21 min read

Grassroots Outreach

At the US state leaders meeting held on March 15, 1978, True Parents emphasized, home church work and stressed that from April 1 the state leaders should begin to work in earnest to recruit 30,000 members

Expansion of the Providential Foundation and the Annual Mottoes - TP Legacy
The Holy Wedding of True Parents, held on April 11, 1960 (16th day of the 3rd lunar month), is the starting point of the new providential history.

Tribal messiahship 

At the US state leaders meeting held on March 15, 1978, True Parents emphasized, home church work and stressed that from April 1 the state leaders should begin to work in earnest to recruit 30,000 members through activities such as handing out books, cassettes, and videotapes of Divine Principle.

When True Parents returned to Korea on September 25, 1978, they said, “For fallen people, building a church of 360 families is the indemnity condition for restoration.”

They instructed all members there to begin their home church work from October 1.

True Father said that all members 18 and older were to take part, that each blessed couple should work to restore 360 families, and that single members also should restore 360 families. 

In this way, True Parents asked them to become tribal messiahs and inherit the victorious foundation that True Parents laid on the world level. Moreover, they emphasized these purposes through yearly mottoes declared on successive God's Day celebrations, “Building the kingdom of heaven through the home church” (1979), “Home church is the base of the kingdom of heaven” (1980), and “Home church is my kingdom of heaven” (1981).  

1. As of today, November 12, 1978, I am calling you to go out to your home church area in the capacity of the messiah. From now on, you are going out, and it is with the understanding that you cannot come back until you establish your home church. You cannot come back for your entire lifetime. You cannot come back, even in spirit. (101-341, 1978/11/12) 

2. While being opposed globally, Parents set indemnity conditions on the world level, and on September 18, 1976, in the second year of the first three years of the third seven-year course, we paved the foundation with the victory of the Washington Monument rally.

Then, we finally returned home in triumph and glory. We came back to our Korean homeland and bequeathed to you the gift that you can become tribal messiahs. What is the work the Unification Church must do now?

On the day you finish witnessing 360 families in this tribal messiah realm and build the foundation whereupon you can be welcomed by them all, you can return to your hometown. 

What happens when all these realms welcome the Unification Church on a worldwide level? You need to build that foundation in these three years. Jesus should have become a tribal messiah in his three-year public life course, but he could not.

This is the best road by which we can save the world. We are now in an era where all of humanity can inherit this valuable position and their Parents' sacrificial achievements. Our parent-child relationship is the condition for receiving that inheritance. (099-265, 1978/09/25) 

3. The Unification Church needs to complete the work of the home church. Home church is the final destination of the providence of restoration. The fact that we were able to proclaim the home church movement only 25 years after the founding of the Holy Spirit Association in 1954 is in itself a great achievement, honored by all heaven and earth.

True Parents have suffered to bring this about, Jesus died to bring this about, and even God worked His providence of 6,000 years to bring this about. Only through the church can the kingdom of heaven emerge.

This is when the gates to the kingdom of heaven are opening. This is why Jesus, through Peter, left the keys to the kingdom of heaven on this earth when he departed. (104-185, 1979/05/01) 

4. Your home church is a condensed form of the world and the cosmos. In Met, we can find England, America, the Soviet Union, and even the spirit world. Everything is included in it. It also incorporates the Old Testament Age, the New Testament Age, and the Completed Testament Age.

Included in it are nonbelievers, conscientious people, and people from all religions, including Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity. The home church is a symbol and condensed body of the entire universe. Who made it like that? 

This did not come about naturally. True Parents designed the church to be the place where you deal with the essence of Satan's world in all its intensity.

When you live for the sake of others in your home church area, you set the condition of living for the sake of your family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos. 

When you perform sacrificial service there, you set the condition of having performed sacrificial service for the whole world during your entire life. As a married couple, you need to pass through this. (119-042, 1982/07/03) 

5. Home church is the place where the conditional foundation of complete unity centering on True Parents is passed on to you. Home church is an indemnity condition, but you do not understand this indemnity condition.

