Lineage and the order of love
In 1960, True Parents opened a new chapter in the history of human salvation through the marriage Blessing. The marriage Blessing is of great significance because it replaces Satan's lineage with God's, and recovers the order of love rooted in God.
The Blessing benefits society by offering the opportunity for people to enter into cross-cultural marriages, which contribute to the realization of one world under God by breaking down barriers between nations, races, and religions.
1. Originally, if Adam and Eve had reached the perfection stage in the Garden of Eden, they would have received the marriage Blessing. However, due to the Fall, the marriage Blessing centered on God was not realized.
Therefore, God had to work through 4,000 years of history to raise the Israelites, to whom He sent the Messiah. He intended to give the marriage Blessing at the time of Jesus, but again the marriage Blessing was not realized.
As a result, the providence of the Blessing had to begin anew at the advent of the Third Adam, upon his laying a successful foundation in the nation and world. The marriage Blessing of the Third Adam was a historic event. From the creation of the world until then, there had never been a time when God's love, life, and lineage were tied together. (215-273, 1991/02/21)
2. Adam and Eve, who were the ancestors of all human beings, fell due to false and immature love. Based on self-centered love, the archangel intervened in their relationship and caused the Fall. As a result, God was in exile and Adam and Eve were banished. By introducing a love connection that was not permitted by God, humankind came to bear original sin.
It is the enormous responsibility of humankind to remove this original sin. Because humanity was born from false parentage, unless a love connection emerges that is from true parentage, this original sin cannot be removed. To remove the false love and original sin that were sown by false parents, True Parents must create a new foundation of love. (035-215, 1970/10/19)
3. Adam and Eve lost their foundation to establish absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience to God when they entered into a false marriage. As a result, they turned their lineage upside down, lost their realm of ownership, and their family came to ruin. Thus, the restoration of lineage is needed. The pure love of Adam and Eve as True Parents should have been passed down eternally through their lineage.
However, Adam and Eve married without establishing a pure lineage, so we have to restore the absolute lineage, the realm of absolute ownership, and a pure heart through the Blessing. (269-096, 1995/04/08)
4. I know clearly about God and the spirit world. I also know how important God's nation and lineage are.
The purpose of the Unification Church marriage Blessing is to restore that lineage. Due to the wrongful marriage of the false parents, the world fell into ruin. But in the name of True Parents, it is possible to return to God's original nation by creating the realm of lineage and connecting it to God. For this reason, becoming a blessed family is a truly remarkable thing. With the Blessing, I have given you the ticket to enter heaven. (337-157, 2000/10/25)
5. Once Adam and Eve had attained perfection, God would have blessed them in marriage, and He would have become one with the body of Adam and Eve. Their becoming one in true love would have allowed God to have an embodiment on earth, to have an objective partner, and to form a family.
This can begin only when the love of the invisible Heavenly Father and the visible Heavenly Father become one. That connection was to have been made through Adam and Eve's first love on their wedding night. Centering on love, heaven and earth, man and woman, God's life and human life, God's lineage and human lineage are united.
Because Adam and Eve would have represented the invisible God in the flesh through their lives, God's presence in the human world would have been substantially manifested in the child, husband and wife, and parents. Through Adam's family, God wanted to have His lineage realized in our families.
The love, life, lineage, and conscience of the invisible God should have been one with the love, life, lineage, and conscience of the visible God in humanity. This unity is realized through marriage. (286-017, 1997/07/01)
6. Originally, the Blessing enables the father and mother to bequeath their love to their sons and daughters, as well as the love of a couple, of children, of a family, of nations, and the world. The holy marriage Blessing of unfallen Adam and Eve would have meant that God became the vertical Parent and
bequeathed the ownership of everything in the cosmos to His children. That is the significance of the Blessing. Blessed families should not think of the marriage Blessing as an ordinary marriage of a man and woman. You should know how serious it is to receive the Blessing.
The ideal of True Parents existed before the creation of the world. Before God created humankind, He had the concept of True Parents at the center of creation. To complete the ideal of True Parents, all things in heaven and on earth came into being. (286-087, 1997/08/09)
7. Centered on true love, everything should unite into one. Unity cannot happen in isolation. For two things to become one, the relationship has to be level. When children become adolescents, boys look for girls and girls look for boys, and they come to unite with one another on the same plane.
Thus, they will meet in the center. In that center, God will come down through the straight vertical line of the tradition of love. Therefore, the center of love at the wedding ceremony is God. The invisible God, who is the root of love, resides at the center of Adam and Eve's wedding, and heaven and earth unite as one.
Their wedding ceremony means that the Heavenly Parent and the earthly parents are united, centering on love. The place where God can reside is the place where man and woman become one. God, the internal character and form, enters into Adam and Eve, who represent the external character and form, and these two worlds become one centered on love. (286-088, 1997/08/09)
8. The goal of the Unification Church is to establish the right order of love and to unify the world. What is the most difficult thing in terms of unification? Unification can be achieved by force to some degree.
However, force cannot settle the world of love, which is based on internal character. Love cannot be taken by force, nor sold for money or knowledge. Love can be exchanged only for something true. Therefore, both men and women search for true love and when they move, it should only be to pursue true love.
