With the start of the 21st century, True Parents announced a motto for each year, which outlined the goal of fulfilling the Cheon Il Guk ideal by achieving the ideal of God and human beings united in love and completing the victories to liberate the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind.
In 2000 and 2001, they emphasized unity through true love. The motto for the year 2000 was, “The cosmic expansion of true love will perfect the new millennial kingdom,” and in 2001, it was “May the liberated Parents of Heaven and Earth, and children united in mind and body, fulfill the Will with true love, whose subject nature is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal.”
From 2002 to 200,8, True Parents presented mottos related to Cheon Il Guk. In 2002, it was “Mansei for the secure settlement of Cheon Il Guk in freedom, peace, and happiness, the ideal of the Parents of Heaven and Earth.”
In 2003, it was “May our families perfect true families of filial children, patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters of Cheon Il Guk through true love.”
The 2004 motto was “Proclamation of the era of God's fatherland and the peace kingdom,” and in 2005, it was “Let us substantiate the ideal of the internal and external Cheon Il Guk.”
The motto for 2006 was “The era of the secure settlement of the model providence for the ideal of peace in heaven and on earth,” and in 2007, it was “Eog-mansei for the reign of goodness and prosperity in Cheon Il Guk, bringing cosmic peace.”
For 2008, it was “Mansei for the Cheon Il Guk – Universal Peace Federation in the jubilee year joining 2007 and 2008.” From 2009 to 2013, they announced mottos about the unity and victory of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind.
In 2009, it was a “Proclamation of victory in the era when the Parents of Heaven and Earth establish the realm of the cosmic Sabbath with the authority of absolute sex manifesting in true love, true life, and true lineage.” In 2010, it was “Mansei for the realm of the cosmic Sabbath of true love, where unity with a pure heart brings oneness in all victories.”
For 2011, the motto was “Mansei for Cheon Il Guk, settled through harmony between children and the Parents who have heaven's heart, whose harmony brings final and ultimate oneness to heaven and earth.” In 2012 and 2013, it was the “Era of the victory, liberation, and completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind.” From 2014 to 2020, True Parents designated the motto as
“Let us become true owners of Cheon Il Guk who practice true love in resemblance to our Creator, the Heavenly Parent.”
The cosmic expansion of true love will perfect the new millennial kingdom
1. The motto of 2000 is, “The cosmic expansion of true love will perfect the new millennial kingdom.”
The phrase “the cosmic expansion of true love” refers to the home of love. True love should expand from the existent world to the entire cosmos. “Cosmos” here refers to God's home.
The motto's overall meaning is that in the new millennium, the home where God dwells should be perfected. The perfection of the kingdom of heaven, where God dwells everywhere eternally, begins in the new millennium through the cosmic expansion of true love. (304-322, 2000/01/01)
2. The kingdom of heaven is the place where freedom exists eternally, where hope exists eternally, where happiness exists eternally, and where true love and true life exist eternally.
This is certainly true because everything that lives in the home of God is one with God. That is why all Unification Church members throughout the world live together by loving one another with the thought, “My home is your home.”
The people of the Unification Church see themselves as members of one family. They obey this rule because they dwell in the realm of the cosmic Sabbath. They advocate that we place our family before ourselves and our brothers and sisters before ourselves, even as they place other church members before themselves. This is a true family connected with a true lineage based on true love.
(304-331, 2000/01/01)
3. The motto for 2000 is “The cosmic expansion of true love will perfect the new millennial kingdom.”
We must bring the age of the millennial kingdom. By this, I mean that we are entering the age to “perfect the new millennial kingdom.” This is not a vague concept.
When families restore their nation, they pass beyond the growth-stage standard where Adam and Eve fell and even beyond the completion-stage standard. Then, they can bless every family, tribe, and people. By doing so, everything in heaven and on earth will be turned around.
Since we have indemnified and resolved everything in the era of the Third Adam and could enter the liberated era of the realm of the Fourth Adam, we should become families that transcend our nations. We have come to the era when we can be registered in the nation of Cheon Il Guk.
A realm has been formed in which freedom and victory can take root. This will lead to the liberation of the family. Our families will become just like the Adam and Eve family, which did not need to register in the Garden of Eden. If you can live according to True Parents' teachings and unite with their words, you enter into an era of liberation from an autonomous position.
There, you will not face restrictions on any path you take, on earth or in heaven. Consequently, all national borders will disappear.
Therefore, you must pray from an autonomous position. Until now, we beseeched heaven, saying, “I wish and pray for this and that,” but from now on, we will report to God. We will report on our goodwill and good deeds.
(314-267, 2000/01/09)
May the liberated Parents of Heaven and Earth, and children united in mind and body, fulfill the Will with true love, whose subject nature is absolute, unique, unchanging, on eternal
4. At the very end of Pledge 8 of The Family, Pledge is the most important word: liberation. We are aiming to achieve the ideal of God and human beings united in love and to perfect the realm of liberation in the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven.