Satan invaded at the level of the individual's portion of responsibility and expanded to the level of the family portion of responsibility.

The fallen realm created by the failure of the individual became the individual's portion of responsibility, and it expanded to become the family's responsibility and, further, to become the tribe's responsibility.

Then, it expanded to the people's responsibility, on to the nation, world, and cosmic responsibility. It even expanded to the world of hell. 

These realms of unrealized responsibility remain. The road that goes beyond these did not exist. But in the past 40 years, I established the condition to go beyond all this. As for you, your five percent portion of responsibility remains to be fulfilled. You need to go this path. 

To complete this path, you need to become one with the 360 families of your home church. You need to stand in a position where you do not receive accusations and are welcomed in their homes. When this happens, I will bequeath to you all historical victorious indemnity conditions that True Parents have achieved until now. (135-325, 1985/12/15) 

6. The home church is an altar of oneness that condenses the worldwide victory into the smallest territorial unit. The 360 families can also be considered the 360 clans of the world. The number 360 refers to vertical time and horizontal space, and 360 is also the Cain realm, representing the world. 

The Cain world, in the position of the elder son representing the world, remains before you. To build the kingdom of heaven, we, as the younger brother, Abel, need to make the elder brother surrender.

Therefore, if you do not restore the elder son's position, you cannot attend True Parents. After the Fall of Adam and Eve, Cain was born in the position of the elder son.

To resolve this, we need to stand in the position of the second son and subjugate the elder son realm that represents the world. This needs to happen all at once. 

Since I stand on the foundation of the victory I won as a worldwide condition, you need to inherit my heart. Home church is the altar on which you can indemnify all at once the global history of the restoration of the elder son.
(100-318, 1978/10/22) 

7. The 360 families in your home church area are the central structure that represents the world. It has been engrafted to the established worldwide indemnity condition.

When you succeed in this task, your tribe appears in the world-level realm of tribes and carries out indemnification from a position of equal value with them. Through your unity, you set the indemnity condition.

Only then can you appear in the position of parents, in the capacity of the Messiah, and become a tribal messiah. In other words, you will stand in the position of the bridegroom and attend your bride, and thus become the tribal true parents. 
(099-264, 1978/09/25) 

  1. The home church is the foundation of the tribe. At the time of Jesus, the family of Joseph and the family of Zechariah could not become one. We need to restore this through indemnity. This remains to be done. 

Jesus could not have a family. Therefore, you need to have a family, and to do so; you need to have a tribal foundation. Without a tribal foundation, you cannot have a family. Your family should stand as the center of your tribe. Only when there is a tribal foundation can there be family salvation.

To form a family, you need a home church. When you carry out home church activities, you will be able to indemnify what Jesus could not do. The same was true with John the Baptist family and Joseph's family.

Jesus could not have a family because John the Baptist and Joseph's families failed to become one. This is the reason he was nailed to the cross. We must all indemnify that. To have a family, you must begin with setting indemnity conditions.

You must understand the importance of home church. Once home church is achieved, the world automatically will become one great nation. We will enter one united world. (117-264, 1982/03/28) 

9. Now, we are on the world level. In 1970, blessed wives in Korea mobilized to witness 120 people. 

That was the national level. But now we are on the world level. Since we restored through indemnity the national level centered on Jesus and became liberated, we now can be free from persecution and can become world-level tribal messiahs. What is a tribal messiah? If you create a home church and have done all that is necessary, you become a tribal messiah.

Therefore, you need to bring and educate spiritual sons and daughters. They are your relatives. By becoming one with your spiritual sons and daughters and restoring the realm of the tribal messiah, you also can help your ancestors in the spirit world. When you achieve this, an alliance between heaven and earth will form. (198-366, 1990/02/11)

10. Why do we need home churches consisting of 360 families? The number 36 is 3 times the number 12. 

The number 12 is the number symbolizing heavenly law. It refers to the 12 pearly gates in the spirit world. It is the same as the number of the 36 Blessed Couples. It also connects the fortune of the three ages: the Old, New, and Completed Testament ages.

