Coronations of Jesus and True Parents
The Coronation of Jesus as the King of Peace of the First Israel was held on December 22, 2003, in Jerusalem's Independence Park. Thousands of people – representing all the world's religions were present.
True Parents viewed a live webcast of the event at the Hannam-dong house in Seoul. The ceremony, by having representatives of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam come together as one to attend Jesus as the King of Peace of the First Israel, was held to symbolically resolve the interreligious enmity that had endured for 2,000 years.
Next, this victory in the realm of the First Israel was connected to America, the Second Israel, and then to Korea, the Third Israel. On March 23, 2004, on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, the Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace of the Third Israel was held.
More than 450 dignitaries from around the world, including members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives and UN ambassadors, were in attendance. On August 20 of the same year, the Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace of the Fourth Israel was held in the National Assembly Library in Korea.
On the same day, True Parents held the Blessing Ceremony for Registration in Cheon Il Guk for the Revolution of True Heart and True Liberation and Complete Freedom.
Thus, this series of events culminated with the True Parents being crowned the King and Queen of Peace. After that event, each clan in Korea also held a Blessing Ceremony for Registration in Cheon Il Guk and a Coronation of the King of Peace, as representatives of each clan offered crowns of peace to True Parents.
1. Jesus was unable to establish his kingship during his lifetime. As Jesus is in the position of Heung-Jin's older brother, Heung-Jin invited him to the ceremony to crown him king.
This took place on December 22, 2003. This ceremony could not have been conducted without Heung-jin's initiative. It was the first time for any ascended True Child to lead an event on Earth.
After Heung-jin held the coronation of Jesus in Israel, he conducted another coronation of Jesus in America, the Second Israel. Until that time, the spiritual world and the physical world had been divided.
However, as a result of Heung-jin's active participation in the crowning of Jesus as king both in Israel and America, the spiritual world and the physical world were brought together in unity. (490-178, 2005/03/13)
2. Unless the spirit world cooperates with us in one united realm, God's Will cannot be fulfilled. The path to uniting religions requires that we establish the kingship of God's nation upon an interreligious foundation in both the spiritual world and the physical world.
This is why when we held the Coronation of Jesus as the King of Kings in Israel, we performed the ceremony not only with Jesus but also with the support of Judaism and Islam. We could not have performed the ceremony if anyone had opposed it. We performed the coronation ceremony for Jesus based on cooperation among leaders of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
The fact that we could hold the ceremony means that a realm of unity had been created at the highest levels of the spirit world. From now on, heaven can simply ignore the authorities that control religions and nations in the fallen world. Heaven will dismantle them in the end. Religions will not be necessary.
Nor will nations be necessary. Eventually, religions and nations will be dismantled, the lineage of all humankind will be changed into God's, and the entire world will be transformed into one nation having the form of one global family. This is what we must do to build the world of heart on earth. (432-191, 2004/01/23)
3. We held the Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace at the Dirksen Senate Office Building in the United States. We did the same at the National Assembly Building in Korea.
True Parents must become the king and queen of their people, the Third Israel, who have the same blood, then the king and queen of the family of peoples with the Mongolian birthmark, and finally, the king and queen of Cain's descendants in Adam's family, which will make them the Saviors of the world.
Christianity is on the side of Abel. I must become the king of Christianity. Israel also exists within the realm of religion. As the Returning Lord, I must become the king of the nation of Israel.
By so doing, we must eventually liberate heaven and earth, which have not yet united, making them a unified world of heart. Then we will arrive at the era of the new heaven and new earth, when peace will reign after the coming of heaven.
(467-107, 2004/09/02)
4. The First, Second, Third, and Fourth Israelis have not leaped to unity because of the absence of blood ties. Therefore, to make a connection in blood relationships, on December 22, 2003, we held the Coronation of Jesus as King of Kings in Israel, and on February 4, 2004, we held the Coronation of Jesus and Heung-jin Moon as the Kings of Peace at a US government office building. This established Cain and Abel's kingships in front of the True Parents. With members of the US House and Senate in attendance, it laid the foundation for True Parents to substantially establish their kingship.
Why did Heung-jin and Jesus perform these ceremonies? In Israel, it was to unite the nation of Israel and the religious leader, which had divided into two paths. Heung-jin, the commander-in-chief of the spirit world, escorted Jesus to Israel and conducted his coronation ceremony, making him the King of Kings of the nation of Israel.
