and God would have become the internal, vertical True Parent.
1. God exists as an incorporeal being; hence, we cannot see Him, not even after we die and go to the spirit world. Accordingly, for God to have a relationship with human beings who are in the flesh, He needs to manifest Himself on earth as the Father with a physical body. It is because of this natural law that God created Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors. In and through them God intended to manifest Himself in both incorporeal and corporeal forms. The harmony and unity between Adam and Eve in both spirit and flesh thus would have symbolized the harmony and unity of the incorporeal world and the corporeal world and would have brought the cosmos into oneness.
How can human beings who were born in the flesh become the body of God, who exists as an incorporeal being? God has four fundamental attributes: He is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal.
God created human beings as His ultimate masterpieces, to whom He could bequeath these attributes.
However, the flesh cannot be eternal because it is made with finite material substances based on the principles of the physical world. Therefore, when Adam and Eve attained perfection in the flesh, God wanted to live within them in total oneness and maintain that oneness in spirit as an eternal relationship of true love – God within them and they within God.
Had Adam and Eve not fallen but kept God's commandment, they would have attained individual perfection and married to God's blessing. Then their children also could have become embodiments of God, and all human beings would have inherited God's attributes from generation to generation into eternity. (501-032, 2005/07/14)
2. God created human beings as His absolute object partners of love by totally investing Himself in them.
He needed substantial object partners with whom to share His love. However, not only in the earthly world but also in the heavenly realms, He cannot fully relate to His children if He has no substantial form.
That is why He needed to assume such a form. That form is that of True Parents who have attained perfection.
God created human beings because He needed object partners with whom to share His love on earth. It is for this reason that He endowed human beings, whom He created as His absolute object partners, with the ability to procreate so that they could continue their life on earth forever. Love, life, and lineage are the three elements of God's creation of human beings. God is the root of love, the root of life, and the root of lineage. He is also the root of the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven.
Had the Fall not occurred, God would have entered the hearts of Adam and Eve at the time of their marriage, and He would have experienced the union of love through their bodies. Thereby He would have become the vertical True Parent, and Adam and Eve would have become the horizontal True Parents.
Thus, human beings would have possessed a mind that stemmed from two sets of parents: God, as well as Adam and Eve. That mind would be the vertical self, and the body, the horizontal self. They would have lived their lives in oneness in heart, oneness in body, oneness in thought, and, in harmony. (565-315, 2007/06/13)
3. True Parents can be likened to God's body. They are Adam and Eve in perfection. Perfection means that the vertical God and the horizontal Adam and Eve are one. Adam and Eve are like God's body, and God is like the mind of Adam and Eve. What makes this possible is true love. In love, the vertical God and the horizontal Adam and Eve live for the sake of each other. They represent heaven and earth. (338-212, 2000/10/29)
4. Unless you attend God and True Parents, the value of your existence is lessened. You become true human beings only when you are in Earth's relationship with God and your True Parents, that is, with the two sets of True Parents Earth's vertical True Parent and the horizontal True Parents. It is because there is oneness between God, the vertical True Parent, and Adam and Eve, the horizontal True Parents, that human beings can have unity between their mind and body and thus connect to God and His kingdom. Therefore, if people do not attend God and True Parents, they cannot achieve anything in the true sense.
The heavenly realms are represented by the central family of the cosmos. When this family appears, a vertical axis is formed, and centered on that axis, concentric circles expand through eight levels.
(565-307, 2007/06/13)
5. God is the origin of life, the origin of love, and the origin of lineage. Therefore, God's love, life, and lineage should be one with human beings' love, earth, brand, and others' lineage. God is in the position of the vertical Parent, whereas the unfallen human beings, Adam and Eve, would have been in the position of the horizontal Parents. Adam and Eve were God's children, but at the same time, they were like brothers and sisters Father each other.
