Mother completes her responsibility In the United States on March 27, 1990, the 31st Parents' Day, True Father proclaimed the “Realm of Women's Total Liberation.” He announced that True Mother is the “second founder of the church.”
True Father formally declared that True Mother had achieved victory in the completion of the providence of restoration, and that she stood on an equal footing with him in leading the providence under God. This means she had become the complete embodiment of the True Mother.
1. I have announced the era of the realm of the Fourth Adam, and Mother has completed her responsibility by uniting Cain and Abel. Thus, all of my foundation must be engrafted onto the blessed members. This is the era of mother-son cooperation.
When the era of mother-son cooperation is grafted into the era of father-son cooperation, blessed families can enter the era of father-son cooperation, following True Parents' family. Sons will be liberated through mother-son and father-son cooperation.
Men in general have not cooperated with Heaven and have even opposed Heaven. Now men can achieve success on the national, world, and cosmic levels through absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience, which before now was not possible. We must enter into the era of father-son cooperation on the victorious foundation of mother-son cooperation through Mother. As of today, we have come this far. (337-014, 2000/10/16)
2. True Mother has worked so hard. She is excellently trained, so she will do well in any situation. She has suffered a great deal and has undergone many hardships in her life but has overcome everything. All of her hardships served to train her. A good example is True Mother's completion of the Japan tour. I think we obtained excellent results. I know this because I have delivered many public talks myself.
True Mother has many good natural abilities. She is quiet but bold. You would not expect that she could embrace and unite an audience without hesitation. I am sure that all of you know that the title “second founder of the church,” which makes her status equal to mine, is not just words and that you feel, “Father gave her this title based on knowing her well.”
At this time, when we might have needed more than a year to establish this foundation in God's providence, she made it quickly. You have the responsibility to do even more than Mother. (219-268, 1991/10/11)
3. Even when I am alone, I represent True Parents. And the same goes for Mother. When she is alone, she represents True Parents. You should not say things like, “Now, since Father is over 70, why hasn't he designated an heir?”
Mother and Father are still alive, and our children are here as well. There is no need to worry. True Mother and our sons and daughters have to continue living for the sake of others with the absolute love of God, even more than the church members.
You should keep this in mind. But just in case something goes wrong with our descendants or something goes against the Principle, we will create a system to correct the matter through family meetings.
Now there is nothing to worry about. Fundamentally, I am the first founder of the church and Mother is the second founder of the church. Up to this point women have followed men, but from now on, they are on a horizontally even footing.
(201-127, 1990/03/27)
4. I declared the 7-1 Day, 7-8 Day, 7-9 Day and 7-10 Day and, on July 13, 2003, the end of the age of indemnity. As a result, everything in the providence of restoration has been completed. This means that God has now moved up to the parental position spiritually and physically.
Through our restoration of the era of indemnity, True Mother emerged. The ideal of creation was completed both spiritually in heaven and physically on earth, so it became possible to perform True Parents' Holy Wedding and institute registration. Then the Blessing and registration of births also became possible on earth.
When the ideal of creation was not yet complete, the spiritual Second Advent could not take place, but now True Mother has emerged. The physical True Parents stand in the parental position in the spirit world beginning when True Parents enter heaven.
God then becomes the Parent of the mind, and True Parents become the Parents of the body. Furthermore, after True Parents enter into heaven as the incarnation of God, all their sons and daughters can enter in their wake. (414-271, 2003/08/04)
5. God's Will is to create a nation that transcends religions, and politics, transcends nations, transcends NGOs, and embraces the whole world. God sent the Messiah to fulfill this Will; this was God's promise to the people of Israel. The Messiah has to come as the perfected Adam and find the lost Eve.
So the Messiah has to establish at the national level the original standard of Eve, which was lost with the failure of Adam's family. I established this standard and expanded it from the family level to the society level, and the national level.
God's Will to restore His sovereignty of love, the ideal of Eden, had been lost, and the world fell into a shadowy, sorrowful swamp. I advanced alone in the dark of night, from the position of servant of servants to that of servant, adopted child, stepchild, and child. I found a Mother and achieved the position of parent.
The mission of Mother, Eve's mission, is to restore the communist world and the democratic world as Cain and Abel, embrace them, and offer them to the True Father.
Fulfilling the mission over, Mother fought Satan's power, which was destroying the free environment of the democratic world, and she overcame at the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and world.
By overcoming the impediments of the world, Mother went through the pain of giving birth again. In doing so, Mother became the substantial, complete, victorious Mother of heaven and earth. In light of this, we could open the gates of Cheon Il Guk and inherit the kingship of the heavenly nation.
(404-290, 2003/02/06)
The plaque of recognition
On May 30, 1999, True Parents completed the “Rally for the Globalization of the True Family” in 80 cities around the world and held the “Ceremony for the Global Proclamation and Celebration of True Parents' Victory in the East and West” at the holy ground at Belvedere in Tarry town, New York.