The motto of 2001 is, “May the liberated Parents of Heaven and Earth, and children united in mind and body, fulfill the Will with true love, whose subject nature is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal.”
We only needed to say the subject nature of true love, but the phrase “is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal” is added to the phrase, “true love, whose subject nature…”
This motto is needed during the era of the new millennium. In particular, children and parents must fulfill this together and create the kingdom of heaven on earth. Not only God, but you also must accomplish this.
Not only True Parents but the liberated Parents of Heaven and Earth, and we, their liberated children, must accomplish this. This must be fulfilled after achieving mind-body unity.
That is why the subject nature of true love is the mainstream teaching. When we say “subject nature,” we are referring to the essential point. We must fulfill the Will with absolute love, unique love, unchanging love, and eternal
love, which God intended to fulfill. (341-136, 2001/01/01)
5. The 2,000-year period until December 31, 2000, was a time of walking a worldwide indemnity course based on the realm of the Second Israel. Now that age has passed, and the dawn of the new Completed Testament Age has come, the era when the ideal of the Blessing can be expanded to the cosmos.
This motto, “May the liberated Parents of Heaven and Earth, and children united in mind and body, fulfill the Will with true love, whose subject nature is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal,” is not only for one time but is a theme that remains with you even on the other side in the eternal world. You must understand how valuable the family is, and you must offer to complete the Will of the Parents of Heaven and Earth after attaining mind-body unity.
To achieve that, we need to recover the sovereignty of the world and offer it to the Parents of Heaven and Earth. If we do that, all families under that sovereignty can easily follow the traditions and teachings of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, which are the traditions and teachings of God.
To establish God's nation, which is based on the philosophy of true love, you must fulfill the eight stages of individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, cosmos, and God. You must establish the perspective of this nation, which is the teaching of True Parents. As families who have received the Blessing, this is your responsibility. That is why, from today, the contents of your prayer will be changed.
Beginning now, we will end our prayers, “I pray in the name of_______ (your name), who has inherited True Parents' realm of victory through the Blessing.”
It means that without the Blessing, you cannot participate in the True Parents' realm of victory. But through the Blessing, you formed a blood relationship with True Parents, you are connected anew to the heavenly lineage that had been severed by the Fall, and you joined in the bond that makes you sons and daughters of True Parents.
If Adam and Eve had not fallen, they would have formed a substantial realm where everyone would have been ruled by the unchanging and eternal God.
Everyone would have received the Blessing, and everyone would have been connected to the love of God and the life of God. God's lineage would have been established in the first-generation ancestors, Adam and Eve, and would have been propagated in their family. With them as the seed, God's bloodline would have been propagated to everyone.
However, the seed of this blood lineage was not sown and did not bear fruit through three generations. This is the Fall.
If True Parents are the first generation, you are the second generation. If you do not raise your sons and daughters well, you will not be able to escape from that tradition of fallen descendants. (341-137, 2001/01/01)
6. From now on, you cannot visit True Parents as you please. There will be conditions that you need to meet.
Once we have the heavenly nation, things will be strict. The secular laws of the Republic of Korea will pale in comparison. The laws on the path that remains in front of you are more than ten times stricter. You must complete this path in your lifetime. Since that kind, of course, remains ahead of you, how should you live from now on?
The age of prayer has passed. Prayers are answered only when there is a Savior. The Savior guided everything to the realm of liberation. I completely opened the realm of liberation.
For that reason, the motto of 2001 is “May the liberated Parents of Heaven and Earth, and children united in mind and body, fulfill the Will with true love, whose subject nature is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal.”
It is about working together. After working together, you should report. When you report, look to see whether that which you are reporting was done correctly or incorrectly; if it was a mistake, you should redeem your mistake. You cannot report before making up for that mistake. It is a report, not a prayer.
Those who do not have good results to report cannot come to where True Parents are. (341-146, 2001/01/01)
Mansei for the secure settlement of Cheon Il Guk in freedom, peace, and happiness, the ideal of the
Parents of Heaven and Earth
7. The character Cheon, “Heaven,” symbolizes two people. The character for “two” consists of a horizontal line on top and a horizontal line on the bottom. Peace should be created in both the spirit world and the earthly world. I included the words “cosmos” and “peace” in this motto; thus, it includes the meaning of cosmic peace.
Furthermore, Cheon Il Guk has the horizontal character il, meaning “one” or “unity)' Accordingly, the motto of 2001 included the meaning “two people fulfill the Will with true love, whose subject nature is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal.” Without true love, we cannot accomplish the Will.
That is why I included “absolute, unique, unchanging, eternal love” as the way to fulfill the Will. We must fulfill it with absolute love, unique love, unchanging love, and eternal love.
That is Cheon Il Guk, the nation where two persons become one. The word “cosmos” means our home in heaven and on earth. Man and woman create balance on the horizontal plane and attend heaven.