Then he conducted a coronation ceremony in the United States based on the realm of the Second Israel. This was to prepare the way for True Parents to inherit substantial authority in both the spiritual world and the physical world.
On this foundation, we held the Coronation of True Parents as the substantial King and Queen of Peace of the Third Israel at the Dirksen Senate Office Building on March 23. Then, to complete these ceremonies, we held the Parents' coronation as the substantial King and Queen of Peace of their original homeland of Korea in a fourth ceremony, on August 20. (470-043, 2004/09/23)
5. Today, August 20, 2003, marks the 18th anniversary of my release from Danbury Prison. On this anniversary of the day I was liberated from prison after carrying the cross as the representative of heaven and earth, I held a ceremony to proclaim the beginning of the Fourth Israel. What I did was proclaim the creation of the nation of the Fourth Israel.
Was there a nation that God could fully relate to within the Old Testament Age? No such nation existed in heaven or on earth. America represents the realm of the Second Israel, but is it such a nation? No, it is not. Korea represents the realm of the Third Israel. Is it such a nation? No.
Thus, human beings have been wandering without a nation to which God could fully relate. Since our nations are not God's nation, we can be chased and driven into a corner at any time. It is because none of our existing nations is God's nation.
However, we have now established the Fourth Israel. Whether we like it or not, we must protect this nation, investing our whole hearts and putting our lives on the line. We must cherish this nation more than our lives.
(416-043, 2003/08/20)
6. The nation of the Fourth Israel is external while Cheon Il Guk is internal. Jesus was unable to hold the Blessing with a nation. He was unable to bestow that same Blessing to others beyond the brethren of his tribe and nation.
If Jesus had been able to carry out this task, he would have become the King of Kings of Israel, and Israel would not have come to ruin after his death. Because Jesus could not achieve victory on the national level and world level, the Returning Lord must be successful on those levels – and on the cosmic level as well.
This is why the issue in establishing the nation of the Fourth Israel is that it must be international, transcending all the peoples of the world. Likewise, in the spirit world, by abolishing paradise and hell, we must allow only the kingdom of heaven to remain.
We need to establish the kingship of the heavenly kingdom and pave a highway thereby indemnifying the positions of the parent, the teacher, and the king that were taken by Satan through lineage. This is the mission of the Unification Church. All of you must race along this highway that takes you from your family to the palace of heaven. (416-067, 2003/08/20)
7. Today is February 22, 2004, the first day of spring by the lunar calendar. On this day, the number 4 of the year 2004 comes together with the number 6 formed by adding the three 2s of February 22 (2/22).
Thus, as of today, when we welcome the beginning of spring, we proclaim the beginning of the Era of Settlement of the Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. Thus, a foundation has been laid for the incorporeal God, who has been dwelling in the spirit world, to work freely not only in the spirit world but also on earth through the True Parents, His embodiments.
On this day, the number 4 is indemnified and the number 6 is liberated. This is why I reported in my prayer that the settlement and liberation of the Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind have been accomplished.
God sent His embodiments, the True Parents, to earth to complete restoration through indemnity and demolish all the walls that were created in what was once the Garden of Eden on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos.
As we receive this day to indemnify the number 4 as the basic framework of the family – the four-position foundation – and to liberate the number 6, we designate it as the day to begin the settlement of the Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind.
You must be aware that you have become a family that will be secured through the settlement of the Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. This means that True Parents can now remain on earth and at the same time attend God even in the spirit world through their substantial bodies. Thus, heaven and earth can be liberated, and the gate to heaven is open. (439-161, 2004/02/22)
8. Many people regard me as a patriot who loves Korea. In this, position, I can lead the nation and bring about unification between North and South Korea. I now have the foundation to make a substantial impact on the traditions of the world, starting with Asia, and I should expand it to the cosmos.
I should establish the territory of God's nation and transform the people in the physical world and the spiritual world. I need to bring them to be the citizens of God's nation and establish the sovereignty of God's nation. It is based on this sovereignty that heaven and earth were created and the citizens of heaven and earth came to exist.
Therefore, now we need the kingship. This is why on August 20, 2004, we held the Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace. That coronation ceremony was about exalting and attending the King and Queen of Peace. It was not simply a coronation ceremony but an enthronement ceremony.