Therefore, the Ome church exists to disentangle the heavenly path. Each day out of the 360 days represents eternity. From that viewpoint, visiting your home church every day establishes the many days of the ages of history as victorious days in front of God.

You must have 360 families to remedy the fact that humanity failed to establish the heavenly kingdom and the day of victory. In other words, 360 families are necessary to establish 360 days in front of God and to possess the heavenly kingdom together with all people. This is why 360 families are necessary.
(105-339, 1979/10/28) 

11. By the fall, Adam and Eve banished God completely from the earth. So you can manifest God to the 360 families you witness. Adam and Eve also banished the angelic world due to the Fall. This, too, can be manifested on earth through your home church activities. We also lost all created things due to the Fall. 

The 360 families are equivalent to the planet Earth. They symbolize the lost universe, so the entire creation is included as well. All the people of the world also were completely lost.

The 360 families represent the number by which all 360 tribes in the world are symbolically united. They represent all people who need to be resurrected. By resurrecting them and returning them to God, you can restore the failures of your ancestors, who fell at the very beginning.

Through the manifestation of God, the manifestation of the angelic world, the restoration of all things, and the restoration of humankind, the kingdom of heaven on earth will come about. (100-218, 1978/10/14)

12. Why do you need to do home church? It is because you need to restore the elder son. Only when the eldest son is restored can the parents also be restored.

The history of restoration is the path where the second son, Abel, walks the course of restoring the elder son. Home church is the foundation on which the world-level Cain, the elder son, can be subjugated and restored.

That is why your mission within the tribal messiah realm concludes on the day when the foundation to restore the elder son in the Cain realm becomes one with the foundation to restore the elder son in the Abel realm.

When that happens, you can appear in the position of tribal true parents. Your tribe, centered on you as true parents, then can enter the kingdom of heaven altogether. 

Those among you who are obedient in this realm of 360 families during the three years until 1981 will enter the kingdom of heaven by grace, even if you have no other merit. This is a happy reality. 

Now, we are finally in the age of the Unification Church. We no longer stand in the historical age when the elder son, Cain, strikes the second son, Abel. Rather, now is the time when Abel can win over Cain and stand in the position of the elder son.

From now on, those who oppose the Unification Church are only harming themselves. They will judge themselves immediately. This will unfold throughout the world. (100-221, 1978/10/14) 

13. God has been working to save humankind by sending the Messiah. How much do you think God wanted to save humankind? The fact that we have come to the age of Parents and created a home church is heaven's victory.

It is the conclusion of providence, the conclusion of all history, the end of Satan's world, and the starting point of the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, you need to inherit the tradition of Parents. (111-327, 1981/03/09) 

14. What the Unification Church has asserted until now is that you need to inherit the tradition. You need to inherit the tradition of God's heart in the providence of restoration.

Thereafter, you need to inherit the heart of True Parents' entire life course, which they walked to establish this tradition. Home church is the one place you inherit this. This is the home church movement.

If you do not make a home church, when you go to the heavenly kingdom in the future, you will not be able to follow True Parents. 

In the future, if 240,000 home churches are made throughout the world, they can relate directly with all people, and our church can disappear completely. The Korean people are in a realm of grace such that they can organize as home churches readily in the future.

Because various parts of the world need to form home churches, we will need to migrate in large numbers. In short, we are entering an age in which we will have to move to all parts of the world to establish home churches. (114-163, 1981/10/18)

15. From now on, you will storm Satan's world with family love. In other words, you will confront the corrupted world of Satan through your families. Satan's world needs to be broken down completely. Such a time has come.

That is why I told you to carry out the home church movement, through which you can move the family, move the tribe, and move the people all at once. Once you have accomplished this work, you will be able to pull the world to you.

The time has come when, if you accomplish only this, you will be able to say that you have realized the kingdom of heaven. (099-189, 1978/09/18)

16. Home church is where we finalize everything for which I have fought over the last 40 years. This is the age in which the home church comes first. What should home church become in the future?