Then, after finishing the pledge service on the 37th Day of All True Things on June 14 at the Han-nam-dong house, they held the Ceremony for Proclaiming and Celebrating True Parents' Cosmic Victory at the Seoul Olympic Gymnastics Arena. This was done to proclaim that True Parents had completed their mission through True Mother's victory in the 80-city speaking tour.
On that day, True Father gave True Mother a plaque proclaiming and celebrating True Parent's cosmic victory. The plaque declared that True Mother, who came with the mission of the True Mother of humankind, had fulfilled the mission of true child, true wife, and True Parent after True Parents' Holy Wedding in 1960 and, through her speaking tour, had bequeathed to all people the textbook of True Parents' life course.
6. You are God's original child, with God's special mission. You are the fruit of the history of the providence of restoration who came to earth with the mission of the True Mother of humankind.
Looking only upon heaven, you won a victory over the suffering course of the providence of restoration and established the eternal tradition with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience.
After True Parents' holy wedding in 1960, you completed the mission of true child before heaven, the mission of true wife before your husband, and the mission of true parent before your children.
God's providence of restoration and True Parents' holy work of restoration culminated in victory in 1999, and in that year you bequeathed to all people the textbook of True Parents' life course in 80 cities around the world through the “Rally for the Globalization of the True Family.”
I, as the Adam of original creation and as the True Father of humanity, give you this plaque to celebrate your achievement through such pain, to thank Heaven, and to praise your record in front of all descendants in heaven and on earth.
(310-211, 1999/06/16)
7. I held a public ceremony to recognize True Mother's achievement. She is worthy of recognition by both the Unification Church and the Creator. You have to say, “There is our Mother! She is the same as Father!” I have been on the right side of God, but now I have set up Mother as the left side of God.
Therefore, we can enter the era of liberation through 7-1 Day, 7-8 Day, 7-9 Day, and 7-10 Day. I was able to declare the completion of the age of indemnity, centered on the numbers 7 and 10.
God thus far has appeared symbolically. However, now God appears in His embodiment as True Father and True Mother has appeared as his partner. Therefore, the substantial kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven can be established.
You also must become perfected women and men who achieve oneness in heart, oneness in body, and oneness in thought, and inherit the true love, true life, and true lineage of heaven's nation. As substantial parents, you must give birth to sons and daughters and complete our family.
If you do not complete our family, you will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven. Instead, when you arrive in the spirit world, it will take you a long time to make up for that which you did not accomplish on earth, maybe even through harsh affliction and suffering. Without going through such a course substantially, you cannot enter heaven. (414-279, 2003/08/04)
8. Through the “Rally for the Advancement of the Globalization of the True Family” in 80 cities around the world, the True Mother won a supreme victory over the highest level of Satan's world. She entered into this position based upon the recognition by God, Satan, and all people that she had fulfilled her responsibility as the True Mother.
Starting with Christianity, she has gone beyond the realm of religion and has achieved victory. She can therefore occupy and act from the precious position of Eve whose mistake in front of Adam has been restored. I will proclaim this to heaven and earth.
Therefore, I will publicly recognize Mother's achievement at the “Ceremony for Proclaiming and Celebrating True Parents' Cosmic Victory.” From now on, Mother stands in a position equal to my own.
The age of the equality of man and woman has come. It is the age of the equality of man and woman based on love. Now is the time when we have to unite women and teach men about this. (302-232, 1999/06/14)
9. Because it was a crucial time for Mother to fulfill her responsibility, Mother went around the world holding the “Rally for the Advancement of the Globalization of the True Family.”
In China, it seemed it would be impossible to hold the rally, but Heaven worked to make it happen. Mother made various conditions by which heaven could not but help us. Mother established the condition through the 80-city speaking tour to make even Satan surrender to God, their True Parents, and humankind.
Therefore, we are holding a ceremony honoring this victory; it is the “Ceremony for Proclaiming and Celebrating True Parents' Cosmic Victory.”
(302-137, 1999/06/12)
10. What is the meaning of my giving Mother a plaque of recognition on June 14, 1999? Throughout history, the Eves of three ages sacrificed the Adams from those ages. But at this time, Mother set the conditions to qualify as the Mother of three ages. She rose to the position where she could receive heaven's blessing on an equal footing with Father.
Without the completion of the four-position foundation and three-object partner purpose, it is impossible to enter heaven. To be the Lord at His Second Advent implies the completion of the Completed Testament Age, and the completion of the Completed Testament Age implies standing in the position of completely realizing God's ideal of creation. So a command from the Returning Lord is like one from the perfected Adam, or from Jesus, standing on the foundation of his nation.
Up to now, the internal realm of religion has been unable to win over the external world controlled by Satan. But the Returning Lord has achieved a historic, cosmic victory over this world. And you inherited that victory. You cannot be qualified to enter heaven unless you stand in the position of the Lord's partners, representing the people, the nation, and the world. (302-286, 1999/06/26)