(229-182, 1992/04/12)
9. In the Garden of Eden, Adam, Eve, and the archangel started a family without heeding God's commandment. Thus, young people today, who are descendants of those ancestors, do not listen to anyone. Such is the time we are living in. The Fall in the Garden of Eden is the origin of free sex.
What was sown there is bearing fruit today throughout the world. Young men and women fall in the very same way as they did in the garden. The value of human beings has fallen lower than the value of animals. To get physical satisfaction, people act like animals.
All people became thoroughly degraded through the Fall, which blocked them from returning to God.
However, God is alive, and He feels sadness when He looks at humanity. This is why He sent the Messiah to this world. God will create a united world by establishing the order of love in the family, the nation, the world, and God through the Messiah on earth, who demonstrates the example of good character.
What no one else could do is being accomplished by the Unification Church. As re-creation is being realized, the world is becoming one and Satan's evil world is giving way to the heavenly world. (082-115, 1976/01/01)
10. The reason the Unification Church has to give the worldwide marriage Blessing is to help couples prepare for central missions when the age of the family comes. The Blessing ceremony can be given to people from more than 100 nations at once. These people are our brothers and sisters. I see them as our siblings. I do not see them as foreigners.
By giving the Blessing to everyone, we will have representative families worldwide. When all families follow True Parents, the parent-child relationship will be formed, and this means there will be families that accomplish the four-position foundation and have a reciprocal base with True Parents.
Therefore, they can inherit everything from the victorious True Parents. Then, to pass all this on, you need to go back to your family as tribal messiahs.
(232-266, 1992/07/10)
11. It is the marriage Blessing in the Unification Church that has established a new family culture transcending race, nation, culture, and tradition. Within the realm of the heavenly nation, all countries are included in “one world under God.”
The Fall of humankind led to the gap between mind and body, the gap between husband and wife, and the gap between parents and children. It was within the family that the Fall took place. It means that Adam's family fell. Everything was lost through the Fall of that one family. For this reason, we have to find one perfect family. (260-184, 1994/05/08)
12. The unity of the world as a global family is essential for heavenly fortune to come. Astonishing developments in science and technology bind humanity together through a revolution of information, communication, and transportation. Thus, international cooperation is needed and a shared commitment is necessary to protect the Earth's fragile environment.
But what can bring the power to change people's tendency toward selfishness and their attachment to a self-centered perspective of the world?
What can fundamentally resolve the problem of nations competing to satisfy their interests?
Each one of us must find the answer in heaven's law and use a fundamental awareness of God, who is our origin and root. The nature of God's true love is to give and want to give more, to give and forget what He gave, and to love His object partner more than Himself.
God's love is the only answer. We can get answers when we realize that all human beings are brothers and sisters under one set of True Parents. When all human beings form one family under God and True Parents, live for the sake of one another, and are united, all problems can be resolved.
Throughout my life, I have practiced the way of true love and educated people about it. I have lived for the sake of others and created a worldwide foundation. I have raised young people in each nation to live unselfishly for the sake of others.
Not only that but, I have also conducted international marriage Blessing ceremonies to establish ideal families of true love that are international, interracial, and interreligious.
This is the work that changes the history of human culture. Centered on true love, we have brought down national barriers and have gone beyond racial barriers to overcome hatred.
We have fought to give birth to ideal families that live for the sake of one another. As a result, we are forming a new world culture. (267-261, 1995/01/12)
13. Cross-cultural marriage Blessings began between Koreans and Japanese while their countries were still enemies. Historically, for Koreans it was unthinkable to consider cross-cultural marriages; the mixing of bloodlines was something they would die before doing.
Through cross-cultural marriages that transcend nations and continents, an integrated lineage can be created. As this lineage transcends national boundaries, no one can block it from expanding. Through the unification of races, the barriers between nations will fall and a new era of cultural exchange will come.
Through this movement, unification can come about with the settling of the culture centered on True Parents and heaven. (286-180, 1997/08/10)
True marriage
True Parents said that through the marriage Blessing, we need to establish the traditions of true husband and wife, true parents, true children children children, and true siblings, with true love at the center. They particularly emphasized that true love incorporates the rights of inheritance, equal status, dispersing, and shared participation.
So the ideal of the kingdom of heaven can be realized when people inherit the tradition of the true love of God and True Parents through, marriage Blessing, To and dispersing, that tradition throughout their societies, nations, and the world.
14. According to the Principle of Creation, you do not create your partner. It is God who creates your partner, by the principle that a partner is created by his or her father and mother. Hence, by the principle of re-creation, it is a law in the universe that God, your original Father and Mother, finds your partner.
True Parents understand the order of love based on this heavenly principle. Thus, your marriage can be arranged in the name of True Parents under the protection of God. This is the view of marriage in the Unification Church.
(083-218, 1976/02/08)
15. Marriage is not for the sake of any one person alone. To love is to complete the top and bottom, and front and back, agreeing with the logic of heaven and earth. It is not for the sake of the man alone, nor the sake of the woman. It agrees with the heavenly law. It is to make a gown of love that is woven together as one cloth based on a perfect model of top and bottom and front and back. That which is united in love is the core and center of the universe.