Centering on heaven whom the man and woman attend, they should each unite their mind and body and then unite as husband and wife; next, they should unite as parents and children, and at the same time, they should unite with their brothers and sisters and with others whom they should treat as brothers and sisters. In each case, it is like two people uniting with each other.
These realms of subject partner and object partner can be established only with true love. True love is the center. It is the center of the individual and the center of the couple. Then, it expands to higher levels as the center of parents and children and the center of sibling relationships in the family and in the world. In this way, the family can be settled.
Once the family is settled, then its tribe should unite based on that family so that they become one. Then, the entirety of the people should unite based on that tribe so that they become one.
Then the nation should unite based on that people, that they become one. We must have a unified nation for the world to unite with, and a unified world such that the cosmos will unite with it, and then a unified cosmos that will connect with God. If you live like that, wherever you go horizontally or vertically, you will not collide with anything. (364-071, 2002/01/01)
8. The motto for 2002 is “Mansei for the secure settlement of Cheon Il Guk in freedom, peace, and happiness, the ideal of the Parents of Heaven and Earth.” Freedom, peace, and happiness here refer to true love.
There is freedom in true love, there is peace in true love, and there is happiness in true love. All this can be found in a family and everything else. You cannot be happy alone. The foundation of happiness does not exist outside the family, and families that can connect with this foundation should multiply greatly.
As for the four-position foundation, there are four generations: the Grandparent (God), the father and mother, the husband and wife, and the sons and daughters.
They form one sphere. Adam and Eve are the father and mother; by the generation of their grandchildren, the four-position foundation will have multiplied to many couples. This is the seed and the model from which the 12 tribes can emerge and then hundreds of branch tribes.
Thus, Adam's family would flourish, having given birth to many sons and daughters and making more couples.
Thus, when the four-position foundation is complete, there will be four levels. Considering God as the Grandparent, after Him, there are three generations of father and mother, husband and wife, and sons and daughters.
Thus, in Adam and Eve's family, sons and daughters who are in the position of their grandchildren emerge through three generations. They form the seed of the fourth generation, and from that time on, anybody who marries can enter the kingdom of heaven automatically. That is the model. (364-276, 2002/01/03)
May our families perfect true families of filial children, patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters of Cheon Il Guk through true love
9. The motto for 2003 is, “May our families perfect true families of filial children, patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters of Cheon Il Guk through true love.” God's whole ideal of creation is included here: the individual, family, tribe, people, and nation.
A child who inherits a true family's tradition of filial piety will become a loyal patriot, and one who inherits a true family's tradition of loyalty to his or her nation will become a saint.
Furthermore, one who inherits a true family's tradition of sainthood will become a divine son or daughter. By inheriting the tradition of a divine son or daughter, he or she is given royal authority. This inheritance occurs on the foundation of God having royal authority.
Everything owned by individuals or belonging to your nation must be denied. In the end, they are all fruits of the fallen world. They connect to a world contaminated by the bloodline of the enemy, which God rejects.
God does not want to see even the shadow of that world. God cannot take charge of this evil world that has persisted through the rise and fall of nations while countless people have died through wars. (400-192, 2003/01/01)
10. Through true love, your families must become the owners of Cheon Il Guk, and you must become filial children. To become an owner of Cheon Il Guk, you must first become a filial child.
Then, you must form a true family of loyal patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters; once you've done that, you become an owner. We do not say these things lightly. This is the position in which you lay the foundation stone; thus, you cannot escape the fundamental rules of heaven.
You should have absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. Move forward for the sake of the eternal world, even if you die 100 or 1,000 times.
Gratefully follow your path even if it involves indescribable hardship. You can experience the bitterness that God had to endure when He was unable to help the people whom He loved and trusted within the religious realm, even as they were being sacrificed.
If you do, and on your path, your tears obscure your vision, and your surroundings are drenched in your blood and sweat, then Satan cannot enter into you. Satan cannot approach you because he sees the traces of the tears and blood you shed for the sake of others. Satan is egoistic. Because of his egotism, he cannot invade your position. (400-204, 2003/01/01)
11. The model of the family connects to the loyal patriot, the model of the loyal patriot connects to the saint, the model of the saint connects to the divine son or daughter, and the model of the divine son or daughter connects to kingship.
To enter Cheon Il Guk, where True Parents dwell, you should go the path of a true parent, true owner, and true teacher and connect to the true king.
You must also go the path of a filial child, loyal patriot, saint, and divine son or daughter, as well as that of kingship. Only when you complete the course to that level will you receive the inheritance?
I am teaching you all this. If you stop in the middle of your course, it is not enough. If you go after good fortune just for yourself, after you die, your corpse will end up in a pauper's grave. However, this path will, without fail, allow you to reach the kingdom of heaven, not end up in a pauper's grave.
By now, everyone in the world should know. In fact, on July 4, 2002, in Washington, DC, I conveyed a resolution from the spirit world that said, “We know and believe that God is the absolute True Parents and that Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han are the True Parents.”