Now that I have the title of king, heaven, and earth come under my kingship, and its people come under my kingship. When the king's palace, the king's territory,y, and the people become one, the eternal God will build the kingdom of the incorporeal Parent, the corporeal and substantial Parents, and their sons and daughters.
Children born in that kingdom will enter directly into the kingdom of heaven. Hence, we are heading past the world of liberation and complete freedom toward the world where peace will reign. (466-054, 2004/08/24)
9. In Adam's family, Cain killed Abel. This is why the older brother is on Cain's side. Humanity propagated out of Cain's side, beginning from individuals and multiplying over the eras of history into families, tribes, peoples, and nations.
On the side of Abel as well, God chose Seth, the third son, and through him sought to form a nation in which He could establish His true love, true life and true lineage.
To restore everything that God had lost, Seth's descendants had to rise to a position to defeat Satan.
For Seth's descendants to go beyond the national level, God had to personally raise them, ruling them with His love and life so they could become children who reached a higher standard, one of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. He needed to elevate them through the levels of the family, tribe, and people, to reach the national level.
Thus, after 4,000 years, Jesus was able to come to their chosen nation Israel, where he had to establish the lineage of the True Parents. Had he been able to do so, on the foundation of that nation he would have absorbed the Cain-type nations?
This is why God divided Judaism and the nation of Israel into the positions of Abel and Cain. They were to have become one without fighting. Jesus came after 4,000 years as the prince of Seth to represent this nation. He represented Seth's kingship.
Now there have been three ages the Old, New, and Completed Testament Ages.
The Lord at the Second Advent must unite Cain and Abel from each of these ages, in the spirit world and on earth. To carry out the role of the owner, he must unite Cain and Abel as manifest in the international and interreligious realms. Based on the standard paradigm of uniting Cain and Abel, the interreligious realm in the position of Abel must be victorious in winning over the international realm in the position of Cain so that it submits to the Abel realm.
Then the younger brother will stand in the position of the older brother and the older brother will stand in the position of the younger brother, and both will be lifted to God.
This was the purpose of the events that took place on August 20, 2004. The Blessing for Registration in Cheon Il Guk for the Revolution of True Heart and True Liberation and Complete Freedom included a special amnesty, and then the Coronation of the True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace.
These things could occur as a result of the passing away of the Era Before the Coming of Heaven and the advent of the Era After the Coming of Heaven. The new heaven and new earth are dawning. It is Cheon Il Guk. (477-141, 2004/11/25)
10. You must go beyond the national level. Jesus was supposed to receive the Blessing and then spread it beyond the national level, but as he was unable to marry, he could not fulfill this. Only the families who have received the Blessing can enter God's kingdom.
The kingdom of heaven is permitted only to children of God who have inherited His direct lineage through His true love, life, and lineage and who have been living as families. Thus, you have a responsibility to inherit God's true love, true life, and true lineage and, based on your family, pass through the levels of the family messiah, tribal messiah, and national messiah.
As True Parents, we went beyond all these levels and connected them to the spirit world.
Thereby, we made heaven and earth one, eliminating the boundaries between the spiritual world and the physical world. I am talking about the national level, not the family level that was formed right after the Fall of Adam and Eve.
The Blessing for Registration in Cheon Il Guk for the Revolution of True Heart and True Liberation and Complete Freedom, and the Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace, paved the way for all of you to reach a position where you can be welcomed without opposition at the highest levels of the spiritual world and physical world, heaven, and earth. (465-161, 2004/08/21)
11. By holding the Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace, True Parents, as the owners of Third Israel, can finally establish in the physical world the kingdom of the Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind.
This kingdom will be based on the Fourth Israel. Based on the Fourth Israel, all of you should be able to enter that realm. For this, by centering on the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind, you in the First, Second, and Third Israels need to change your lineage to be cleansed of the failures of the Old Testament Age, New Testament Age and Completed Testament Age.
The nation of the Fourth Israel will be a nation uniting Israel, the United States, and Korea. The spiritual world and the physical world had been divided, but by holding the coronation of Jesus, the spirit world could come to earth and let go of the failures of Israel from the Old Testament Age.
