Chapter 10. The Parallel Ages and the Providence of True Parents Parallel History is the providential understanding of history discovered by Father

In the second part of the Divine Principle, we can find the history of Jewish people, of Christianity, of the Western world, and the whole world.

In the second part of the Divine Principle, we can find the history of Jewish people, of Christianity, of the Western world, and the whole world. Furthermore, the Principle of Restoration explains the parallels between the two ages and that the 400 years of Roman persecution was the indemnity age for the 400 years of Egyptian persecution. Then we see that from one point to another is 120 years, another is 210 years, and we see that the numbers in the parallel ages are orderly.

When we closely examine how human history has been developing, we can discover that similar situations are repeating themselves. We can deduce from this that human history is developing in the form of a spiral, repeating similar situations that had already happened in the past.

When we look at the picture, A, A’, and A’ ‘ represent the historical figures who were called upon for their respective age. Furthermore, the bold lines beneath A, A’, and A’ ‘ on the chart symbolize a particular historical event similar to that of their predecessor had happened.

When similar events occur in different ages, we call these periods the Parallel Providential Periods.

This was something no one else was able to find. When historical periods are recorded, they only mention which period began at which time and how. Then they mention how the period ended and what each person did along the way. Most of human history is a subsequential recording of external events. Some historians came up with their understanding of history but no one was able to come up with the exact providential understanding of history from the perspective of restoration.

God sends a central figure to create a foundation to send the Messiah, but if the central figure fails, then God sends another. As God has to force the new figure to indemnity and restore the mistakes of his predecessor, God has to make him do similar things. That is why history has been evolving in a spiral fashion.

Father used to say “Search from this point to that point. It will be 120 years.” This is how the chart that explains Parallel Providential Periods was created.

Parallel Providential Periods are divided into three stages of 2,000 years each: The period in the Age of the Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration(2,000 years from Adam to Abraham), the Period in the Age of the Providence of Restoration(2,000 years from Abraham to Jesus), and the Age of the Extended Providence of Restoration(2,000 years from Jesus to the Returning Lord).

From Abraham to Moses is 400 years, from Jesus to St. Augustine is 400 years, and from Moses to King Saul is 400 years, and from St. Augustine to Charlemagne the Great is also 400 years. Similar events happened within these different periods in history. That is why everything is revealed when we closely examine the Parallel Providential Periods.

Just as we discover hidden shells when we dig in the sand, Father pulls out these significant periods. That is why the Parallel Periods are Father’s unique providential understanding of history.

Mr. Eu Hyo Won wrote in his diary “Chapter 5 of the second part of Divine Principle is truly mesmerizing, and it gets even deeper as I read it and contemplate. Father has found the periods and lengths of the ages of restoration providence that no one in the history could find.”

Israelites are the chosen people who were central in advancing the Age of the Providence of Restoration which began with Abraham, and therefore the history of the Jewish people became critical material in understanding that particular period in history. Furthermore, Christians were the chosen people who were central to advancing the Age of the Prolongation of the Providence of Restoration.

The history of Christianity therefore offers important insight into understanding that specific age. Then naturally, the history of Korean people who are the third Israelites centering on the Returning Lord becomes an important material for this age.

The dispensation of forty separating Satan from the Foundation on the national level

It is essential to understand how the Parallel Periods of restoration history are unfolding in today’s age.

This is a picture that explains that advancement. (It will be easier to understand this chart when you read this section of the Divine Principle first.)

The most important part in Chapter 5 of the Principle of Restoration is the World Wars. The First World War was a war that prepared the foundation upon which Father could be born as the mess Messiah other significant events in the history of mankind served as the preparation for the birth of one man, which is our Father, such as The Renaissance, The Reformation, and Abel and Cain's understanding of human life.

From the Principal’s standpoint, Korea had to form a foundation on the national level after the dispensation of forty to separate Satan. This is for the restoration of cosmic Canaan and only then could Korea become the nation that can welcome the messiah.

The direct descendants who shared the blood lineage of Abraham and who escaped the persecution of Egypt upholding the Will of God were the first chosen Israelites. The Christian followers who upheld resurrected Jesus, who was crucified after being accused by the first Israelites of heresy and who inherited the works of the providence of restoration, were the second Israelites.

There was a high chance that the Returning Lord would be persecuted by the Christians just as Jesus was persecuted by the first Israelites, so God had to choose the people who upheld the Returning Lord as the third Israelite to complete the third age in His providence. The Korean people who upheld the returning Lord and who had the mission of completing God’s third providence had to become the third Israelites.

To create a number 40 foundation to separate Satan to begin the National Courses to Restore Canaan, the chosen people of the first Israelites went through the suffering course of 400 years under Egypt which represented the Satanic world at the time. Similarly, the second Israelites as well fought and won their 400-year-long battle against the persecution of The Roman Empire which represented the Satanic world at the time to begin the Worldwide Course to Restore Canaan.

Satan Remains In Human Beings
Rev. Moon has experienced many sorrowful situations, extreme agonies, and indescribable sufferings.

Therefore, for the Korean people, the third Israelites, to create the number 40 foundation of separating Satan to begin the Cosmic Level Course to Restore Canaan, the Korean people had to suffer persecution under certain nations for a period that corresponds with number 40.

Korea became a part of Japan in 1910 but Korea had already lost its independence in 1905 when its diplomatic rights were taken entirely by the Empire of Japan. Korea became a colony of the Empire of Japan and had to endure 40 years of persecution.

Japan’s colonization of Korea and its subsequent persecution of Korean people was the same as when Eve stood in the reverse position to become Adam’s subject.

Korea, as the Adam nation where the Messiah was to be born, had to restore through indemnity the reverse subjective position Eve took towards Adam in the Garden of Eden.

From the perspective of Principle, Japan’s 40-year-long domination happened not purely because of human will but because of the need to fulfill God’s providence of restoration. When we understand the Principle, Korean people must not hate or harbor resentment towards Japanese people. Now that the messiah has come, Korea can restore Adam’s realm of dominion, and Korea and Japan can become happy together while serving the Lord.

The First World War that started in 1914 ended in 1918, and the Mansei movement happened on the first day of March 1919. Upon such a foundation created by our people with much blood, Father was born in the next year, on January 6, 1920 (Lunar). Then on August 15, 1945, when the first number 40 cosmic period of indemnity ended, Korean people were able to regain their independence.

Christianity failed to serve Father following independence

Father began to appear as the Returning Lord on this Earth after the end of World War Two. Korea welcomed its independence from Japan when World War Two ended in 1945. The victors of World War Two were key Christian nations: America, Britain, and France. Three years later in 1948, the Republic of Korea established its body of government.

Many patriots including Mr. Kim Gu traversed the northern and southern sides of the peninsula in hopes of creating a unified Korea. However, their efforts to build a unified government failed because a communist government had already nestled itself in the North of the 38th parallel line and the southern side of the nation had been under the rule of the American military for the past three years. In 1948, the Republic of Korea made its government from the North.

If the Christians at the time did not oppose Father for seven years from 1945 to 1952, Father said that he could have appeared in front of the world as the Lord.

In our nation, there were two different types of Christians: the Cain-type Christians and the Abel-type Christians. The Abel-type Christians were those who refused to bow down to the Japanese empire during the Japanese colonization period and protected their standard of faith even if it meant martyrdom.

The groups led by Kim Seong Do or Heo Ho Bin, which were composed of many spiritually bright people, were the Christians who were willing to sacrifice themselves only for the Will of Heaven.

Father sought the Abel-type Christian groups as soon as Korea gained its independence. Father was the perfected Adam, and the perfected Adam needed the restored Adam and Eve.

From the position of restored Adam, Mr. Kim Baek Mun testified for the Father. Mr. Kim Baek Mun testified to Father that Father is the one to take the highest throne, saying, “You are the one who has come with the glory of Solomon.”