It also said, “We believe that the True Parents are the embodiment of God and that they are True Parents, true teachers, and true owners, and we will act according to their will.” It then proclaimed me a king.
Having become the True Parent, true teacher, and true owner, it is only right that I should be the king.
There can be only one true king. That is why the blessed families of the Unificationist family attend me as the king. When they do that, they can receive the inheritance. But you cannot receive an inheritance from a king unless you have become a prince or princess.
You can receive the inheritance when you become a divine son or daughter. If you cannot become such a person and receive my inheritance when you go to the other world, you will be caught short. (400-221, 2003/01/01)
Proclamation of the era of God's fatherland and the peace kingdom
12. Today, January 1, 2004, we are entering “the era of God's fatherland and the peace kingdom.” This is not an announcement but a historic proclamation. Saying that this is a proclamation means that a new age has dawned.
Its content affects not only individuals but also the whole world, even all of heaven and earth. The time of making announcements of small matters is over.
This is the proclamation of the liberation of God's fatherland and the era of the peace kingdom. As we live in the world where they have been proclaimed, we should enter God's fatherland and establish a peaceful kingdom.
(430-107, 2004/01/01)
13. This morning, January 1, 2004, I proclaimed the words “God's fatherland.” Because I did so, hereafter, God's fatherland will begin. I also proclaimed the peace of the kingdom. Now, God's fatherland and the peace kingdom have begun, a place that has no relationship whatsoever with the fallen world.
It is God's nation and God's fatherland, which He desired from before the Fall. Our clans, our peoples, and our nations can all live in the realm of God's fatherland. All can become part of heaven's nation. This is an existential realm rather than an imaginary one.
Everything in God's nation begins from God's fatherland, and everything must be evaluated based on its foundation. Anything that was established in places where the fatherland is not established will pass away.
How precious is the time, “God's fatherland.” It is like the fact that only because we have a nation can we say that we are citizens of the Republic of Korea and call ourselves “the white-clad race.”
Throughout the ages of history, the conditions for the fatherland that God has desired have been accumulating, from the level of individuals and families to tribes and peoples, until today, when the time is ripe for this proclamation of the restoration of God's fatherland encompassing the entire world. From now on, everything will begin to exist on its foundation.
However, because humankind fell away from that place, until now, people have been striving to restore this standard by continually making conditions according to the law of indemnity.
However, once the territory of God's fatherland is obtained, the ways by which we could come thus far, having justified our existence based upon those past conditions, should be severed, overturned, trampled in time, and removed.
The underfoot, we have to build everything anew on the territory of the fatherland. Such a time has come. (430-113, 2004/01/01)
14. You should think about God's fatherland and the peace kingdom even in your dreams. God wants His fatherland, and humankind wants the peace kingdom. Now that we have come to the point of proclaiming what heaven desires and what earth desires, we must be grateful, even if we were to die tomorrow.
You should be grateful that you live on earth at a time when you can contribute to God's fatherland and the peace kingdom. Before you die, you should be able to shed tears of loyalty and filial piety so as not to be ashamed in front of the creation.
Do not become shameful sons and daughters who shed tears struggling merely for the sake of your pleasure and joy. (430-154, 2004/01/01)
Let us substantiate the ideal of the internal and external Cheon Il Guk
15. The motto for 2005 is, “Let us substantiate the ideal of the internal and external Cheon Il Guk.”
Internal and external here mean the internal nation of heaven and the external nation of heaven.
Cheon Il Guk is a nation where two people become one, mind and body become one, man and woman become one, parents and children become one, and heaven and earth become one, centering on God. The “internal” of “internal and external” refers to God, and the “external” refers to True Parents.
If you analyze the meaning of the phrase “internal and external Cheon Il Guk,” it refers to the internal and external Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity. The internal Cheon Il Guk cannot be completed on its own.
It becomes complete only through the external Cheon Il Guk. This is because heaven and earth were all destroyed because of the external Cheon Il Guk, namely Adam and Eve's bodies.
Now, we have established internal and external Cheon Il Guk. The era of Cheon Il Guk has dawned, and the era of the kingdom of peace and unity has begun.
(481-023, 2005/01/01)
16. Due to the Fall, human beings have not been able to perfectly carry out their moral duties as filial children in front of their parents, loyal patriots in front of their country, saints in front of the world, and divine sons and daughters in front of heaven and earth.
These are what you must perfect in your generation. Although you received the Blessing, you have been fulfilling these responsibilities mostly on the individual level.
Yetis that to recover what was lost in the Garden of Eden, you, who is one of True Parents' blood relations, must act on their behalf and conduct yourselves as befits their sons and daughters. You should do this as families, fulfilling the dutiful way of filial children, loyal patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters.
By so doing, you need to build a foundation on which no borders or restrictions will exist in any family, any people, any nation, in any place in the world on the planet Earth.