Thus, once the nation of Israel believes in Jesus who was crowned, they will pass into the New Testament Age. Likewise, once they believe in their True Parents, who held the coronation for Jesus, they will go beyond the Completed Testament Age through them. Then they will become part of the people of the one nation and be admitted into Cheon Il Guk.
By doing the same, the entire world can for the first time become integrated into the bloodline of one great family. Once they come together and join as one great family, a new realm will be created, the realm of the Fourth Israel.
When we can purify the lineage of leaders in the political world and purify the nation of Israel based on our global efforts to bring unity in the world of external affairs, we can bring about a revolution that will establish the original culture of heart.
Cheon Il Guk was opened by the Holy Marriage Blessing of the Parents of Heaven and Earth which was held on February 6, 2003, based on the Registration Ceremony that was held on September 26, 2000.
When all people join it, and when the people of the three ages are rooted in God's love, they can enter the kingdom of heaven for the first time. Once they are admitted into Cheon Il Guk, all of God's
providence of restoration will come to an end, Satan will be willing to completely submit to every human being, and the realm of liberation and complete freedom envisioned at the time of creation will be completed.
Then there will be lines of cars on the highway as everyone rushes to enter the kingdom of heaven and form a unified world centering on the one universal family that inherits God's true love, true life, and true lineage. (430-252, 2004/01/03)
The Cheon Jeong Gung Palace Entrance Ceremony
The process of installing True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace that began in Korea and the United States continued with ceremonies in 190 nations during the latter half of 2004.
On True Parents' birthday, February 14, 2005, the Coronation of the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind as the King and Queen of Peace for Uniting Heaven and Earth was held at the Heaven and Earth Training Center in Cheongpyeong.
Then on June 13, 2006, at a week-long festival celebrating the opening of Cheon Jeong Gung Palace, the Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace in Heaven and Earth was held.
The evening before the entrance ceremony, True Parents lit a ceremonial flame with a torch that had been carried to Cheongpyeong from the Beomnaetgol Holy Ground in Busan.
They mixed, soil and water brought from each nation of the world as part of a ceremony to create a new heaven and earth. True Parents gave leaders from the nations of the world a rose and a lily, the national flowers of Cheon Il Guk.
The coronation was held in the plaza in front of the Cheon Jeong Gung Palace in a festive atmosphere, with lines of flag bearers holding the flags of 194 nations of the world. Each nation sent the crown it had offered at its ceremony to install the True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace, and these were displayed on each side of the stage.
After the True Parents consecrated the Cheon Jeong Gung Palace, they entered the stage as the King and Queen of Peace in Heaven and Earth and proclaimed, 'Cheon Il Guk is the ideal kingdom where eternal peace will reign.'
12. If the commemorative events for True Parents' birthday and the Coronation of the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind as the King and Queen of Peace for Uniting Heaven and Earth were simple-time events for us as individuals, they would not be of much value However, today's events carry a significant meaning because they are public events for God's ideal of creation and the providence to save all humankind.
I have walked the path of the Savior, Messiah, and True Parent, carrying God, the spiritual world, the physical world, and all of humanity on my back. It has been a path of thorns, on which I lost the members of my family who were dearest to me, my flesh and blood.
This has been my yoke that no one, not my brothers, not my children, not even my beloved wife, could carry on my behalf. My journey brooked no delays; I had to attend to each day. The Messiah has to receive the approval of the spirit world and the Seal of God. Otherwise, he cannot be the Messiah. (487-151, 2005/02/14)
13. God wanted to fulfill the ideal of true love in the family of Adam and Eva and establish a kingdom of peace and unity in heaven and on earth through their prosperous descendants. From Adam and Eve as the starting point, the pure, true love, true life, and true lineage of God were supposed to spread out horizontally in their descendants from the family to the nation, world, and cosmos.
Then Adam and Eve would have naturally become the True Parents, true teachers, true owners, and true kings and queens, creating a kingdom of peace and unity based upon the true lineage.
In 2001, I offered up the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship, and in 2004 I proclaimed the Era of God's Fatherland, the Peace Kingdom, as well as the Era After the Coming of Heaven.
