True Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon 1000 Day Memorial Celebration
In attendance to Heavenly Parent and also to celebrate the 1000-day memorial of the ascension of True Father we have gathered here in Las Vegas on this special day.
Sermons about True Parents
Latest Spiritual Messages — page 5
In attendance to Heavenly Parent and also to celebrate the 1000-day memorial of the ascension of True Father we have gathered here in Las Vegas on this special day.
Regarding the providence of heaven, we are at the center of the providence.
The wild olive tree must deny itself and be engrafted onto the true olive tree, this is the purpose of the Holy Marriage Blessing.
You who are gathered here today are the leaders of the Unification family.
You are all blessed members. Father said, “The blessing is the blessing of a position.”
You are a blessed family that received a new life thanks to True Parents.
Until now, you have observed True Parents’ lives while staying at their sides.
“Blessing” is a term that humanity and our Heavenly Parent deeply longed for, one that finally appeared after six thousand years.
You say that you follow the way of God’s will, but you have been weak in preparing for the future.
Water is a living substance that is essential to all people and creation, including animals, without exception.
Nevertheless, because he could not leave fallen humanity as it was, God began creating the right environment to save humanity.
The blessing, blessed families this is a surprising historic revolution.