Then, based on this foundation of liberation and complete freedom, True Parents will be able to carry out activities freely, as they will be in the land of freedom where they can take command.
To build this foundation, you need to unite families and nations, unite heaven and earth, and build a cosmos of freedom where all are connected through the lineage of love.
We have concluded the long course of restoration, which started in places where we could not attend God, and we have arrived at the era when we can bring liberation and establish the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven.
Now, we can celebrate the opening of the eternal reign of peace with cheers of “Eog-mansei.” Who will establish the Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity? It is no one but you. Who will substantiate the royal authority of Cheon Il Guk? It is no one but families. Thus, you should fulfill this responsibility.
(481-025, 2005/01/01)
The era of the secure settlement of the model providence for the ideal of peace in heaven and on earth
17. The motto for 2006 is “The era of the secure settlement of the model providence for the ideal of peace in heaven and on earth.”
This model providence includes the providence for the era of the secure settlement of the family, the providence for the era of the secure settlement of the nation, the providence for the era of the secure settlement of the world, up to the providence for the era of the secure settlement of the kingdom of heaven on earth. In this motto, “The era of the secure settlement of the model providence for the ideal of peace in heaven and on earth,” the model providence for the secure settlement of the family, the secure settlement of the nation, and the secure settlement of the world are all connected. (513-210, 2006/01/01)
18. In 2005, we traveled to and spoke in 120 nations, giving a speech entitled “God's Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful Ideal World.” It contains contents about the model of God's ideal family and the model for a world of peace.
These two ideals have not been realized. As for the ideal family, how can we realize that ideal in the fallen world? As for the model for a world of peace, it is something that can start based on the vision of building a new nation in the new world that is to appear in the Last Days.
In the world, through a long course of history, the family model must emerge first, and following that should emerge the model for the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven. That is why I wanted my speech to include content about the model for God's ideal family and the model for a world of peace. All history is included there. (513-229, 2006/01/01)
19. “The era of the secure settlement of the model providence for the ideal of peace in heaven and on earth” is the motto for 2006. The era of the model family means the Old Testament Age.
Thereafter, the era of the model nation means the New Testament Age, which is the age of Jesus. Thereafter, the era of the model world means the Completed Testament Age, which is the age of a unified world, including both the spiritual world and the physical world.
As the Lord of the Second Advent, I broke through without major conflict or strife and reached a point where I could announce “The era of the secure settlement of the model providence for the ideal of peace in heaven and on earth.” You do not know how awesome this is.
The era of the secure settlement of the family has passed, the era of the secure settlement of the nation has passed, and now all that remains is to achieve the secure settlement of the era of the world. (513-240, 2006/01/01)
Eog-mansei for the reign of goodness and prosperity in Cheon Il Guk, bringing peace to the cosmos.
20. The motto for 2007 is “Eog-mansei for the reign of goodness and prosperity in Cheon Il Guk, bringing peace to the cosmos.” The mandate of the Universal Peace Federation is related in theme to the work the Unification Church is carrying out throughout the world, that is, for peace in the cosmos.
The phrase “universal (cosmic) peace federation” refers to the land and the home where God can live. This is something that people have not yet achieved.
The home and the land where God can mean, in other words, the creation, is humanity's collective responsibility. Creation itself is the object of comfort that God requires for building and living in His home.
Its importance is that it manifests God's love at the symbolic level. All things of creation are individual embodiments of truth. No matter what kind of being it is, each manifests a unique beauty. It is the same for human beings, whether they are handsome or not.
Is that those who are not gentle and humble but think about everything centering on themselves should go to the back of the line?
Conversely, those who think about the public ahead of themselves deserve to be blessed with good fortune. God likes such people. (550-121, 2007/01/01)
21. The motto for 2007 talks about “the reign of goodness and prosperity in Cheon Il Guk, bringing peace to the cosmos.” What is the reign of goodness and prosperity?
Suppose that Cheon Il Guk exists is that but does not include an environment where we can live together with God, which is the ideal of God's original creation. What would be the point of its existence? This shows how essentially a good environment is.
For instance, you may be born with natural beauty, but unless you have the opportunity to cultivate your appearance, you will not be able to show your full beauty.
In the same way, no matter how good people say Cheon Il Guk is, unless we make good preparations both inside and outside the house, it will not be a place where God will want to come and live with us. Neither will it be a place full of love and affection where you, as His sons and daughters, will want to live with Him forever.
The ideal state of the creation is one in which everything gives love and affection and makes that affection shine; this is the peace throughout the cosmos that God wants to create.
That ideal is filled with beauty inside and out. Hence, people call it a good place, and everyone yearns to live there. Such is the reign of goodness and prosperity.
What I am saying is peace comes from the home where one lives and attends God, the origin of cosmic peace. In that sense, the concept of a reign of goodness and prosperity is not a place of transient happiness but of happiness that continues forever Eog-mansei, literally one billion years.