The Era Before the Coming of Heaven was full of discord, conflict, strife, and disharmony, but the Era After the Coming of Heaven is an age of harmony, cooperation, reconciliation, peace, and unity. In the Era Before the Coming of Heaven, conflicts often flared up and division ruled. Yet now, in the Era After the Coming of Heaven, such things shall no longer take place. (487-152, 2005/02/14)
14. Through the Cheon Jeong Gung Entrance Ceremony and Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace in Heaven and on Earth, we will be able to stand in the position of victorious Abel as the King and Queen of Peace. Henceforth, instead of following us as True Parents, you must go forward by attending us and bringing us honor.
Before, you just followed us, but now the time has changed. As the king and queen, we now represent all creation. Therefore, to continue your relationship with us in our positions as the king and queen, you too must become people who can represent all creation.
Only then can you participate in this era as people united with the king and queen? Hence, you can no longer relate with us casually or live your lives carelessly. This era is now unfolding at this moment. (524-181, 2006/04/12)
15. When the Third Adam comes, fulfills the Old, New, and Completed Testament Ages, and enters into the liberated world based on the heart of the Fourth Adam, the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven will become one. God will no longer need to seek the era of Adam based on His hope for the Lord at the Second Advent.
Instead, for the first time, the Returning Lord will attend God in the position of the victor and will open the paths that formerly were blocked by the false parent. By bringing about the era of settlement, the age of total liberation and complete freedom will come to pass.
God is the origin of love, life, and lineage. Thus, you must become the substantial fruit of the lineage that arose from God the Origins of love and life. If you are one in heart with True Parents based on a strong bond of unity with them, you should be able to overcome any situation and remain strong.
Then you will come to stand in a position where God can come to you and relate directly with you. (573-034, 2007/08/20)
Coronation of God, the King of All Kings
On January 15 and 31, 2009, in Korea and the United States, True Parents on three separate occasions held the Coronation of God, the King of All Kings, with the Authority of His Liberation.
During the eight years after the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship, True Parents carried out the providence at the risk of their lives. Its ultimate purpose was to liberate the realm of God's heart filled with bitter sorrow and pain.
On the foundation of the realm of cosmic victory that they established with their blood, sweat, and tears, the True Parents brought an end to the sinful Era Before the Coming of Heaven and ushered in the Era After the Coming of Heaven.
They then established the Universal Peace Federation, whose purpose is to create a unified world by the renewal of the United Nations. They also toured 180 nations to deliver their message and blessings to open the revolutionary Era After the Coming of Heaven.
True Parents continued their journey to fulfill the providence, not sparing even a second.
However, on July 19, 2008, on a return trip from a visit to Seoul, True Parents' helicopter crashed during a failed emergency landing on Mt. Jangnak (which Father named Mt.
Cheonseong) near the Cheongpyeong Training Center. True Parents, their family members, heaven's, and members of their staff managed to escape from the downed helicopter minutes before it burst into flames.
Despite this terrible attack of evil forces, heaven's grace enabled True Parents to survive without serious injury. Forty days later, they bestowed upon all humanity the blessing of rebirth, resurrection, and eternal life.
Then, in early 2009, on the occasion of True Father's 90th birthday, they held the Coronation of God, the King of All Kings, with the Authority of His Liberation.
With this cosmic and historic event, the realm of God's heart finally was liberated and God was crowned in both the East and the West as the King of kings.
16. Based on the helicopter accident that occurred at 4:43 p.m. on July 19, 2008, I brought every being into the unfallen realm where they can have liberation and complete freedom.
You can imagine how much all things in the universe have longed to be in God's embrace, waiting to attend True Parents by being used and absorbed by them as one of their molecules to realize the world of glory.
True Parents, as the first true ancestors of humanity, have sacrificed and served humanity. Likewise, all things of creation want to be part of the process of completing and sustaining the physical bodies of True Parents, even if it means sacrificing themselves hundreds of thousands of times.
Even every cell of each thing desires to resemble True Parents and seeks to participate in their completion and spiritual perfection. Then they can enter the realm of singing praises for True Parents' glory and nobility.
(595-165, 2008/08/07)
17. Satanic forces attempted to destroy the True Parents and the Unification Church through the helicopter accident, yet we survived, and we seized this incident as an opportunity to give rebirth, resurrection, and eternal life to all people.
In English, 'hell' is a word that signifies the worst place we can be. Indeed, this 'hell' -icopter accident was hellish. It was an attempt to gather all those on the side of heaven's ideal in one container and knock them down with one blow.