However, just as John the Baptist who testified to Jesus but did not follow him because of his doubt, Kim Baek Mun also did not follow Father even after testifying to him. Then the spiritually bright people among the followers of Mr. Kim Baek Mun received a revelation telling them “Do not follow Mr. Kim but follow now Mr. Moon.” When Mr. Kim Baek Mun refused to accept even that, Father could not gain his substance of faith and left for North Korea.

Father went to North Korea to find the woman who called herself ‘ the wife of Jehovah.’ The grandmother Kim Seong Do also passed away without fulfilling her mission and Ms. Heo Ho Bin also died as a martyr inside a prison because she received her Father’s letter when she was in prison but did not follow her Father’s command.

Next was the grandmother Park Eul Ryong. Father worked for her as if he were her servant, even to the point of washing her underwear. Mrs. Park Eul Ryong also testified that Father is the Lord but soon thereafter began to doubt him. Failing to serve Father as the substantial Lord, she became insane and left.

Father received testimonies from spiritual Abel-type Christians, but they failed to serve Father as the substantial Lord. Finally, heaven had to send Father to the Heungnam prison camp to protect Father’s life from the ever-growing persecution from Christians. Father gained his freedom after the Korean War began, and he fled to the South.

The spiritual Abel-type Christians failed to fulfill their mission as such. If these people fulfilled their mission, they could have easily absorbed the Cain-type Christianity, and the Will of Heaven could have been completed. So Abel-type Christianity had to accept and serve the Father as the Lord.

The Cain-type of Christians were those who succumbed to the pressure and bowed down to the Japanese emperor. They served both Jesus and the Japanese emperor.

Then they formed the intelligent part of the society. The government did not take their wealth, and they went to America to receive a high level of education. When the rule of the American army started, they needed intelligent people who could speak English, so they ended up hiring capable people including pro-Japan people.

The Cain-type Christians gathered under the banner of Lee Seung Man’s Freedom Party. Father wrote a letter to one of the close aids of the president Lee Seung Man and told him about Father’s vision, but there was no way a group such people who were filled with worldly greed could have accepted Father’s message. Accepting Father’s message meant for them that they would have to lose their foundation so they started throwing severe persecution at Father. Father was rejected by the Cain-type Christianity because even the Abel-type Christianity failed to accept Father.

Restoration of elder son’s position in 1985

The World War Two began in 1939 and ended in 1945. Father said that had Christians accepted Father, heaven on Earth could have been realized in seven years until 1952. This was God’s plan. However, the Christians who had to follow the Messiah did not follow him. Then the providence was extended for forty years.

What’s forty years after 1945? It’s 1985. Father was in America at the time. Then he went to Danbury prison. Why did Father go to Danbury prison?

Father told the members of the 36 couples to come to America. I went to America in February 1983, but the men of the 36 couples went to America from as early as 1982. I stayed active in America for about nine years. Then I came to Japan in July 1991 when Father told me to pack up and go help the providence in Japan.

That was an important period in the providence when Father met Gorbachev and Kim Il Sung to bring the world of communism into complete subjugation. Then why did Father have to go to Danbury prison? Moreover, why did Father have to go to America?

Many people have questions about this.

Why did Father have to do his work in America?

There are three brothers in America. These three brothers believe and worship the same God as their Father. The eldest son is Judaism, the second son is Christianity, and the third son is Unification Church. America is the only place where these three brothers reside in the same country. That is why Father had to go to America.

Jewish people, who were the eldest sons, started coming to America in great numbers at the time of World War Two. It was because Hitler persecuted Jews. Hitler wanted his Germanic people to be recognized as the best race in the world but the Jews interfered with his dream. Realizing that the Jews were better than his people, he killed six million Jews.

Judaism walked a painful course for 4,000 years. Father said that the people who received the most persecution were the Jews. It was because all nations around them practiced Polytheism. Jews who believed that there was only one God received an unimaginable amount of persecution that would’ve been impossible for others to endure. The suffering they had to endure for 4,000 years to be chosen by God cannot be described in words.

So Jesus came upon such a foundation, but because of the failure of the Jewish people to believe and serve Jesus and instead murdering him, those who believed in Jesus had to die in martyrdom.

That is the 2,000-year period. So 4,000 years combined with 2,000 years constitute the 6,000-year period. God’s providence could have advanced and Father could have come as the third son because of the foundation of 6,000 years of the suffering of his two elder brothers.

However, these two brothers opposed Father. Jews think that their crucifixion of Jesus was right. Father, however, says that Jews have murdered Jesus out of lack of belief.

Jews would rather not hear that. They become angry whenever they hear it. That is why the Jews in America are the ones who persecute Father the most.

Furthermore, what about Christianity? Christians say that they received complete salvation through the cross but the Father says otherwise. So Christians oppose the Father.

When he was working in America, Father said “I have three enemies in America. Two are my brothers Judaism and Christianity. The other is Communism. These three enemies try to kill me.” However, his two brothers sent him to Danbury prison before Communism could lay its hands on Father.

Restoration Of The Eldest Son’s Right
If you are to be victorious, you must go out into the world. You must go out and restore the rights of the firstborn son.

Father however still tried to save his two elder brothers. It is because Communism is after Judaism and Christianity. Communism is set out to decimate conservative sides. Father offered a lot of jeongseong to save his two elder brothers from the hands of Communism and invested a lot of money in founding a newspaper called The Washington Times. He did this to fight the battle against Communism, who were bent on chasing his two elder brothers away.

Father said that he thinks about Joseph whenever his two elder brothers try to kill him. These two elder brothers are the ones who served and attended God for the past 6,000 years before Father was born on this Earth. Father said that this is the reason he must save his two elder brothers even though they tried to kill him.

Even now, Father does not hate Jews and Christians but thinks that they are two precious elder brothers. Father said that as all three brothers are in America, heaven’s Will must be accomplished in America.

Father determined before he went to Danbury prison: I must not die here. If I die here, it will be the same as the crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus was unable to fulfill his mission because of the crucifixion.

There were 200 prisoners in Danbury prison at the time. They at first ignored Father, calling him the head of a heretic group branched out from Christianity.

Furthermore, they gave Father the light task of taking care of salt and pepper shakers in the cafeteria because he is old. Father, however, came out in the morning before anyone else to sweep the floor, wipe the tables, and make all the necessary preparations for a meal.

The prisoners in the prison did not want to work hard. However, Father cleaned after himself very neatly when he was done eating, and anyone who saw Father’s sincerity was moved. Father became a role model for others in this way.

Father slept from midnight to three in the morning. He then woke up and kept praying in the prayer room. Some inmates plead to Father that they want to pray with Father in the prayer room. Father, however, politely turned down their pleas because they wouldn't even understand his prayers since he prayed in Korean.

A few weeks later, they began to respect Father, calling him “Father Moon!” Then whenever their family members came to visit them, they said “I am together with this great man called Rev. Moon. It is an honor to be in this prison with Rev. Moon.”

Those who were released from prison before Father came to Father and said “I am sorry that I’m leaving here before you. I will make sure I visit you later.” Father entirely changed the environment like that. So no one would hurt Father. However, there were still worries in Father’s heart.

Mr. Kamiyama went to Danbury prison together with Father. Father received eighteen months and he was sentenced to six months. Their sentences were reduced for good behavior, however. Father spent thirteen months and Mr. Kamiyama spent four months in prison.

When Mr. Kamiyama was with Father, Mr. Kamiyama took the night watch while Father slept. As his release date was drawing near, Mr. Kamiyama worried who would stand the night watch after he was released. He worried if Father would sit alone and eat in a corner of the cafeteria.

However, God moved the hearts of one white person and one black person to allow Father at least three hours of sleep. They came to Father and pleaded, “Rev. Moon!

We will take turns in standing the night watch so sleep soundly.” Father told us “That’s how I was able to sleep at least three hours a day without worries.” After all this, Father was able to make it out alive.