It will be an era and a world in which we can take pride. There, we can live forever and ever and take pride in our right to live in joyous freedom forever and ever and ever. (550-122, 2007/01/01)
22. The reign of goodness and prosperity in the motto, “Eog-mansei for the reign of goodness and prosperity in Cheon Il Guk, bringing peace to the cosmos,” is already within our sphere of life. Heavenly fortune is with us. I know of this fortune that is with us.
So, now, you need to bring great reformation and revolution at this time. Through it, what are you going to change? Many believe and follow me. I can call those historical people to testify about me anytime.
But the question is, what are you going to do with your life after I am gone? You know me; you heard me; this and that are true. But again, my question is, “What are you going to do after I am gone?”
Please keep in mind that I built a palace in which God can live. Please keep in mind that I brought God's fatherland into existence, and please keep in mind that I called you to your hometowns. Yet, the fatherland that I see does not have the appearance of the fatherland that I desire to see, nor have your hometowns reached the standard that I want to see.
After I pass away, I want you to build up the fatherland to the highest level, as I have desired it to be, and leave behind beautiful, ideal hometowns.
(550-130, 2007/01/01)
Mansei for the Cheon Il Guk Universal Peace Federation in the jubilee yea,r joining 2007 and 2008
23. The 2008 motto is “Mansei for Cheon Il Guk Universal Peace Federation in the jubilee year joining 2007 and 2008.” The motto includes the words Universal (Cosmic) Peace Federation and Cheon Il Guk.
The nation that God seeks is Cheon Il Guk – the unified nation where two people, two parties, and two entities become one. What we call the cosmos is the home where owners of the heavenly nation and earthly nation live. (584-026, 2008/01/01)
24. The words “jubilee year joining 2007 and 2008” are included in the 2008 motto, “Mansei for Cheon Il Guk Universal Peace Federation in the jubilee year joining 2007 and 2008.” In other words, the jubilee year that I announced in 2007 has not ended yet.
After we go over the realm of 7 and the realm of 8 by joining them as one, we can surmount the number 9 without a problem; then, we can claim the number 9 as well.
Next comes the numbers 10 and 11 and the number 12, which is the sum of 6 and 6. The former part from 1 to 6 and the latter part from 7 to 12 forms a pair, as Cain and Abel. Just as two gears mesh and rotate together, they will bring us into the unified realm of good fortune. That is why we can shout, “Jubilee year joining 2007 and 2008, mansei!” (584-041, 2008/01/01)
25. In 2007, the jubilee year was announced, and at the beginning of the year 2008, parties and we joined 2007 and 2008. This means we have advanced from 7 to 8. True Parents are the representatives of God. God believes in True Parents and visits them on this earth. But True Parents are not the center; God is the center.
I proclaimed that the time of the jubilee year joining 2007 and 2008 for the Cheon Il Guk Universal Peace Federation has come. There, the king of kings is not True Parents but God.
In my position as True Parent, once I complete my portion of responsibility, I have to depart from this earth. That is why I am busy every day. I do not have time to wait for 1,000 years or 10,000 years. I set my D-Day, the day of my millennial hope, as the day when I fulfill my responsibility.
What is the purpose of the Principle that we teach? It is to liberate God. True Parents are already liberated. However, we still have the responsibility to save countless people.
God is only truly exalted after every single person in Satan's world is saved. Until we have completed that responsibility, we will not be able to receive the official seal of recognition that we have liberated God. The day in our life when we can receive it is called D-Day. (584-158, 2008/01/14)
Proclamation of victory in the era when the Parents of Heaven and Earth establish the realm of cosmic Sabbath with the authority of absolute sex manifesting in true love, true life, and true lineage.
26. The motto for 2009 is “Proclamation of victory in the era when the Parents of Heaven and Earth establish the realm of the cosmic Sabbath with the authority of absolute sex manifesting in true love, true life, and true lineage.”
Absolute sex is not something you can achieve alone. God does not become absolute just as a masculine subject partner. He must have an object partner to relate with. Absolute sex is how we enter the realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth. God cannot achieve that alone. Even God cannot have absolute sex if He is alone.
For begins to be partners in absolute sex, what attributes must they have? What attributes do you need for that absolute relationship? There should be one partner. For that relationship to be absolute, the partner must be one, not two, which means he or she must be unique.
Next, that person should not be changeable. In front of his or her eternal partner, that person must be unique, eternal, and unchanging. Just being absolute will not suffice; he or she must also be unique, unchanging, and eternal.
These other three attributes are necessary to support the attribute of absoluteness. The most essential of the four attributes is to be absolute, but to be absolute, one must be unique, unchanging, and eternal. (611-123, 2009/05/08)
27. In this motto, when writing the phrase “the authority of absolute sex manifesting in true love, true life and true lineage,” I did not write it with the Chinese character Gwon, meaning “realm”; rather, I wrote it with the Chinese character Gwon, meaning “authority' It refers to the ideal power.