In time, they would have become husband and wife, and later, by giving birth to children, they would have become parents and ascended to a position next to God. By giving birth to children and then loving them, Adam and Eve would have inherited everything from God, who rejoiced after creating human beings, His children. Because they had received divine love, they would have loved their children more than themselves and treasured them so much that they would never have exchanged them for all heaven and earth. (223-267, 1991/11/12)
6. Adam's sons and daughters could not dwell within the realm of God's love. Had they been the children of an unfallen Adam, the kingdom of heaven on earth would have been realized with them, as they made horizontal connections on every level. But because the vertical and the horizontal did not meet, the kingdom could not come.
Thus, as God's sons and daughters, human beings must inherit this kingdom in two realms. Through the Blessing, you have inherited the lineage of the kingdom in heaven and the kingdom on earth, the vertical kingdom and the horizontal kingdom, and the vertical Parent and the horizontal Parents. You have become children who can inherit all that is internal and external from both the vertical Parent and the horizontal Parents.
Royal family members are those who give their lives based on this twofold inheritance – a from the kingdom in heaven and the kingdom on earth. Once you become a member of the royal family, you stand on the foundation to be accepted by both kingdoms at any time. Then, based on this way of life, you should expand children's love, siblings' love, love between husband and wife, and parents' love.
Once your family is officially recognized for living by this standard of love, it will become a perfect family on earth and in heaven that receives the vertical kingdom and the horizontal kingdom as its inheritance.
Those who have experienced God's internal heart and all the elements of Adam and Eve's external substance come to belong to the realm of the royal family.
Centering on true love, God is their vertical Parent sisters, and Father Adam and Eve are their horizontal Parents. Their children are Adam and Eve's blood relations, who inherit the ideal of both worlds. (240-017, 1992/12/10)
7. If we consider God to be the first generation, then True Parents are the second generation. The second generation must receive the marriage Blessing from God, and then they must bequeath that true lineage to their children. Otherwise, God would have no third generation. The restoration of those three generations is the ideal that the Unification Church is pursuing.
God is our vertical Father; He can connect us to the infinite spirit world. We also have a physical person as our horizontal father. Our vertical Father is God, and our horizontal using Mother are the True Parents.
In love, God meets True Parents at a 90-degree angle at the point where they unite as husband and wife. The place where a husband and wife become one is their reproductive organs. Except for using the reproductive organs, their lives cannot become one. Becoming one through that union makes the connection of lineage.
After inheriting true fife centered on God's love, perfected Adam and Eve relate to each other as subject partner and object partner. Their marriage is, at the same time, a marriage of God, the incorporeal substantial being, and Adam and Eve, the corporeal substantial beings. Hence, on their wedding night, they will experience God's love. Thus, the marriage of the perfected Adam and Eve is not simply the union of two human beings. Their wedding is the core event in the universe.
That is why you must seek for nothing but God and True Parents. You should seek nothing else but the love, life parents, and lineage of God and the love, life, and lineage of True Parents. (363-073, 2001/12/16)
8. God is vertical. When Adam and Eve join together horizontally at the center, they meet the vertical God. The standard of equality between men and women lies in the vertical. When they embrace and make love, the vertical is present. They whirl around, centering on that vertical axis.
Love means to attain oneness. Without love, the phrases “oneness between parents and children,” “oneness between husband and wife,” and “oneness between brothers and sisters” would not exist.
The bodies of man and woman are God's substantial forms. I mean that their bodies are God's body. In their physical union, they seek to ascend in pursuit of God, the vertical standard, but in fact, it first connects to them. The vertical standard descends quickly as if put by gravity. It comes down more quickly than the horizontal comes together. In their physical union, revolving around the vertical standard, everything together creates a spherical form of love. The vertical becomes the core, and Adam and Eve revolve around it like satellites to complete the spherical form of love. That is where Adam and Eve, God's son and daughter, are perfected as God's loving embodiments. (262-189, 1994/07/23)
9. The true vertical parent is God, and the true horizontal parents are the True Parents. Those who do not know these parents are not entitled to inherit the cosmic realm of God's blessing. Within the realm where hearts are bonded in true love, parents and children, God and True Parents, have equal ownership.