What did Father do after being released from prison? Father said “My elder brothers tried to kill me, but I advanced the wonderful providence of saving my brothers. Through this, I restored the elder-ship.” Through loving his two elder brothers, Father who was in the third son’s position was able to take the position of the eldest son.

Father then started asking us every day, “What did I tell you that I did inside?” “Yes. You said you ‘ restored the elder-ship.’ !” Then he asked again the next day, “What did I do?” “Yes. You ‘ restored the elder-ship.’ “ We used to say that like we say about God’s Kingship these days. When we give three cheers of Eog-mansei, we shout “Eog-mansei for the establishment of God’s kingship!” Back then, it used to be the restoration of elder-ship. So we repeated every day, for weeks and months, “It’s the restoration of elder-ship. The restoration of elder-ship.”

Father also told us “Do you know the meaning of restoration of elder-ship?

Restoration of elder-ship means that the younger son has now taken the position of the eldest son. The spirit world now cooperates with me. Only the eldest son can achieve God’s Will.” Father came out of Danbury prison victoriously without avoiding the persecution.

The two elder brothers sent Father to prison but many righteous people among the sides of these brothers came to Father. They came to Father and said “We are sorry. The people of America have put you into prison for something so trivial.”

The incredible miracle of white people repenting happened because Father went to Danbury prison.

Father also gave special Words below while he was in Danbury prison about Mother who offered jeongseong to him.

“The Teacher is truly grateful for Mother. I believe Mother has experienced the deepest depth of the valley. Standards with this situation involving Danbury. She met me while she was just a child, and she’s been ascending rapidly. Because of her life, her standards have been increasing gradually. She was able to know the heart of a woman who yearns for her husband.” (From True Parents’ Life Course) 1988 Olympic Games and the proclamation of The Foundation Day For The Nation of the Unified World

After the 40-year extension of the providence from 1948, the 1988 Olympic Games were held in Seoul.

From an external perspective, the 1988 Seoul Olympics helped show the world the strength of Korea as a nation. From an internal standpoint, God’s providence was embedded within the Olympics.

The government was officially established in Korea in 1948, but after 40 years of extension in the providence, Father proclaimed ‘ The Nation of the Unified World’ and brought the level of Korea to the level of the nation that unified the world (This level has now been extended to that of The Nation of the Unified Cosmos).

Athletes participated from 160 nations, the largest number in the history of the Games. There were 13,000 participants and there were even 514 participants from the Soviet Union. It was something we could only dream about at the time.

When I was in New York, a member who used to work as a teller at a branch of a Japanese bank told me that many Japanese people in America sent money for a successful event. Our country was short on budget, too, but many people around the world sent money to Korea.

In Osaka, Japan, there was a meeting hall for Koreans who lived in Japan. They made and put up a plaque on the side of the walls and there was a list of who gave 1 Million Yen, 2 Million Yen, and 3 Million Yen. Koreans in Japan donated a lot of money at the time. Our government put that money to good use.

160 nations participated in the Olympics but many of them were small island nations with tens of thousands of population. Such nations could not send their participants. So we invited these participants and paid for their costs. You see, they could be counted as one nation as long as they have at least three participants including the flag-bearer.

A large nation such as America would be counted as one nation and small nations with only three participants could also be calculated as one nation. It is said that Korea invited these small nations’ participants with the money they received as donations from their people living abroad.

North Korea was watching attentively as to how well South Korea would host the 88 Olympics. So we had to put up a good show. We also had to show to the world our true selves. So Korea invited even the smallest nations and the number of participating countries became 160. The largest number of nations in history participated in this Olympics.

Father invited the participants and their staff members who came for the ‘ 88 Olympics to Little Angel's Art Hall. Father gave them good food and showed them Little Angels’ performance. He gave suits to the men and silk clothing to the women. Father also gave ties and scarves.

Father’s close assistants, Mr. Park Bo Hi, and Rev. Kwak Chung Hwan, welcomed these participants, and they were greatly moved when they were introduced to Father’s worldwide providence.

The participants from the Soviet Union did not come at first. The festival continued for three days and the participants from the Soviet Union ended up coming for the event on the last day after hearing so many good stories from the participants from satellite nations. On this day, Father’s assistants, who were there to act as Father’s representatives, worked hard to explain Father’s providence.

They told them that “Rev. Moon does not have enemies. He hates none. He is also working very hard to save this world. He also has done a lot of work through unending services and sacrifices.”

The participants were greatly moved and one of the participants who won a gold medal offered his new newly wonal to Father through the head of the team. He said that they received so much from Rev. Moon, and they couldn’t leave the nation without returning something to Father.

Rev. Kwak at the time came to Father’s house in Hannam Dong and reported this. Father was pleased. Father was satisfied and said “OK. As the children of the enemy nations come to me bearing substantial gifts, the path will now open.”

Then Father said that in the Seoul Olympics, Father represented Jacob and the second-generation children represented Esau. Even though they came to Korea to participate in a tournament, from the Father’s providential perspective, these second-generation Esau's became one with the Father who was in the position of Jacob. Father said that the important event of the unification of Esau and Jacob happened through the ‘ 88 Olympics. So Father made sure he watched as many sporting events as possible during the ‘ 88 Olympics. Father turned on three televisions to catch all the events.

Seoul did not have enough stadiums so the Olympics used stadiums in other cities such as Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, and Jeonju. Most of the games were shown on TV and Father watched them without sleeping. Father watched the games until 2 or 3 in the morning. Father watched the games until 3 in the morning, trying to stay awake but dozing off from time to time.

So those who were attending Father wanted to make Father go to bed, and even though the TV was showing the sports events 24 hours a day, they told Father “Father! It’s over now.” Then Father said “Yeah? Is it over?” Then he retired.

Father, however, slept only about two hours and said he wanted to watch the games again.

Father paid that much attention to the ‘'88 Olympics. No one was able to follow the level of Father’s devotion. Father said he had to offer the most amount of jeongseong; more than anyone in the world since the ‘ 88 Olympics had a providential significance.

Korean players won more medals than any other sports in wrestling during the ‘ 88 Olympics. Do you know what Father said about wrestling?

Father gleefully explained, “Western players have broad shoulders, and they lack endurance because their buttocks are not as wide. They try to bring down Korean players like gorillas, but it doesn’t work so well. Koreans are small but their buttocks are big. They refuse to go down, and they suck all the strength out of foreign players. Then they bring the chests to their opponents who are exhausted and take them down.”

We realized Mother’s power during those times. When Father was watching a game at its final round, when the color of the medal was about to be determined in 2 to 3 minutes, Father began clapping and called Mother to come in a loud voice.

Mother was, of course, watching the game in her room with other attendants but Father still called her out. Then he said, “Mother has to be next to me.”

Father kept insisting on Mother to come out so Mother hastily went to Father’s side. She cheered and clapped together with Father. That must have given him a lot of spiritual strength. Even Mother would be sleepy or previously preoccupied with something else, Father said the heavenly fortune comes to work when Mother is next to him. Father says that Mother needed to be here for victory.

Truly, our losing player would reverse the situation and win in the end when Mother came. I truly realized the power Mother had at the time.

Many missionaries who were working abroad came back to Korea upon Father’s command. Each nation’s church leaders and core members from about 20 nations came to Korea with their Korean missionaries. So those national leaders and the core members gave truckloads of McCols to the players from their option for free. I thought at the time that Ilhwa’s McCol was invented just for that time alone.

Olympics games would be held late in the summer night, so those McCols and water bottles must have been very refreshing for the players. Our church members even gave them free interpretation services.

Those participants from each nation did not even know that their nation had The Unification Church. There could have been participants who even hated The Unification Church, but they could not help but fall in love with the Unification Church at the time. They were just glad to see their countrymen but seeing them sacrificing themselves so much for them, they were deeply grateful for our church.

Our church gained a lot both internally and externally through the ‘ 88 Olympic events. It is a chance for us to let others know about ourselves on the external level. In addition, by proclaiming ‘ The Nation of Unified World’ after making sisterhood relationships with many national leaders around the world. We Accomplished the things we had not fulfilled during the previous 40 years.