Therefore, with God's love at the center of the cosmos, the subject partner of love, and I, the object partner of love, will follow the path eternally in the same way celestial bodies follow their orbits.
Each couple will become like a cell before God, perfecting universal character, with subject and object partners united in one body. (101-038, 1978/10/28)
16. Man and woman were born from love. Thus, marriage is the way for each of us to reach perfection. To become perfect, we each need an object partner. The reason we get married is that each of us is only half of the whole, only half of the world. If we compare it to the moon, a man is only a half-moon.
To become a full moon, the man needs a woman and the woman needs a man. If you demand that your object partner live for your sake, the person will run away, but if you live for the sake of that person, he or she will follow you.
(222-098, 1991/10/28)
17. A woman cannot become an owner of love, or make a relationship of love, without a man. A man is the one who completes a woman's love. A man should not keep love for himself. The fruit of his love should be returned to the woman. Furthermore, a woman is the owner who completes a man's love.
If you say women were born for women, the women you envisage will disappear within 100 years. Men are born for women and women are born for men. Men and women are born because of God's love. They are born as the object partners of God. To make God the owner of love is not something that can be done by God alone.
It is the couple who receives the Blessing that can make God the owner of love. The moment Adam and Eve are married, God becomes the owner of all realms of love. Therefore, Adam and Eve were born because of love. (519-215, 2006/03/04)
18. Many religions guide people to maintain celibacy, but in the Unification Church you will receive the marriage Blessing. There is nothing like the marriage Blessing in all of religious history. You cannot get the Blessing just as you please. It has to come through God's order and by the permission of your parents.
This is the tradition. A marriage can happen when it is connected to God and your parents. You cannot get married in just your way.
Marriage is that very solemn place from which to inherit the most precious thing from your parents.
Before inheriting that most precious thing, the Blessing has to be connected to God, who is the most precious owner. Therefore, a marriage should be celebrated in a place where you can represent all of humanity in a higher realm and connect with God. Even if there are many seeds, their content, and value have to equal those of the original seed.
Whether the seeds number in the thousands or tens of thousands, their value has to be the same as that of the seeds of Adam and Eve. If that value changes, the seed is of a different species. (261-052, 1994/05/22)
19. A marriage is where two people meet God's original standard to become one in love. God, the cause, and man and woman, the result, become one, and thus, no one can break this eternal union.
Vertically there is God, and horizontally there are man and woman. A man in the East searches for a woman in the West, and a woman searches for a man. As such, they look for each other horizontally.
God created all people with love. When they grow up and are ready to become reciprocal partners, a man's eyes look for a woman and a woman's eyes search for a man. When Adam and Eve are mature, if she moves one step closer to him, he should move one step toward her.
They should act in concert. They should meet God's love at the center. On the night of their wedding, they form a sphere of love. God becomes the nucleus of love and Adam and Eve become the united body of that love.
The mind inherits the nucleus of the seed of love, and the physical body inherits the home of that seed of love. In this way, Adam and Eve become the complete unity of that infused mind and body. (222-023, 1991/10/27)
20. We marry to possess God. We come to possess God because there is a right of inheritance within true love, and therefore in true love God becomes ours. What belongs to the wife also belongs to her husband, and what belongs to the husband also belongs to his wife.
Centered on love, we gain ownership. Within love, there is the right of inheritance.
Furthermore, there is a realm of equal position: The couple go to the same place. They also have the right to participate as equals, which means they can follow God everywhere.
When you are united in love, you can say God is mine. It means that everything that belongs to God is mine. In this way, I can make mine the God who created heaven and earth.
This is the highest standard of human desire. I can also make all things in heaven and on earth mine. Therefore, I am in the position of a prince or a princess. Getting married means inheriting the authority of the monarch in the kingdom of heaven, and standing in the position of a prince or a princess. (222-100, 1991/10/28)
21. The marriage Blessing is for the sake of God and the world. With the Blessing, you can love the world and, as the representative of the world, love the person who is closest to you.
A woman should love her husband as the representative of her father, husband, older brother, and younger brother.
A man should love his wife as the representative of his mother, wife, older sister, and younger sister. In representing these four positions, we love the person in the position closest to us, respecting each other and stimulating each other to love the world.
The husband-wife relationship is the most basic embodiment of the world-level give-and-receive action of love.
Therefore, when you get married, you should love your wife in place of your mother, older sister, and younger sister; love your husband in place of your father, older brother, and younger brother.
Furthermore, you should love your spouse even more than you love the members of your family. This is the formula by which a husband and wife love each other and realize the ideal of reciprocal partnership. (037-108, 1970/12/22)
22. Marriage is training to love the world. It is also the path to obtaining the qualification to love all people.
Until now, love was restricted to the family; it was between you and me, and thus it was cut off in all directions and crumbled like sand. This is how it is in Satan's world.
On the other hand, we do not just stop at making a connection between you and me. We go further: We make a connection with the world and between heaven and earth. From here, the kingdom of heaven will be established and the new lineage will start. (037-109, 1970/12/22)