Your home church needs to become a tribal church. It should no longer be a home church but should develop into a tribal church. Once you have consolidated your tribal church with the surname Kim or Pak, a people naturally will come into existence.

Once the foundation of tribal restoration is laid, the nation will come into being. Your home church expands into your tribal church, the church of your people, of your nation, of the world, and of heaven and earth. (141-222, 1986/02/22) 

Home Church 

True Parents said that 360 families are a central form of oneness that, having been engrafted to the world-level foundation of indemnity, represent the world. When a person is successful in this, their tribe will appear in the global tribal realm and will set indemnity conditions of global value. 

True Parents also stressed that we should never think that no one among our 360 families loves us. Instead, we should feel sorry that we could not love those families. True Parents added that we should become victors who can go among the 360 families without encountering any obstacles and that we should do so with the same heart as Go, who laments that He could not 

 love us. True Parents also clarified that the 360 families are the training ground through which we are brought to love all people more than we love our parents and siblings. This can elevate the path of love to its true orbit. 

17. You should hear the bell-like sound of love in your mind. If you do that, you will come to say, “My lips are meant to speak only words of love; they cannot speak unkind words.”

You should feel that your ears can no longer hear words that are not loving and that your eyes cannot see anything that is not about love. If you live like that, in no time, you will be intoxicated by the love of God. You will become a leading figure who, by communicating directly with the spirit world, will be able to solve skillfully and easily any problem concerning your home church.

You will become the owner on behalf of God, who will be able to solve any problems among the 360 families. Once you are in such a position of love, words will come out even when you do not intend to say anything. Many truly mysterious incidents will take place. 

All kinds of things will occur. You will come to feel that you are a formidable person. As you can see, everything is determined through love.
(103-037, 1979/01/28) 

18. If you are born as a woman and get married, you leave your home and go live with your husband. 

Similarly, after you join the Unification Church, you must go to your home church. Only if you do so can you enter the kingdom of heaven. It is the same as getting married.

Without going through it, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven; no matter how much you try to follow your True Parents, you will be unable to do so. If you cannot do this, your sons and daughters must do it. 

That is why you need to love your home church more than a husband loves his wife, more than a wife loves her husband, and more than parents love their children. By so doing, the people in your home church will say, “You have loved us like this, and we have learned this love from you, so we return this love to you.”

When everyone within your home church utters these words, that place can be said to be God's domain, the kingdom of heaven on earth. After we unite under a new culture, as a new movement, a new revival will take place. (104-292, 1979/06/01) 

19. Home church should begin with married couples. Home church is where the husband finds love and where the wife finds love.

You need to be responsible for love. Therefore, the husband needs to love the home church more than he loves his wife. If he cannot love it more than he loves his wife, that love cannot become true love. You need to be able to love your home church more than you love your sons and daughters. 

Why should you do so? It is because you need to break through the boundary line from the evil world to enter the original world.

Because the home church is bigger than even the family or the country, you need to establish the standard that you love it more than you love your wife or children. Otherwise, no matter how much you invest in your home church, it will be fruitless. 

You have to do more than that. If you go to home church with true love, God follows you there. The universe follows you. No one can block you. At that place, the environment naturally will melt, and everything will come flooding in. You and the trees, roads, and houses will miss each other so much that you will be drawn to go there. You will go there without even meaning to.

You will not be going there because you have consciously thought to yourself that you should go. Instead, you will find you have gone there without even realizing it. True love will expand only when we create such a movement.
(163-060, 1987/04/01) 

20. Without a home church, you cannot proceed to your hometown; and if you cannot proceed to your hometown, you cannot proceed to your homeland; and if you cannot proceed to your homeland, you cannot proceed to the kingdom of heaven.

When you successfully establish your home church, your hometown will be successful, your homeland will be successful, the world will be successful, and finally, the kingdom of heaven will be achieved. You must make oneness by loving more than anyone else.