Father told us that the ‘ 88 Olympic events have an important providential meaning that would decide the fate of Korea. Father said this was the reason he had to watch all the games while offering more parenting than anyone else in the world, and said that the heavenly fortune would now be with Korea.

The realm of parenting was restored in 1992 by establishing Mother. It was 1992 when the 40-year extension from 1952 ended.

Father put forth Mother in front of the whole world in this year. Father had to accomplish an important task before being able to put Mother in front of the world. It was regarding Communism. So Father met Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990 and Kim Il Sung in 1991. These meetings did not take place coincidentally.

I talked about ‘ Panda Motors Co.’ before. Father made a tremendous amount of investment in China, a communist country, an enemy country, and protected China’s economy until the end. The Communist World watched this, and they were incredibly surprised by Father’s ‘ Panda’ providence. They thought ‘ Hey! Why did Rev. Moon, who opposes Communism, help China?’

Father at the time said that 5,000 KGB agents were working in America to collect information for their Russian intelligence agency. He said that these agents collected information about the activities of Father and reported them back to their government. After closely monitoring Father, they realized that Father’s works were truly sacrificial. They were moved by Father’s genuine sacrifices and his works for the sake of his enemies.

Father asked to meet with Gorbachev after holding the World Press Assembly in Moscow and Gorbachev was willing to meet Father since he already knew about Father’s sacrifice for his enemy country, China, through the KGB.

When he was with Father, Gorbachev asked Father, “Rev. Moon, I've done my research about you and you are not our enemy. I have been successful with my policy but our economic foundation is still weak. Please help us with Rev. Moon’s worldwide organizations and economic power.”

Father told Gorbachev, “It only is a temporary help if I help you financially. If you truly want to make Russia a great nation, you must believe in God. Creating a great nation cannot be done through only the human mind. Give your people the freedom of religion.” Gorbachev then guaranteed the freedom of religion in his nation.

Father also told Gorbachev, “Please guide Kim Il Sung. Please tell him that the unification will not come through physical violence, but it needs to come through God’s eternal truth and love and service and sacrifice.” Gorbachev upheld Father’s request.

Father then offered a suggestion: “You should allow me to educate your youth so I can train them to become the leaders who will usher in the eternal advancement and prosperity of your nation.” Gorbachev entrusted Father with the education of several college students. Gorbachev followed Father’s guidance.

At first, we looked for 200 students who could speak English well, and we realized that many college students in the Soviet Union could speak English very well.

When I asked them how they were able to speak English well, they said that they had to study hard because they had to know about the language and culture of their enemy nation to beat them. So many students volunteered and the initial number of 200 became 4,000. They came to America in groups of 200 to study.

I was working as a preacher for CARP (College Association for the Research of Principle) while also working as a pastor at the time following Father’s command.

So I was able to participate in this education session about three times. The students from the Soviet Union loved the things they were being taught and said, “Christianity teaches that corpses will arise from their grave and that Jesus will return on clouds, but we do not believe such things.” They said that the Principle was much more scientific, logical, and practical, and it was easier to understand.

Joyful after principal lectures, they said “No problem! This is very true.” I noticed that Atheists were absorbing the principle even faster than Christians who knew it all wrong. I was very much surprised.

One professor from the Soviet Union said during his farewell party, “When we learned about communism, we were taught to hate, kill, and wage a bloody revolution, and we thought violent revolution was the best. However, after listening to Rev. Moon’s Principle, we realized that the best thing to do is to sacrifice for others and love one another.

You are very fortunate to be so young and be able to listen to Rev. Moon’s teachings for a long time. I feel deeply sorry for myself as I do not have as much time as you do with life.” I witnessed these people shedding tears and rejoicing. Father brought Gorbachev into complete subjugation like this.

Father then met Kim Il Sung. Kil Il Sung also thought that Father was his enemy.

However, after meeting Father, Kim Il Sung said “I considered you to be one of the strongest enemies I have. However, I was able to conclude that you are not my enemy after learning about your life. I’ve come to realize that you are truly a person who gives endlessly and sacrifices for the whole Earth. Therefore, I respect you.” Then he also even added, “If we work for the unity of this nation, we can do it quickly. If the Korean government follows you, I also will follow you without condition.”

Father was pleased when he came back from his meeting with Kim Il Sung. Father said happily “Kim Il Sung knew what he was talking about. He saw what kind of person I was so he was a smart person. If Kim Il Sung stands in front of his people and says ‘ People, listen! This is the True Parents. Let us all follow him!’ then the whole country can be restored in one day!”

Communists are originally made of murderers. So communists incessantly made attempts for True Parents’ lives. However, Father was able to bring Mother to the stage when such Communists came to Father’s embrace.

Then what kind of person is our True Mother?

Father’s life is important too but Father cannot be True Parents if Mother, God forbids, is murdered by communists. Humanity would then have no way to be saved. So Father always puts Mother in the back while advancing the providence. However, since communists, who were after Father’s life, were brought to complete subjugation, Father was able to put Mother in the front.

Since the original humanity was devastated because of Eve’s active role in seducing Adam to the fall, Mother, who came as the perfected Eve, has to walk in front of Father and help Father become successful, thereby restoring the wrongdoings of Eve through indemnity. Father had a reason to put Mother in the front. So Father wrote a calligraphy read.

Coming of the Global Age of Women’ and opened the age of women with Mother.

How much jeongseong did Father offer until he was able to put Mother forth to the world?

In World War Two, America, England, and France, formed God’s side, and Satan’s side was formed by Germany, Japan, and Italy. These six countries become seven when we add Korea. Father said the names of the three nations on God’s side once when he woke up in the morning, once before each of his meals, and before he went to bed. He said them five times a day, and he did this for forty years.

How much does that come out to be? When we calculate, it becomes 73,000 times (40 years x 364 days x 5 times).

Father then said “The names of these nations are so attached to my mouth now that if I fall unconscious and regain my consciousness, I will automatically say the names of these nations. If I am to undergo an operation and wake up from the anesthesia, the first thing I will say will be these names.” Father also said, “I put so much jeongseong before I was able to put Mother forth.”

During that time, Father said “Do you know what jeongseong is? jeongseong means repeating the same thing over and over again every day like a fool, even if no result appears. That is jeongseong.” Father said that he prays in advance for the things that will happen after 10 years, 100 years, 1,000 years, and 10,000 years.

When you pour water into a bowl, you can fill it up to the brim. If you continue to pour, the water will begin to spill. Father said, “Even though your jeongseong would show no result, you must keep on praying until it reaches the breaking point.”

Father established The Women’s Federation for World Peace in 1992 and appointed Mother as its chairman. Then he advanced the providence of restoring the Parentship through Mother’s mouth. Mother said, “Rev. Moon has walked such and such life course to walk the path of Messiah, of True Parents” as she spearheaded assemblies to proclaim are Parents in front of the world.

I want to introduce an excerpt from Mother’s speech.

“The mission of the Messiah, the Savior is to teach the way to end the history of sin which began from the humanity’s loss of the path of True Parents, True Spouses, and True Children.

I hereby proclaim to the whole world through this occasion that Rev. Moon has pioneered the course of the Messiah's True Parents throughout his entire life. As you must be well aware, Rev. Moon has pioneered the future for humanity by discovering the original sin committed by human ancestors and revealing the purpose of God’s creation even in the middle of the world’s relentless attack and persecution. (From her 1992 speech)“

Mother told me back then “As someone who has watched the miserable life of Father, I felt like my heart was about to burst open when I proclaimed Father as the True Parents and the Messiah of humanity.” She also said, “It was very difficult for me to contain my emotion, stopping myself from breaking into tears.”

Mother is the person who knows Father more than anyone else. Mother was able to restore the Parentship by proclaiming Father as the Messiah and the True Parents of humanity. That is why Mother is an important person.