The motto, “Proclamation of victory in the era when the Parents of Heaven and Earth establish the realm of the cosmic Sabbath with the authority of absolute sex manifesting in true love, true life, and true lineage,” includes all those kinds of authority.
In the Unification Church, we believe everything will be brought into order once all of these are united through the formation, growth, and completion stages and established in the world the realm of God's heart.
For this, these authorities must pass through the Old Testament Age of the First Adam, the New Testament Age of the Second Adam, the Completed Testament Age of the Third Adam, and arrive at the Age of the Fourth Adam.
Is accomplishing this goal easy? The Old Testament Age was the formation period; the period of Jesus, which is the New Testament Age, was the growth period, and the Completed Testament Age, the completion period, is when we make the world as one.
This extends to the establishment of heaven's nation. As we strive to accomplish these things, we dream of the era of secure settlement in the realm of the Fourth Adam's Sabbath rest, where we will attend God and live together with Him in heaven's nation. (605-155, 2009/01/01)
28. In “Proclamation of victory in the era when the Parents of Heaven and Earth establish the realm of the cosmic Sabbath with the authority of absolute sex manifesting in true love, true life, and true lineage,” the Sabbath mentioned here involves eight stages, including the individual, family, tribe, and people. The levels are all different.
All eight stages are different in type, but I put these eight stages together. I connected the stages, from the stage when I was in the womb to when I was in the position to open the realm of God's liberation.
When God and True Parents' realm of the king UN emerges, drawing from the Abel UN, everything will be united in a unified world. It will become the victorious True Parents' UN that will introduce the eternal reign of goodness and prosperity, unity, liberation, and complete freedom in the ideal world centered on one lineage.
This will complete the original fatherland and homeland of humankind.
(605-169, 2009/01/01)
Mansei for the realm of the cosmic Sabbath of true love, where unity with a pure heart brings one session of all victories
29. The motto for 2010 is “Mansei for the realm of the cosmic Sabbath of true love, where unity with a pure heart brings oneness in all victories.” The concept of “unity with a pure heart brings oneness in all victories” is not something that will disappear.
The theme that marks our realm of victory today is “the realm of the cosmic Sabbath of true love, where unity with a pure heart brings oneness in all victories.”
This is the moment when you are being given the authority and the right of inheritance as heaven's representatives. (2010/01/01)
30. Of particular note in 2010 is that we are welcoming “the era of uniting the old and the new calendars.”
We no longer need the solar calendar. The lunar calendar is a perpetual calendar whose calculations span 1,000, even 10,000 years. The lunar calendar year lengthens and shortens, while the solar calendar year does not.
That is why, on the lunar calendar, once every three years, the 12-month year becomes a 13-month year. So, the lunar calendar represents not only the number 12 but also the number 13.
It is difficult to go over the hill of the number 13. But once we go over it, a new heaven and earth will begin. Centering on God, Cain and Abel will be able to create a family and a clan in peace because originally. You and I came from God. We should be able to live together as kinsmen, up to even seven or eight generations in one home. (2010/01/01)
Mansei for Cheon Il Guk settled through harmony between children and the Parents who have Heaven's heart, whose harmony brings final and ultimate oneness to Heaven and earth.
31. The motto for 2011 is “Mansei for Cheon Il Guk, settled through harmony between children and the Parents who have heaven's heart, whose harmony brings final and ultimate oneness to heaven and earth.”
In this new year, may heaven and earth unite as one body with one heart to receive God's blessings and the blessing of all humankind. Let us proclaim it and make it known to the whole cosmos, leaving all wrong and evil behind. (2011/02/03)
32. Today, February 3, 2011, True Parents wield the supreme authority of victory over heaven and earth, the spiritual world and the physical world. We stand in the position of the supremely victorious king and queen because we connect all heaven and earth.
The words we spoke at the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind Who, as God's Embodiment, Proclaim the War on November 4, 2010, proclaim that the entire course of our life and the words that portray it are textbooks and teaching materials for you.
The addresses I gave at the 44th True God's Day and the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship are all included in that speech.
There is nothing more to say. We are not dead people. Nor are we iconic bronze statues. Today is the day we embark on a new era where, as living people, we can go about on Your earth, hoisting the flag of the supreme and all-victorious throne. (2011/02/03)
33. The Parents of Heaven and Earth, True Parents, are the core and the pillar, the center of the cosmos.
All the good kings in heaven and earth and all their future posterity will become one with them. Then, they will be able to create an eternal, ideal homeland where the love of the infinite and great universe can blend on earth and in the eternal spirit world.
In this way, people, we should be able to build the kingdom of God on earth and in Heaven, where we can all live together.
I hope that the citizens of heaven who received the Blessing in the spirit world can nurture seeds of true love, which Heavenly Parent and True Parents on earth have sown throughout all nations, oceans, and all the heaven and earth.
They sowed them with one mind and one body and with true love. Now, I hope you will cultivate those sprouts that have taken root from the flower seeds we have sowed and help them on earth to develop parental love, conjugal love, and sibling love.