You must bring all beings, whether people in the spirit world or on earth, to make unity. They need to unite through love. When this comes to pass, something like a little sun and little stars will come out in your home church.

After one of them comes out and then two come out, the gates to the brilliant kingdom of heaven will open in this world of darkness. Then, God, who is like the sun, will dwell there. (102-267, 1979/01/14) 

21. When you go to home church, you should not go because you feel obligated. You should go because your heart is filled with love.

If your son or daughter is in prison or the person you love is in prison, you go there to visit them, not because you consciously thought you should go there, but because your feet carry you there even without thinking about it. You need to go to home church with such a heart.

It is the place where you go with a heart of love while hearing the bell-like sound of love. You go there not because you intended to go there but because even without thinking about it, you cannot help but go there. The home

and church do not lead to destruction. It is the place that makes you the inheritor of the love of the kingdom of heaven, the love of God. To make this happen, God guides you there, and for this, you should be grateful. (103-030, 1979/01/28) 

Community Outreach 

 True Parents instructed that from January 1, 1988, grassroots outreach should begin in the communities and neighborhoods in preparation for the unification of North and South Korea and a general election encompassing the North and South.

Accordingly, the education of local activist leaders can raise the awareness of people down to the deepest roots of the social structure. True Parents also emphasized that another reason for grassroots outreach was to re-activate home church work.

They added that home church work is the foundation for grassroots outreach because it brings entire families to participate in these activities. Breakthroughs taking place in the smallest units of society are necessary because Korea cannot be saved unless every Korean citizen takes on a life of faith. 

22. A new spring wind has started to blow in the world centered on True Parents' teaching. Something is sprouting in your hearts. We started to educate block and neighborhood leaders in Korea.

Flowers bloom on newly grown stems. The family, centered on the block leader under the neighborhood branch leader, corresponds to the stem. There will be hope for Korea once those flowers bloom. When a sprout germinates from the neighborhood branch leader through the block leader, you need to nurture it to grow into a sapling and then transplant it.

The family that has set down its roots and has been born anew can represent the Republic of Korea. That family can grow into a tree. The flower that blooms based on that family can become a similar flower and bear a similar fruit because its value is that of a treasure of humanity and the universe. When that happens, others will beg for a seed from that flower and will not accept being deprived of it. 

With this in mind, True Parents have stood at the forefront. Now, the organization of neighborhood branch leaders has been completed. However, the problem is how to organize and settle the remaining blocks.

On the day the organization is completed in Seoul, the organization of the whole country will be completed instantly. Now, you need to bring the flowers into bloom. Those flowers need to bloom in your family. 

Only when your sons and daughters inherit a patriotic worldview can they properly put down roots? Only then can they strengthen the foundation, whereupon they can become new native fruit. (142-255, 1986/03/12) 

23. In doing home church work, the neighborhood and block branch leaders are the most important. The village branch leader comes next. On the day, all three, the village, neighborhood, and block branch leaders, unite as one; everything is completed. To do so, they need to settle in their areas.

True Parents are the branches, and you need to put down your roots. Only then can you grow worldwide. The first place the kingdom of heaven will take root in all history is Korea.

Centering on the block branch leader, you need to hold block meetings to become one body as 10 or 20 families. You need to nourish your community to make the roots spread and grow. The tree grows only when all branches, stems, and leaves are nourished. 

Led by the block branch leader, the block is the root of the Unification Church organization. The blocks need to be made into Cain and Abel realms where all families of that city attend True Parents.

Centering on the block branch leader, who is Cain, you become Abel. Then, through the block meetings, more than 10 families, who are like Jesus' 12 disciples, need to come together as one.

When this comes to pass, Satan has no more foundation on this earth. This is our goal. When that root gradually grows deeper, our branches, which are True Parents' branches, will spread out into the world. (145-031, 1986/04/30)

24. It took me 40 years to create neighborhood and block branch leaders. After investing for 40 years, I finally achieved this. I can make any number of county leaders and village leaders, but the problem is how to connect them with neighborhood branch leaders and block branch leaders so they all come alive. 