Providence to restore kingship began in 2000

On June 13, 1998, Father blessed four great saints and 30 murderers.

What kind of meaning does this blessing have? Through blessing the greatest of saints in the spirit world and also the murders in the bottom depths of hell, such as Stalin, at the time same, Father demolished the barrier between heaven and hell.

Since the barrier between heaven and hell was gone, Father could freely traverse not only heaven but also hell. Father said that he equalized heaven and hell.

Father said that God’s sorrowful heart was relieved when he blessed the thirty murderers even more than when he blessed the four great saints. God wishes to eliminate hell. Only when hell is eliminated and Satan’s foothold is gone can Satan return to God. Father spoke these wonderful Words while giving the blessing.

“There is no sin committed by humans that cannot be forgiven,” he said.

Father says that he has the power to forgive any kind of sin. How wonderful is that? Whenever I heard things like that, I felt ‘ Ah, God and Messiah both are not set out to punish people’s sins but find a way to forgive them by completely stripping them of Satan’s accusation.’ I felt that this is the love of True Parents.

Father says this sometimes: “What would be the parents’ hearts when they see their children being dragged down to the guillotine? The parents will do anything in their power if it means they can save their child. Is it not the parents’ heart? God is the same. God is the parent. Even though human beings are born of Satan’s lineage, God wants to help human beings to escape God’s lineage, escape God’s accusation, forgive them, and welcome them back to His embrace as His sons and daughters.”

Father has entered the state where he can now do anything if it is God’s providence. Satan can never accuse Father anymore. That was March 21, 1999.

In Brazil and South America, there is a large river called the ‘ Pantanal.’ Then there is a hotel called Americano. During his stay in that hotel, Father often said that Satan came to him and said ‘ Father, I now have nothing to accuse with the works you do.

Satan was brought to complete subjugation.

Then what was Father supposed to do after the year 2000? He had to restore kingship. Father had to restore kingship now that he restored elder son-ship and Parentship.

Father told us that the completion of the restoration of these three things is Godism, Heavenly Father-ism.

God’s Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk that Attends God Who Is Opening the Eternal and Unchanging Era of the Heavenly Calendar
As of today, I am forty-plus my first steps toward the hundredth year of my life.

This Godism and Heavenly Father-ism would have materialized naturally had Adam and Eve not fallen. Adam and Eve would have stood in the position of eldest son in front of God, become parents once they had given birth to children, and then finally become king as they began to rule the world. Father said that that is the completion of Godism and Heavenly Father-ism.

As Adam and Eve fell and failed to fulfill their kingship, Father had to fulfill this in his lifetime. Then the kingship must be restored, but this is not restored just through words. A world where its people serve God on this Earth and where it is ruled by God’s kingship must be established.

We must serve True Parents who represent God, who does not have a form, as the king of all kings. Then we must become little kings. We must become little messiahs. Everyone must participate in this restoration of kingship.

So what did Father do in 2001? Father held The ‘ Coronation Ceremony for God’s Kingship.’ No words can fully describe the importance of this event. When we give a cheer of log-manse, the first cheer we give is ‘Eog-manse for the victorious establishment of God’s kingship.’

What is the reason we say this? Before ‘ The Coronation Ceremony for God’s Kingship,’ God’s authority on Earth was not of God’s authority but of a ministry of education, a president, or a prime minister who represents the King. The fact that the victory of ‘ The Coronation Ceremony for God’s Kingship’ was established means that God was then able to rule the world directly.

As the coronation ceremony for God’s kingship was held in 2001, Father said that he must fulfill God’s Will on January 13, 2013, twelve years after the coronation ceremony. We must serve True Parents while we are alive until they fulfill God’s Will. This is a truly precious opportunity and something for which to be thankful.

We can be proud of True Mother

Father said that those blessed members who received the blessing while Father was alive must tour the world. People around the world will come, but they cannot get blessed directly by Father after he goes to the spirit world. Then these people will become envious of us and follow the ones who received their blessing while Father was on the Earth.

If all those who received their blessing directly from Fathers in the spirit world and only one blessed family is left and lives on a deserted island to hide from the world, people will line up there. Then they will incessantly ask that family, “You received the blessing from True Parents, right? What kind of people were True Parents? What did you learn from True Parents?”

Father also asked once, “Do you even realize how great it is that you received the blessing while I was alive?”

Father’s final providence from 1945 to 2013 is advancing in the same stages as the entire Parallel Periods.

Father does not hold a view of life that is pessimistic. Father does not become disappointed in any circumstance. Whatever may come his way, Father says, “Hey!

There is hope in it. If I overcome this obstacle, there will be good things waiting for me!” He thinks positively. Father was able to endure all the hardships because he had an optimistic view of life.

Father said that he looked at the central figures who took part in advancing the providence in the past and thought, ‘ How will I avoid making the same mistake?

How will I prevent the sons and daughters of The Unification Church that I lead from repeating this?

same mistake?’ Therefore, we can’t help but obey what Father says as we get to know Father’s teachings. This is a path that you cannot walk if you try to know where you are going. Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, Absolute Obedience: what do they mean? They mean that we must walk this course in ignorance.

People did not know that the Fall of Adam and Eve happened instantly. Father said that people would not be able to walk this course of restoration if they knew how and where they were going. Satan accuses True Parents of telling them. “Hey, even I would be able to do that if someone just told me.” True Parents have to complete everything first and explain later. If they teach first, then Satan finds a condition to accuse. Therefore, we must follow Father regardless of what even though we know it is not the reason at the time.

I will mention something about Mother.

Our Mother is someone we can be very proud of. Mother was only seventeen years old when I started to serve her, and I was ten years older than her. Even then, I was never able to stand on top of her. I speak to her about ten things with my earthly knowledge. However, Mother says only one thing, and I am left speechless.

I realized that I could not dare to challenge her with physical age or the knowledge that I learned in the secular world.

Mother is very spiritual. Father considers it to be very precious as well. Father too says that Mother has three good points.

First is that Mother is spiritually very precise and very bright. When Father would be stuck in indecisive moments, Mother would say to Father, “Father! Could you do it like this?” Father then realizes, “Yes! You are right!” Father says that Mother speaks a few words, but they are very helpful.

The second good point is that Mother is very obedient. Mother is so obedient towards Father that she never even gives a hint that she doesn’t want to follow Father’s direction. That is the faith of Dae Mo Nim. Mother had a maternal uncle (Mr. Hong) who, together with his wife, raised Mother in the position of her father.

Mr. Hong raised Mother from the time she was very young. When I asked him what Mother was like when she was little, he told me two stories.

One of the stories was that Mother used to wear her school uniform so cleanly that her white collar would not become dirty even after wearing the clothes for over a week. He said he was very curious as to how that was possible.

Looking at the way I cleaned the floor with a rag, Mother told me one day, “You tend to wipe the floor very cleanly too, but when I clean the floor with a rag, I do it until it is spotless. I will forgive you even if you are a bit shabby because now I don’t do that myself!” Mother is such a lean person.

Another story was that whenever Mother told Dae Mo Nim that she was sick somewhere or her mind was uneasy for some reason, Dae Mo Nim would say “Let’s have a worship service.” Then all of a sudden, they would have a service. Whether it be day or night, the two would sit down, sing, and pray. Then Mother’s ailment would disappear magically. Dae Mo Nim raised Mother in such a way.

Following the Father is also very difficult for the Mother. How difficult is it? It’s difficult beyond words.

True Mother Sets the Course for the Future
Have you created oneness in the circumstances you are in, oneness in your family, and oneness in your society?

Mother said on one occasion: Mother’s body was very heavy after giving birth to Hyun Jin Nim. The first 40 days after giving birth are very difficult for women.

Blood keeps seeping out from the womb until it retracts to its original position so women have to wear a sanitary pad. Mother’s body was still swollen one week after giving birth to Hyun Jin Nim when Father told her to follow him on a tour. Mother said she hid in a corner and cried. Her heart was breaking because her body would not move as she wanted.