However, we must dearly understand that the vertical parent is God and the horizontal parents are True Parents. (246-214, 1993/04/16)
10. Because God is the only Lord of vertical love, we call Him the vertical Parent. The original human ancestors who have nothing to do with the Fall are the horizontal Parents. Their relationship exists at a 90-degree angle to the vertical. In whatever direction it turns, their relationship maintains its perpendicular position, its 90-degree angle to the vertical.
When there is perpendicularity between the vertical and the horizontal, no one complains even if ea st-west turns to above-below. In other words, whether the wife leads her husband, the children lead their parents, or the grandchildren lead their grandparents, no one complains because everyone feels connected.
Right there, the realm of unity is formed. Once we have such family relationships structured around a 90-degree angle, this creates the foundation for total oneness.
There is no waste, no struggle, only peace, for all eternity. (204-105, 1990/07/01)
God's eternal manifestation
In the original world of creation, Adam and Eve were to reach perfection and unite completely in true conjugal love. This would have created the basis for God to dwell within them and take His place as the vertical True Parent of humanity.
Once Adam and Eve, who resemble the incorporeal God as His substantial object partners, had become perfected and united with God, they would become the True Parents. They would have begotten children to form an ideal family and then an ideal world.
Once this had come to pass, Adam and Eve, as the perfected human ancestors, would have connected the spiritual world and the physical world. Had they become True Parents with perfect spirit selves, God then would have become manifest in the image of Adam and Eve, the True Parents. God would then dwell with the True Parents, perfected Adam and Eve, and His manifestation through them would continue forever. Therefore, now that True Parents are transforming the fallen, sinful world, restoring the original world of creation, and establishing the nucleus of the ideal world, they have become the eternal image of God, on earth and in the spirit world.
11. God divided His dual characteristics to create Adam and Eve as the embodiments of His original internal character and original external form, with man the embodiment of His original masculinity and woman the embodiment of His original femininity. In the same way, all beings in heaven and on earth are manifestations of God.
God is a being of dual characteristics in harmony. In terms of position and status, He is the subject partner and in the male position.
When God enters the True Parents, who become His embodiments, God, and the True Parents then become one in lineage, love a For life. In the position of total oneness with God, as families of the heavenly kingdom, as inheritors of the world where God is transcendent over all, immanent in all, and omnipotent, where the ideal of creation has been completed, each of you must occupy the position of families that are owners in the heavenly kingdom of eternal life. God wants that world, the world that achieves substantial victory both spiritually and physically. (602-258, 2008/11/16)
12. Why did God create human beings? First, He wanted object partners to love. He created Adam and Eve to multiply and fill His kingdom with those who were His physical manifestations, who would eventually come to live with Him in the kingdom of heaven.
For you to go to this kingdom in the other world, you must meet the original qualifications. You need to have people whom you can lead on God's behalf.
Furthermore, you need to have your object partner whom you can love on God's behalf. You need to perfect your husband-wife relationship on earth.
When convex and concave finally become one, it means that heaven and earth become one. Man symbolizes heaven; woman symbolizes earth. Whether you are a man or a woman, you must have your object partner in eternal love.
Next, you must become God's image. You must become like God. Human beings and God have the same attributes; therefore, be assured that each of you is a little god. Because the world of human beings is eternal, when you go to your place of glory, we can say that you have returned.
Using the word “return” to describe death is revelatory. It indicates that the purpose of one's life on earth before shedding the physical form is to prepare for one's return to the other world. We need to become God's object partners on the levels of the family, tribe, people, and nation, and then live forever in the infinite world as the embodiment of all glory. This is our ideal. (264-153, 1994/10/09)
13. The universe is a substantial entity whose appearance resembles God symbolically. Human beings are substantial beings in God's image, while God is the Substantial Reality. Everything resembles the Original Being. The beings who resemble Him the most are the ones in His image, human beings. Other beings a creation resembling human beings, who are their subject partners, are symbolic expressions of the Original Being.