They all need to be active, and since one is the vertical representative and one is the horizontal representative when those two work together effectively, they will revive their city. This is our base. 

When we complete that, if Christianity opposes us, the neighborhood branch leaders and block branch leaders will defend us.

When the neighborhood branch leaders and block branch leaders work with active Christians, this will resolve Christian opposition and all its negative side effects. This is the focus of the movement of grassroots outreach. (148-196, 1986/10/09) 

25. Presidents, ministers, and everyone else are included in local neighborhoods and blocks. Therefore, the cell organizations of the Unification Church must go through the most basic level.

Because everything was reversed and overturned in the family, it must be righted in the family. This is not the national level, and therefore, after solidifying your faith, you need to become the subject partner who can expand centering on the family, with your locality as your object partner.

Through success at this, you can stand in the position of the subject partner on a greater foundation and can serve a greater sphere. In this way, you can expand to wider and wider foundations until you connect with the country and the world. 

This is the movement of Abel winning over Cain. If you cannot win over Cain, you cannot become Abel. 

You become Abel after you win over Cain. It is not a relative position. The Abel realm is established after you have won over and made unity with Cain. Otherwise, you can never establish the Abel realm, and the providence of salvation will never be concluded on this earth.

You need to settle down with a family where the focus is mind-body unity. You must put down your roots. You cannot conceive of how great it is to do grassroots outreach. (313-152, 1999/11/19) 

26. True Parents cannot simply drift along. We came as the Parents of all people, and now we have repaired what Satan's world was and have ascended to the highest summit where, through head-wing thought, we can gather the left and right in the realms of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and world.

Who can know about all the sorrowful circumstances we had to go through to get here? I did not just drift along. 

Piercing through this history of adverse fortune, I have come up and laid this foundation. You should not trample upon it or leave yourself indebted to that which was woven at the cost of blood. Instead, you should engraft it at the cost of blood as well.

That is how you repay this grace and appear properly in front of True Parents. This is what grassroots outreach is all about. You need to put down your roots in the family. 

What is the goal we have pursued until now? What is our ideal? New families of mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters centered on God's love need to take firm root.

The deeper the root, the more likely the tree will bud. On that tree, we need to cut off the devil's buds and roots. Where should they be cut off? They should be cut off at the block branch level. Without this, the unification of North and South Korea is impossible. (172-296, 1988/01/24) 

27. Centering on True Parents, you need to carry out nationwide activities. To achieve this, you should return to your hometowns across this nation, influence them, and put down your roots.

When you put down your roots, you will become a tree bearing new fruit that God can harvest. Where should you plant that seed? 

You should not plant it in a field. You should plant it in your home. You need to plant it in your mother, father, brothers, and sisters. That is the four-position foundation.

The ideal of creation is the completion of the four-position foundation, which represents the completion of the ideal of love. Therefore, you should plant it in the family, which is the center of the ideal of love. Just as a seed comes into being through the mother and father, you should plant the seeds in the family and then come back and harvest the fruit.

This is the law of the cycle of life. Based on the logic of this cycle, you should pick the fruit and plant it under the love of your mother and father. If you put down deep roots of love to please your mother, father, and siblings, you will live. This is the goal of grassroots outreach. (173-201, 1988/02/18)

28. Grassroots outreach is the shortcut to liberating South and North Korea. If your mother, father, cousins, or other relatives were in North Korea, you would cry and hold on to them when you met them. 

Similarly, you must visit family after family and be ready to pour out heartfelt tears. When an environment that is accompanied by God and by such a connection of heart is accomplished through you, that family will be born as a loving family that God will wish to find.

I am doing this work because I can see that the day of liberation and shouts of tremendous joy are approaching.

Therefore, you need to connect to your true siblings and teach them about God's heart so that you can form the family of love that God has been seeking.
(209-113, 1990/11/27) 

Educating Society’s Leaders
After the 1970s, True Parents carried out extensive education in Unification Principle, Unification Thought, and Victory Over Communism for leaders of society,