I got goosebumps when I heard this. So I talked to Father about this when he came back home which led to a long conversation.

“Father knows all, but there is one thing you don’t know,” I said to Father. “What is it,” he asked.

“How could you tell Mother to follow you on a tour while oblivious about the fact?

that Mother’s body was completely swollen after giving birth to Hyun Jin Nim?” “Then should I tell Mother, Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving birth to my children?”

“Maybe not that much, but couldn’t you understand her situation a little?

Oh, there is one thing I want to ask you. It is the woman who has to take care of the fetus in the womb for ten months but why does the baby have to receive the man’s surname?”

“Hey! What are you talking about? The woman is a special storage place to whom the man entrusts his seed and retrieves it after ten months. Furthermore, the woman endures hardships over ten months but the man has to fight for his family for his entire life, putting his neck on the line! The baby is of the man’s seed so of course it needs to follow the man’s surname.”

I was unable to say anything afterward. Anyway, Mother is of absolute obedience. Furthermore, it is difficult to imagine the amount of suffering Mother has to go through.

Father sometimes tests the women who serve Mother to see how loyal they are.

“Hey! What would you do if you were the Mother?” Father asks. Then I would say “If I became the Mother, I would not doze off.”

Mother does not doze off even for a moment if she drinks some coffee. Then I nod my head up and down right beside her because I'm sleepy. Father talks while he is excited, but it is difficult for Mother to sit still beside him. Someone told Father, “Wow, how could Mother sit still like that and not doze off? I don’t think I will ever be able to do that as well as Mother” and Father smiled.

Anyway, Mother always takes the top place in endurance. When True Parents officiate a blessing ceremony, Mother has to raise her arm. She has to do it no matter what, even during or after her pregnancy. Father raises his right arm and Mother her left. I try to massage her arm muscle but her muscle becomes so tight that it would take a long time. Mother says she can’t sleep because her bones would ache so much.

No matter how much suffering Mother goes through, Father never prays for her healing. Father said, “I saved many people who weren't on the verge of death, but I can’t pray for Mother.” I did not understand it at first but Father said that Mother is in the center of all women.

I was shocked when I heard Father speaking, “There are still many women who are undergoing a lot of suffering. Mother has to share such suffering with such daughters. That is why I cannot pray for her healing.”

Father also said “I am requesting Mother in advance. I tell her not to shed tears after I die because of physical attachment. When I die, people will no longer look to me, but they will look to Mother. Our children, the members, and everyone around the world will look at Mother to see how she sends off her great husband.

Then what kind of heart should she have when she cries at my departure? She should think, ‘ Oh, My husband is now leaving the earth. The great ideas of my husband have now ended on this earth. The ideas are left behind of course but the fire that was with the idea has now left this plain with my husband.’ I tell her to cry for the ideas of her husband and not for the physical attachment. I hate that!”

I’ve heard this many times. Every time I hear this, I think that the conjugal love between True Parents is according to the principle and seamless. Mother, however, follows such teaching so well. She soaks up the teachings as if a dry towel would soak up water, and I have felt that Mother truly is the prepared one.

The third is that Mother has a very deep heart.

Then what does it mean to have a deep heart? I asked Father one day “What is the heart (shimjeong)?” Father thought for a moment and said, “Internal love?” I thought in my mind, ‘ Does even love have internal and external love?”

External love means an expression of love and internal love means ‘ the root of love,’ so to speak. It is therefore unseen. They have Water of Life in Cheongpyeong and no one knows where the water comes from. It is ‘ the source of love’ as such.

Mother has a heart that springs forth endlessly just as spring water that surges endlessly.

Mother does not have a concept of possession. It will probably continue in the future, but we see plenty of expensive gifts coming Mother’s way, at which point she gives them all to others. This broach was also given by Mother. She said ‘ You need this, right?’ and gave them to me. She later gave me a ring and bought me a set of earrings that went together with the broach.

So Mother immediately begins to think “Who will need this? Tp who should I give this?” as soon as she receives something. She never possesses anything for herself.

There is something even more amazing. Father always felt bad about not being able to buy Mother a good ring when they were wedded in the Holy Marriage. So Father, in the Netherlands, while they were at the second World Tour, took out all the money he had in his wallet and purchased a diamond ring that looked good. Mother however never wore it, and the conversation below ensued.

“Mother! How come you are not wearing the ring I gave you?” “Oh! I gave it to someone.”

“Who did you give it to?” “I forgot who I gave it to.”

Mother forgot who she gave the ring. Father felt a little sad, but he was also grateful. Then Father said “Everything will come to Mother in the future, and I am so grateful that she gives everything away with a motherly heart. You must be such happy people to be able to serve such a mother with a deep heart!”

Mother is the kind of person who thinks, ‘ These do not belong to me. I must use them for the whole.’ she gives all her clothes away. Then she tells Father that she has run out of clothes and says, “Father, but my clothes.” Mother has the heart to give away her belongings like that.

Mother has such a very deep heart. We must be grateful that we can serve a mother like that. We’ve thought that Father was a great person but Mother married Father when she was so young so she didn’t know anything. Father said that at first, he felt that his patience was running thin with Mother after the Holy Marriage. Father said that he thought about how he could be able to raise this person to greatness.

Father raised her like his daughter, took care of her like a younger sister, sometimes followed her like an older sister, loved her like a lover, discussed things with her as a wife, leaned onto her as a mother, and watched out for her as a grandmother. Father said he raised her through seven such stages.

Father said that he invested the love that Adam had to give to Eve, the love of original nature, so much as his bones might melt. Father said he could forgive others, but he could not show mercy to Mother because Mother had to stand in an equal position with him.

Father said that the most difficult thing was to educate Mother. So Father said, “If I had known that the path of becoming the Messiah is for the perfect Adam to find the perfect Eve, and if I had known that it was such a difficult thing to do, I would have refused this Messianic responsibility.”

Father said that he accepted the task without such foreknowledge. Father had to raise Mother who was as a white sheet of paper from the position of a daughter. That is why Father treated her strictly. It was very difficult for Mother to endure such strictness as well.

Mother was able to surpass Father’s expectations and became a great mother after such arduous training. Mother finished her responsibility just by giving birth to fourteen children. Moreover, Mother moved the hearts of many people by following Father on multiple occasions on world tours.

We must be grateful that Heaven has bestowed us such a great mother, and we must do everything we can from the position of Mother’s representative.

A few members including myself rode in a mobile home in Boston with Mother at one time. There, Mother spoke about Dae Mo Nim.

After consummating her relationship with Mr. Han Seung Un, Dae Mo Nim became pregnant with a child and received a revelation from the spirit world that heaven has bestowed upon us a Heavenly Son. However, when the baby was born, it was a daughter.

Dae Mo Nim always wondered, ‘ Why didn’t Heaven keep its promise?’ Then a spiritually bright person visited her house when Mother was just able to walk around and said “Your daughter is a precious daughter who is worthy of more than ten sons. She will be a person of high status that she won’t have to taint her feet with dirt. She will be married when she is very young, and the man to be her husband will be much older than her. He will own everything that is on land, in the ocean and in the air, and he will become the most prosperous man in the world. He will embrace the whole world and unify it.”

So Mother said, “Father always thinks about how he will make money and spend it on the Will.”

Mother also spoke about the following. Shortly after giving birth to Mother, Dae Mo Nim saw in her dream the map of Korea and Japan. Japanese people, at the end of the Second World War, took even eating utensils from Korean people to melt them and make weapons. However, in her dream, there were utensils in one region in Japan that were just piled up because Japan lost the war before even being able to use them. Then all of a sudden, these utensils and plates started to move, crossed the ocean, came back

to Korea, and came to form a pile in front of the house where the newly born Mother was sleeping. Speaking of this, Mother said, “All the money in Japan is mine.”