God, the world of beings who are in His image, and the world of all things as symbolic expressions of God are not separated from each other; they are one. Although I describe them using different words symbols, images, and substances in a common center. Since they have only one center, they cannot help but dwell in that place of oneness. Each desires oneness with Him, whether they are entities that resemble God in symbol, beings in His image, or the Substantial Being Himself.
In this world, all things of the creation are beings in symbol, human beings are beings in God's image, and God Himself is the Substantial Being. God is invisible and incorporeal. The ideal of creation is for the incorporeal God to manifest as the corporeal God.
God is already the substantial reality of the invisible world, but He also wants to be substantiated in the visible world. This is the reason He created human beings; they are His substantial selves in the visible world.
The starting basis for human beings to become God's substantial selves is the True Parents. In the visible world, the True Parents are the center of entities in symbol, the center of beings in image, and the central focus of the Substantial Being. The central focus of the True Parents, who represent this visible world, is to be united with the reality of God's invisible world.
The same applies in the spirit world. In the spirit world as well, there is a world of beings in symbol, a world of beings in image, and the world of the Substantial Reality. We cannot see such beings with our physical eyes, but just as in the visible world, each consists of an inward nature and an outward form.
Nevertheless, the center of everything is the One. Whether it is in the visible world or the invisible world, the center is the One. This invisible substantial center is where we will settle in the spirit world. (298-106, 1999/01/01)
14. While the original Adam and Eve were growing, they could see God in each other with their spiritual eyes. God manifested Himself through Adam and Eve, who were His embodiments. It was as if He were sharing Himself with them. Although invisible, He would share everything of Himself with Adam and Eve; in this way, God would come to them and manifest in their bodies.
Although the mind is invisible, it does not mean that the mind does not know things. It does know. In original human beings, the mind leads and guides everything in the position of the subject partner. Adam and Eve were not to live as their bodies wanted them to; they were to live in unity with God centering on their minds.
That is why we all have to a thousand-fold enter the mind. The mind knows before our parents know, before our teachers know, and even before God knows. Upholding the ideal of love wants to benefit us a hundredfold, a thousandfold.
Thus, had Adam and Eve reached perfection, they would have been able to feel God Himself. They would have been unable to do anything against Him. They would have been able to feel His presence and know Him. They would have been able to sense, “God and I are one!” (270-271, 1995/07/16)
15. Once you go to the spiritual world, God will appear to you as True Parents. You will be able to see God in them and through them, needed because He dwells in their hearts.
God created human beings because He needed God to ben't multiple object partners. Unless you have an object partner, you cannot feel love. Thus, God created human beings for the perfection of love; that is why He wanted to assume substantial form. Further, He created them to multiply Himself. Without a substantial body that can procreate on earth, God can't multiply Himself. God created for these three reasons.
God needs to assume bodily form and to do so, He needs His object partners. It was Adam and Eve whom God created as His object partners, in and through whom He was to assume substantial form.
Therefore, to see Adam and Eve would be to see God. (270-272, 1995/07/16)
16. God is the eternal, incorporeal, internal Parent of all humankind. Adam and Eve are the eternal, corporeal, external parents of all humankind. When the incorporeal Parent as subject partner and the corporeal parents as object partners give and receive eternal love and become totally one with each other, they manifest supreme love and bear fruit. True love naturally manifests as unity, connects us to divine life, and leads us to realize the ideal.
God's most precious object partners are Adam and Eve. Centering on His love, they go to God as parents and children, as and, as the incorporeal Great, Mother, or, embodiments in the substantial world. In this way, they are to realize the ideals of eternal love and eternal life. This is God's Will.
People up to now have generally asserted that created beings cannot stand in a position equal to the Creator. However, if that were true, it would be impossible for the Creator to realize His ideal of love.