It seemed as if Satan finally had been able to achieve his ultimate goal and assume control of all the authority and power of heaven and earth, yet heaven and the ideal world of all Abel-type beings did not disappear; instead, all were led to rebirth, resurrection,n and eternal life. (596-036, 2008/08/16)
18. Heaven and Earth have been completely separated because the forces of the devil control the spiritual realm. The responsibility to connect these two worlds is not on God's shoulders. Even God cannot do that. It is human beings who must make that connection by establishing the way of true love, never losing sight of God's ideal of creation.
Therefore, I had to remove evil from the origin and root. I had to do that because human beings originally began from true love. You do not know how much hardship I had to go through to do that. While yearning and longing for God and His ideal, I practiced true love over and over to fill up this huge pit.
There are still many things I experienced in the past that I cannot share with you. It was while I was unable to reveal them to the human world, yet still held on to hope for God's ideal in my heart, that this helicopter accident took place. Satan attempted to destroy, on the cosmic level, even the hope that I cherished in my heart.
Satan executed this final attack, but God blocked it. Everyone in the helicopter survived, escaping that fiery pit without any serious injuries. The people on earth and the people in the spirit world shouted out to protect the holy bodies of True Parents. I am truly, truly, truly grateful to be here today thanks to their cries.
All beings of creation, small and large, must manifest themselves as True Parents' perfect second selves.
God has now emerged with His True Son and Daughter, and families, nations, the world, and the cosmos are welcoming God's embodiments as the horizontal subject partner. His object partners form a beautiful garden of love where buds are sprouting, with new stems, new branches, new leaves, putting out new blossoms and bearing fruit.
Satanic forces tried to knock us down at the final stage, when God as the only Lord is supposed to shout cheers of joy. All manner of evil forces were mobilized in the spiritual world and the physical world for this attack.
The devil's world was brimming with total confidence that victory was theirs. However, God protected True Parents. (595-055, 2008/08/01)
19. Heavenly Father, this morning on July 22, 2008, we have passed a critical point. At the time of Jesus, Satan wanted to marshal the entire universe to prevent him from establishing his family, and he placed a hill of indemnity in front of Jesus that he could not go over.
Now, in my time, we and our family have survived this hill of Golgotha, and everyone with us also came through alive. As a result, we have now entered the era to complete the providence of spirits returning to earth. I now pledge to advance toward establishing a nation of victory and supremacy under Your dominion.
All the spirits in heaven and on earth can now receive the Blessing within the realm of True Parents' merit and return to You as heaven's family. I leave behind the Blessing as our greatest legacy to all the heaven and earth. I bestow and proclaim the Blessing to all these spirits so they can return to Your embrace.
(595-009, 2008/07/22)
20. Jesus resurrected and worked with his disciples for 40 days after his death and then ascended into heaven. Forty days after my helicopter accident I am completing the process of rebirth, resurrection, and eternal life. I completed the process of rebirth, resurrection,n and eternal life for the entire cosmos during these 40 days, setting a record. (604-194, 2008/12/24)
21. Wherever you go with your clan and tribe, you should be prepared to attend God on behalf of your nation and the world. Then God can adjust Himself to the level of the world that was created in the very beginning, and this will enable Him to exert His power as the King of kings.
This will be how God can finally establish the kingdom of heaven on earth, that is, God's unified nation that fulfills His ideal of creation with love.
It is not a matter of proclaiming God's fatherland, the era of the peace kingdom, but completing it. It is about uniting God's fatherland and the fatherland of human beings on earth through love.
The kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven is a unified world where mothers and fathers are united in attending God on behalf of their nation and world. This will lead to the family's liberation, and more than that, to its complete freedom. (435-328, 2004/02/06)
22. On January 15, 2009, I held the Coronation of God, the King of All Kings, with the Authority of His Liberation. You should not think that everything will be completed just by following True Parent's teachings.
The lineage did not start from True Parents. It started from God. Therefore, unless we liberate God, we cannot ultimately connect to His lineage.
God's fatherland and God's hometown never could have come into being without having formed a family based on God's love. That is the Principle and a law of heaven. And being a law of heaven, it is also a law of nature. It is humankind's greatest hope. Now that we have this world based on a new purpose, we must harvest its fruits and place them in the storehouse. (607-037, 2009/01/29)