This means that Japan is the mother nation from the perspective of providence so all the wealth in Japan will come to True Parents through True Mother and be used for the providence of heaven.

Father’s providence in America

I want to introduce to you a speech from《True Parents’ Life Course》regarding Father’s providence in America.

“America, which is the fruit of Christianity around the world, is the worldwideion of Second Israel that will complete God’s Will on the world level.

When the time of second advent comes, God will have to choose a Christian nation to become the Second Israel. As the idea of heaven on earth, which God tries to realize, is an idea that must be substantiated on earth, it must start from a focal point and gradually expand throughout the world. In other words, there must be a nation that can work as the model. That is why America is the nation that was predestined from a long time ago to be chosen as the central nation in the End Days that can manage God’s providence.

However, America is seeing an increase in many types of problems. Racial tensions between black and white people and drug problems are some examples.

Furthermore, there are other serious problems such as promiscuity of adolescents, breakage of families, and violent crimes. Out of all those problems, Communism which dubiously seeks its way into America is the most critical of all problems.

God will surely leave America which is currently harboring such an individualistic view of life and system of values, and America will fail to realize God’s plan and wish. America is sick with diseases, and I am here as a doctor, and America is on fire, so I am here as a firefighter.”

This year (1996), Father called upon those who have been with the church for 33 years. The reason Father gathered devoted members around the world is because this was the twenty-first year since Father began his providence in America. Father said that he had gathered devoted members around the world with more significance.

I think it was 1971 when Father took his first steps in America. From my standpoint, Father started to pioneer in America in 1971 and 1992; it was the twenty-first anniversary. If we think that Father’s pioneering work began substantially in 1975, then 1996 was the twenty-first anniversary.

This is when Father held big assemblies. I stayed in America for nine years, from 1983 to 1991. In hindsight, that is when Father started using the method of natural subjugation on Communism and Mikhail Gorbachev. Father went to America and met President Nixon. Why did Father meet President Richard Nixon? It was because President Nixon was a devout anti-communist.

Nixon at first wanted to continue with the war in Vietnam. So the communists kept attacking Nixon with the Watergate incident to prevent Nixon from continuing the war. Such an incident should not have caused that much scandal for a political figure such as Nixon but the situation got out of hand because of communists.

Following the revelation he had received from God, Father overcame all obstacles to meet President Nixon and told him, “I will use my organizations and my followers and do everything to support you. Please trust me and do not come down from your presidential seat for the next six months.” Nixon, however, did not know who Father was. President Nixon in the end failed to withstand the attacks of communists and stepped down from his seat.

Father made Ronald Reagan the president of America twice. Reagan was a former actor, and he wasn't very knowledgeable about politics. Then why did Father move heaven and hell to make Reagan the president? There was only one reason. It was to prevent the American troops from leaving Korea. Father said the American troops should never leave South Korea until South Korea can become stronger than North Korea. North Korea even today strongly insists that American troops leave. It is because the American troops in Korea work as deterrence that prevents North Korean armies from invading the South.

Father said that it didn’t matter who became president. Father was searching for a candidate who was an anti-communist and would never pull the troops out of Korea. That was Ronald Reagan. Reagan also was very close to Nixon. We mobilized all the power we had and summoned unimaginable power to make Reagan the president of The twice. News World at the time played a great role in realizing this.

In Washington, there was a conservative newspaper called Washington Star that advocated the right-wings. However, Washington Star went out of business due to financial difficulties and The Washington Post was the only remaining newspaper left in Washington, the center of world politics. Washington Post is a liberal paper.

They walk the course of liberalism and pro-communism. Father then determined to take the step and established the Washington Times with hopes of surpassing the Washington Post. So much money was spent on establishing this company. However, Gorbachev bowed his head low to Father thanks to The Washington Times.

Reagan said that he did not read any other paper during his 6 o’clock morning coffee time. Other papers would attack Reagan, therefore the only newspaper that could make its way into Reagan’s bedroom was the Washington Times.

Washington Times subtly supported the works of Reagan. Whenever he saw the newspaper supporting his policies, Reagan became happy, took the paper with him to the bedroom, and read it there.

Reagan couldn’t be always joyous, however. If Reagan did something even slightly wrong, the Washington Times would criticize it and Reagan would say “Oh, no!

Washington Times criticized me today!” Washington Times had such power to make Reagan laugh or cry.

Gorbachev finally came to America. The Washington Post welcomed him cheerfully. However, Gorbachev came to America with two wishes. One of them was to make a plea not to advance the Strategic Defense Initiative(SDI).

SDI is a type of nuclear umbrella. It is very difficult to defend the nation against nuclear missiles that could be launched from anywhere. To safely protect the nation, the nuclear missiles must be neutralized by melting them completely. SDI is the weapon that can do that. SDI is a weapon that can melt any type of nuclear weapon with a strong laser beam.

It takes an enormous amount of money and technology to develop. The Soviets had neither. That is why Gorbachev wanted to plea to America not to make SDI. It was because The Soviet’s nuclear missiles would become nothing more than toys as long as America had SDI.

Gorbachev’s second wish was to give a 10-minute speech in the U.S. Capitol. He just wanted to say hello. Reagan was about to give his permission. The Washington Post was immensely happy about it and other small and larger newspapers argued that there was no reason to prevent the leader of the communist world from giving a speech.

However, Father told Dr. Bo Hi Park to tell them, ‘ Do not let Gorbachev speak in the Capitol no matter what. Tell Reagan never to give his permission.’

So Reagan found himself in a tight situation. Reagan was about to show the nation’s ability to embrace all, but Rev. Moon was against it. When Dr. Bo Hi Park came after reporting Father’s opinion to Reagan, he said, “Father, Reagan says he is in a very difficult situation. It would be bad for him since he is already halfway to giving his permission. Should we still tell him to say no?” Father said “What are you talking about? Of course, it’s ‘ no.’ “

Washington Times kept insisting that Reagan should decline the request. Reagan did not want to get on the bad side of the Washington Times which practically made him the president twice. He walked around in his office room in agony, ‘ Oh, Washington Times! Rev. Moon does not know the situation I am in!’ Then he told his secretary, “Go ask him one more time. Does Washington Time not want me to give the permission?” Father asked him to never give Gorbachev such an opportunity.

At the critical moment, Gorbachev asked “So what is it going to be?” and Reagan ended up saying “No.” Then Gorbachev became furious. He was furious that he made so many years of preparation for this event, but he was prevented from giving a speech because of the Washington Times. He let his anger out on the Soviet Embassy in America, “You scoundrels, why did you now become friends with the Washington Times?” He went back to his country unhappy.

Then one day, the Washington Times received a call from the Soviet Embassy. The operator who took the call was a black woman with a sense of humor. When she picked up the phone, she pretended ignorance, “This isn’t Washington Post,” she said. You have the wrong number.” Then the Soviet ambassador told her that he wanted to visit the Washington Times. So Washington Times told him that he could come if he wanted to.

So why did Father say no? Father came to know well about communism during his time in North Korea. Father also had a first-hand experience on the inside of communism during his three years in Heungnam Prison. So Father already knew that communists use only two tactics. One is deceit and the other is violence.

Communists use the tactic of deceit only when they are weaker than their opponents. They lie through their teeth. However, they no longer rely on lies when they become stronger than their enemies. They begin using violence. Father understood communists are left with nothing but deceit and violence once their masks are taken off.

The Providence And The Individual, Past And Present
I want you to become victors who can survive and withstand any challenges in the world.

However, the leaders of the free world and the American people did not know that. President Jimmy Carter especially did not know that. Carter used to be a peanut farmer in Georgia, and he became the president with many votes from women. It is said that Carter was kind to women, washing the dishes or running their errands.

That is why he became popular with women and won their votes. After such a person became the president, twenty nations became communist states. So Carter’s method did not work.