God's ideal of love is to relate to His children, Adam and Eve, as His corporeal substantial object partners and attain oneness with them for eternity. God wants to dwell in human beings. The moment that those human beings reach perfection as His object partners is the starting point for the incorporeal God to realize His ideal of love through substantial human beings. (135-011, 1985/08/20)
17. Adam and Eve, the horizontal True Parents, are the earthly king and queen. The heavenly king is God, the vertical True Parent and King of love. When Adam and Eve make love as man and woman, the Creator and the created beings who are to be the True Parents come together in a sacred union. That loving union is the starting point for the manifestation of the horizontal king who can usher in the kingdom of heaven on earth and the manifestation of the vertical king who rules over the kingdom of heaven in heaven.
Therefore, the focal point, the most precious things in the world, are the reproductive organs of man and woman. They are the original palace. Only one person can own that palace only one man for the woman's reproductive organ and only one woman for the man's. That palace is the palace of life and lineage. There can be only one king for that palace in the kingdom of heaven on earth and for that palace in the kingdom of heaven in heaven.
Hence, the wedding day of Adam and Eve is God's wedding day. When they enter into a loving union, they can finally perfect God and place Him in the position in which He is liberated. (253-213, 1994/01/23)
18. The first human beings were to inherit the seed of life and represent God. God is the origin of the seed of life. These human beings, who inherited God's seed, must then procreate. They are the True Parents, the owners of the seed. From them, life is multiplied and expands horizontally in all directions.
This is the formula.
Accordingly, the most blessed people are parents who give birth to many children. Parents with many children can establish the foundation to receive many blessings. When their children manifest their value as individuals, they are bound to inherit their family's foundation. When they marry, they will unite front and rear, and right and left. This is the point of perfection; that is where God dwells.
This is where the perfection of children, the perfection of siblings, the perfection of husband and wife, and the perfection of parents is realized. This is the point where everyone can connect to the invisible God.
This family is everything that we human beings truly desire. This is the family that everyone seeks to achieve. It is where God can fully manifest Himself in visible form. The love of brothers and sisters, the love of husband and wife, and the love of parents and children are all included here. Such love is something parents can bequeath to their children.
When the invisible God began His creation, it was as if He were making an appearance in the visible world. In creating human beings, God has four ideals: the ideal of parents, the ideal of husband and wife, the ideal of brothers and sisters, and the ideal of sons and daughters. As God is the Parent of all humankind, all parents have these same ideals.
That is why parents want to give birth to children. As children grow, they relate to their siblings. Later, they marry and become husbands or wives and look forward to becoming parents. A husband and wife perfect their relationship when they are in total unity, revolving around each other in all directions. At that point, another creation comes into being. The invisible God, the Creator, is manifest in a husband and wife. This is how they can become an ideal couple. God comes and shares their first wedding night with them. (248-109, 1993/08/01)
19. When the original Adam and Eve marry, God, the incorporeal Parent who dwells in their external forms, becomes the eternally existing Parent in the corporeal world. Then Adam and Eve become the True Parents, the true ancestors of humankind. Thereupon, God becomes the Father with a form, and the incorporeal and the corporeal become one. This symbolizes the oneness of heaven and earth. For this reason, God created Adam and Eve in His image and likeness. When Adam and Eve ascend to the thrones of the palace in heaven, God will build His palace in their hearts. This is the kingdom of love. (341-104, 2000/12/31)
20. If Adam and Eve had become God's embodiments, He would have dwelt within their hearts, reigning over earth and heaven, the corporeal world and the incorporeal world. The sovereignty would have been not only God's but also Adam and Eves. Hence, they would have expanded God's kingdom the kingdom of peace – on earth. Adam and Eve would have become the king and queen of the kingdom of heaven on earth and also the king and queen of the kingdom of heaven in heaven.
Inheriting all the attributes of God, they would have become absolute and unique beings with dominion over all created things. They would have become the substantial parents, the substantial king and queen, the substantial owners, and the substantial teachers of eternal and unchanging true love. Had this happened, then today all human beings would be God's second selves, the very embodiments of God. (501-033, 2005/07/14)