I desire that all the parents and siblings connected to the eternal and infinite bloodline of the True Parents of Heaven and Earth keep that everlasting standard without defilement and become one and live together with the fruits of true love for all eternity.
In the name of True Parents, I hope you will expand the ideal of the everlasting kingdom of heaven based on the embodiments of God in heaven and earth. They are the one center, the one core, and the one pillar, and you should be united with them in heart as members of their body. (2011/02/03)
The era of the victory, liberation, and completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind
34. The motto for 2012 is “Era of the victory, liberation, and completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind.” The True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind are one, not two. All of you must re-organize the plans for your life from a position of unity, aligning yourselves with True Parents.
Therefore, you must offer all your possessions to heaven; thereby, you can receive them back from heaven.
On D-Day, at the upcoming ceremony of True Parents' Holy Wedding, we will receive the seal of heaven nation and distribute it to you. Therefore, eight generations of your family line should unite with the Word and enter the era of the realm where you assimilate into heaven's nation, becoming one people with equal rights for all.
Only then will the settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind be completed. Only then can all of us do as we please. Otherwise, we will all be caught short eternally.
Therefore, I told you that whatever difficulties you face, each family must bring actual results. Please keep in mind that to become the parents and ancestors of your lineage, you must be purified through three generations. If you do not do that, your paths in heaven and on earth will be blocked, and you will build higher walls for your lineage. (2012/01/24)
35. From today, January 28, 2012, True Parents' birthday, you must overcome all your circumstances in all directions. You have to overcome them all, whether you are situated at the individual level, family level, tribal level, people's level, or national level.
You have to overcome the last entanglement with life-or-death resolve, investing all of your power. Did you solve the registration problem? You can see from the speech booklet that was provided at the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind Who, as God's Embodiment, Proclaim the Word, that I have prepared all the educational materials.
Wherever you are currently, you should cherish the hope to go beyond the Republic of Korea, beyond Asia, beyond the world, and even heaven and earth.
We are entering the era when you must achieve the realm of victory, liberation, and completion that the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind have achieved.
Therefore, you should become different people. You should even breathe differently. Even your manner of walking should change. (2012/01/29)
36. On the first day of the first month of 2013, by the heavenly calendar, we welcomed New Year's Day and True God's Day. Now, you must attend our Heavenly Parent by giving Him the utmost honor and exaltation.
And you must disseminate the Word to the ends of the earth. Even the Bible says that Christ rules over all nations with a rod of iron, meaning the Word… What do you think that indicates? It means you must witness with the Word.
We need a nation where God can reside. I am talking about a nation where our Heavenly Parent can dwell. To have a nation, you need people. Then what should we do? We must witness.
You must fulfill the mission of heavenly tribal messiahs. You must do this for the remainder of your life. If you cannot do this, after you go to the spirit world, you will be ashamed to meet the True Father.
He will say, “I taught you this on earth, and I have also earnestly requested that you do this, but why haven't you done anything?” This is work that you truly must do, not only for your sake but for generations of your descendants.
(True Mother, 2013/02/10)
Let us become true owners of Cheon Il Guk who practice true love in resemblance to our Creator, the Heavenly Parent
37. The motto that we will carry out until 2020 is “Let us become true owners of Cheon Il Guk who practice true love, in resemblance to our Creator, the Heavenly Parent.”
Please keep in mind Heavenly Parent in your daily life. And as long as you are living on this earth, you must maintain well this earthly world made by Heavenly Parent, our Creator.
Accordingly, your mission is to witness to people and educate them. This means to restore fallen human beings. The work we have to do is witnessing. Next, we must take care to maintain the beautiful natural world that our Heavenly Parent created by investing all His power.
Please know how much damage is being done to nature all over the world due to human ignorance. We should not give this low priority just because it does not affect us directly. We must address this human ignorance and protect and preserve the environment.
We must revive the sea and the land that are dying. We are the ones who have to do this. Accordingly, we need to carry the consciousness of true owners like our Heavenly Parent, and then we must unite among ourselves and cooperate to fulfill this task. (True Mother, 2014/01/01)
38. The person who does not have a sense of responsibility for all this work will drift away. Until 2020, we must not forget even for one day, even for one hour, even for one minute, even for one second, that we are the true owners who have made it our task to restore this nation and the world.
Let us think and think again, using the wisdom of heaven, and let us bring change by mobilizing all of humanity's abilities and resources. Unless we bring change to the world, we will have no future.
We are one unified family. Wherever we are, we must accomplish this goal with one heart and one purpose. That is why I am saying that you must become true filial sons, true filial daughters, and true loyal patriots, who year by year can bring greater victories so that our Heavenly Parent, the Creator, will rejoice in those results and trust us all the more.
Don't be a person who just comes and goes as you are. You must behave responsibly, with a sense of ownership for everything, by taking responsibility for every aspect. (True Mother, 2014/01/01)