Father’s position was that we should never put forth communism. Gorbachev has a pretty face. American people are easily swayed by mood so they would be tricked by Gorbachev if he appeared on the TV and smiled. Americans were oblivious about communism so if they started to think, ‘ Look at how the head of communism acts.

Communism maybe is not that bad,’ then Father’s CAUSA (Confederation of the Associations for the Unification of the Societies of the Americas) could not operate in America. We opposed Gorbachev’s public speech in America with everything we had, and we won in the end.

Gorbachev worked his scheme many times after that, but his plans were thwarted because of us. Gorbachev was so cornered that he even cooperated with Kim Il Sung and the enemy of Japanese communists to blow up one of Father’s houses called

.North Garden’ in Boston. Their effort when one of our security guards found the place here where had cut the fence in a circle and camouflaged the cut by placing the cut portion against a rock.

Father’s bedroom was so close to the breach that it could have been blown away with just one bomb. North Garden does not have a big front yard. There was also another time when a car filled with guns and explosives was caught by the FBI in New Jersey. The FBI searched the car, and they found the address of Father’s house.

There were many times Fathers avoided calamity thanks to Heaven. Gorbachev, who wanted Father dead so badly, lost his nerve when he realized that Rev. Moon was the one who was interfering with his plan.

In the end, Father met with Kim Il Sung and Gorbachev, the head of the communist world, and made a great advancement for the providence.

Father’s miracles are substantial.

Father said he was able to find out through his research that Moses and Jesus relied too much on spiritual miracles.

Moses tried to lead the Israelites into Canaan by showing them miracles and wonders but failed to fulfill God’s providence when the Israelites disbelieved Moses and blamed him for their suffering.

Unable to contain his rage at seeing his people’s unbelief, Moses committed the irreversible sin of ‘ striking the rock twice’ and prevented not only the disbelieving Israelites but also himself from entering Canaan and dying in the wilderness. Only the second generation centering on Joshua and Caleb, who believed in God until the end, were able to enter Canaan.

Similarly, the Father said that Jesus was put on the cross because he showed spiritual miracles. I watched a movie about Jesus a few years ago called ‘ King of Kings.’ There, Jesus opened the eyes of a blind man and even brought a dead person back to life.

The Jews and Pharisees who saw this became extremely jealous of Jesus. They thought ‘ We must kill him quickly. People’s hearts are leaving us and they are leaning towards that man.’ They became very jealous of Jesus’s ability to perform miracles.

Father found out that Moses and Jesus relied too heavily on spiritual miracles and failed in the end because they were accused by Satan.

There were many instances where Father easily brought a dying person back into life simply with a prayer. Father says that he can perform miracles just as well as Moses or Jesus, but he doesn’t. Spiritual miracles do not leave race. When people begin to disbelieve in such miracles, Satan will accuse and the miracles will not remain as Heaven’s assets.

Father said that his miracles have to be substantial. No one can deny their genuineness. It is like building a mountain on a plain. It takes time to create a mountain on a plain. We need plenty of people and money, and we must invest everything. However, when the mountain is created, who can steal it? No one can deny its existence.

Everyone passing by will be able to see it.

Is that the kind of miracle Father’s been creating so far? The 160,000-couple Korean and Japanese sisterhood pact was one such wonderful blessing ceremony that took place as an example. Blessing does not appear simply like a dream and then disappear. As blessings are given, those blessed couples have given birth to fine children.

Creating such miracles is Father’s way. Father says that his unique is the spirit world. Father said, “I must teach about the spirit world when I go to the Soviet Union.”

Many intellectuals came to our church in the early days, listened to the Words and the Principles, and received a lot of grace, but many spiritual people received revelations, spoke in tongues, and received the holy fire. That is why we were able to withstand the harsh persecution.

When we taught about the spirit world to college students from the Soviet Union, they became genuinely interested in the spirit world. It was something that they didn’t know before. One professor even confessed, “When I see my grandmother in my dream, I feel happy, things work out for me, and unexpected good things happen to me on that day.”

Father also said, “The reason people become interested in stories of the spirit world is that they are true and their original mind is attracted to such stories.”

Father asked us to read from ‘ The Message from the spirit world by Lee Sang Hun after he ascended to the spirit world whenever there was a church event or a gathering of some sort. Thinking that we normally don’t have enough time to go through the schedule and that not many people will be able to accept it easily, I asked Father “Father, must we read from that message from the spirit world?”

Father said “Yes because it is right. The original mind feels that way. Even though we may not be able to accept it right away, that message will remain in their heart.”

The spirit world is eternal. It is a world of mind with relation to the Physical World, and it stands in the position of subject partner. It is a world that cannot be touched by the common-sense theories of human beings.

When educating pastors in America, I read them from the “Message from Spirit World Father had instructed. American pastors became saddened at the fact that they couldn’t understand the reality of the spirit world, and they left the education center one by one. However, those pastors who weren’t able to understand the Spirit Message came to Dr. Yang Chang Shik later and said, “Rev. Yang, we are constantly reminded of the “Message from the spirit world” that you used to read to us. We would like to know more.” I heard Dr. Yang giving such a report to Father.

Father is a very spiritual person but also a very practical person at the same time. Father has both extremes on each side. It is because Father’s heart can embrace infinitely. Is that why people from all backgrounds are empathizing with the Principle and coming to serve Father?

True Family and I

I will explain to you about Father’s Words, ‘ True Family and I.’

These are important Words from Father’s speeches which he gave in his 40-year course of realizing God’s Will.

These Words conclude that ‘ Eve and the archangel fell through false love, their mind, and body were separated as a result, and this world became sinful.

Therefore, all problems can be solved only when we receive the blessing centering on God and True Parents’ True Love.’ Father reads this himself every day.

Father wrote these Words by himself. The original context was about 40 pages long, but it was reduced to a smaller size. The conclusion in the end is that the contradictory love of Adam and Eve is the origin. This was the source that interfered with human history and the event that became the seed of all human suffering. We must know this clearly and be able to explain this to others.

On page 7, it explains ‘ The Essence of Conscience.’ As you have already learned from the Principle, the inner posture that is even more fundamental than conscience is the Original Mind and Spirit Mind.

Father spoke while putting conscience in the highest position. He said, “Conscience comes before God, before teachers, and even before Parents.” So I asked Father, “I think the conscience spoken here is different from the conscience explained in the Principle. In the Principle, isn't conscience explained as susceptible to being persuaded by human policies and thoughts?”

Father quickly caught on and answered “Yes. Will the people of this world understand what the original mind and spirit mind are? So we have to call them conscience!” Father gave us ‘ True Family, and I'm thinking about the Human Fall, the principle of restoration, and the principle of creation. When Father was talking about conscience here, he was talking about the original mind and spirit mind in our terms.

If we look at the middle of page 8, we read that God is the root of conscience. The sixth line of this page talks about fulfilling all greed and desires. I asked Father about this line. “Father! Don't we normally consider greed to be a bad thing?”

Father then answered “No, the greed we are talking about here is not the bad kind of greed. It is the desire within us that makes us want things!”

“Then what does the desire here mean?” I asked him again. Then Father said “It is the state of our mind that has gained what it wants about another person. In other words, the concept of desire comes with another person in mind.”

‘ Fulfilling agreed sounds strange. Do people normally say that greed is

‘ harbored’ and desire is ‘ fulfilled?’ The distinction was unclear, so I asked Father again, “Is greed, then, an internal thing and desire external?” Father said, “Yes, that’s right.” In conclusion, greed refers to ‘ Human’s original nature of wanting things’ and desire refers to ‘ the state where our mind of wanting things has been fulfilled about another person.’

Therefore, greed and desire are in the sungsang and hyungsang relationship. Since desire exists after greed, they are in the sungsang and hyungsang relationship. In conclusion, greed does not necessarily mean something bad.

Chapter 11. Leader and Jeongseong
Pastor in Son’s Position vs. Pastor in Servant’s Position If you are going to work as a pastor, you must completely discard the sense of self.
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