To Be in the Presence of God

We have learned, through Principle, the importance of God in making the creation and putting man at the center of that creation.

World Mission Center

As you know, today is the thirtieth “Day of All Things.”

I feel that this day is very, very important. We have learned, through Principle, the importance of God in making the creation and putting man at the center of that creation. Ultimately, the will of God was to manifest the ideal world of true love.

All the things within that love were to exist centering on God’s love and all things centered on that love were to exist for the sake of one another, harmonizing and bringing joy to all the elements within that realm of God’s true love.

But sadly, due to man’s irresponsibility, God has lost the key element through which He could bring together and combine all the elements in His creation. Due to the fall of man, God has lost claim over the creation itself.

If creation could express itself the way we express our emotions, would you think creation is happy or that creation is sad because of man’s failure?

Creation would be sad and it would express the sorrow and the grief just as we would.

So basically creation, in the position to receive man and to bring about the ideal world centering on the perfection of man, had to fall with mankind. This was because man, being the center, has not been responsible regarding God’s expectations and His will. So in a way, for us to restore this and complete the restoration course, we must not just liberate God and ourselves but ultimately we must liberate the creation as well. The time when God can be truly liberated is when we liberate the creation.

What is the correct sequence in accomplishing this?

First of all, in the process of restoration, what was lost?

The most important aspect of creation is the man. The man was lost. Man did not perfect himself according to the expectations of God. Therefore, God could not have His basis of love here on this earth. Without the basis of love, God could not multiply the love that He willed. Without having that base of love here on this earth; all the rest of creation could not rejoice and could not truly fulfill their ideal destiny, which is to bring happiness to God and the object, to the children of Heavenly Father.

So unless some foundation or some base is manifested to represent God’s absolute ideal basis of love here on the earth, you cannot liberate the creation. Unless you make that base (ideally, perfected man and woman) centering upon that man and woman establishing an ideal family situation, you cannot liberate this universe.

You cannot liberate the creation. Unless that day comes, God cannot truly rejoice and you cannot end the suffering heart of God.

Down the Wrong Path

Put yourself in the position of God. Many of you are blessed and many have children. If you see your family struggle or if you see your family go through a course that you do not accept, or go down the wrong path, how would you feel?

Would you feel happy or would you feel glorious?

No man could be in that position and feel glorious. It is not possible. If somebody is in that position, that person will have sadness in his heart. That person’s heart would be filled with sadness and grief. There will be no room for happiness when you see somebody that you love going down the wrong path.

God saw man, who was to become His ideal object of love, going against His expectation.

What was His expectation?

He expected to realize love, ideal love; as much as He could sacrifice and as much as He could give. He wanted something, some entity, that had an ability, to a degree, that equaled Him.

He wanted something, somebody to reflect Him and that person, giving himself, sacrificing himself, absolutely dedicating himself, just as He would, to Him. He wanted that kind of object. He wanted that kind of God-like being. That is the only way that you can achieve love.

When you have a family, how can you realize an ideal setting in your family situation when you and your wife don’t see eye to eye and do not understand the value of family, the value of coming together, and do not understand the value of sharing one another, giving to one another, sacrificing for the sake of one another, sharing their utmost valuable things?

Without having that very basic rudimentary value even in your family setting how can you achieve a loving relationship?

How can you achieve oneness within that family?

Without these things, you cannot.

So how do you expect God to realize His ideal love when He does not have the kind of object and does not have a God-like being like Himself, who can love Him and dedicate his life as much as God would to that ideal object of love?

God cannot fulfill that ideal expectation of realizing the ultimate love, true love, the kind of relationship that can last forever, and the kind of love that will transcend any kind of boundary and any kind of barrier. Unless God can achieve that basic foundation of love, God cannot perfect His creation.

That basic foundation is perfected, man. In other words, a man who can love Heavenly Father and who can sacrifice himself for the sake of God. For the sake of realizing love, in other words for the sake of man, God Himself has been going through the course of suffering.

God Suffers for Love

As an almighty being, as an omnipotent being, if He did not believe in the reality of love, the trueness of love, the value of love, do you think He would sacrifice himself?

How many of you, if you were given that authority, if you were in that position, and if you knew that you had to go through the course of suffering, would go that course?

Would you walk that path voluntarily?

Most of us have our problems and difficulties so it is very difficult to see others’ difficulties. That is the reality.

Put yourself in the position of Heavenly Father. God has to not just deal with all your difficulties, but He must find a way in which He can bring you all together and make you rise above all that difficulty; not just your difficulty but everybody else’s in this room and not just in this room but people who are walking outside this building, and people who are roaming around this country, and people who are just wandering around this world.

He must find a way in which he can bring all these people together, regardless of individual difficulties. Now that is the challenge that God is faced with.

Think about the difficulties that God is facing. Frankly, I can say to you that I have a hard time dealing with my difficulties, not to mention dealing with the difficulties of others around me. But think about God. If we call ourselves children of God, that means that we have to be a mirror image of what our Parents are like.

If our Parents have that kind of heart, that kind of standard, and are in that kind of position, that means that we too must be in that position. We too must feel the way He feels when we look at one another and when He looks at the world. That is what you must feel. Only then can you truly say, “I am worthy to be in the presence of God.” Why?

Because only when I can say to myself, “I exist for the sake of love” THEN I am worthy to receive His love and to be in His presence. Not until you reach that point can you truly say to God, “Please come into my life.”

Do you expect God to compromise His standard in the presence of Satan?

Do you expect God to compromise His absolute standard of love?

Then how can you say to God, “Please come into my life,” when you do not have the foundation to receive His love? Are you not saying “God, come down to my level and compromise Your standard and love me and take care of me and give me comfort.” Is that right?

Offer Yourself

The only way that you can bring God down is to offer yourself. You don’t have to ask Him to come down and you don’t have to call His name. He will automatically come down to you. When God has an absolute minus, the absolute plus will automatically come. You don’t even have to ask. You don’t even have to search.

You don’t have to seek beyond yourself; it will naturally come to you. That is the law of creation. That is the principle that God has created. Based on that principle even the physical world functions.

Don’t you think that the spirit world will be more like this than the physical world?

If you see that kind of phenomenon in the physical world, it will be more so in the spirit world.

So honestly, how many of us can truly rejoice on this day? For you to truly rejoice on this day, you have to be above the position of Adam or Eve before the fall. Why?

Because most of you are sitting here with the status of blessing. Now based upon what I have just laid out, can you truly say, “I can rejoice on this day, and I can rejoice on this day in the presence of Heavenly Father and True Parents”?

Father can change the world if all of you completely inherit his heart and his dedication. Don’t you think that we can change this world? Don’t you think so, America? I know I can. I have a way to go, but I am desperately trying. But how about you?

Throughout restoration history, God tried to restore the ideal relationship of love, a principled relationship of love. But all the key figures failed. Adam failed. Noah’s family failed and couldn’t unite. His family could not answer. You must have an absolute foundation. No physical condition can be in the presence of an offering.

That is the most important thing. No physical condition. Even in Noah’s family situation, his son put a physical condition in the offering and what was the offering?

The family. Their whole family was an offering. Noah and his whole family were an offering. They were on the altar as an offering. But his son had put a condition over the offering. He could not unite with his father. It doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter that the thought of his son was so naive, meager, and insignificant. It is significant. It happened based on his contrivance. Based upon his physical self that was the result of his cognizance, his physical giving of himself, physically interpreting the relationship that he had with his father. That was wrong. He put a physical condition of his own on the altar of offering. That is why that offering was not received. It couldn’t be received.

Spirit Over Mind

You must have an absolute standard of love that transcends any physical reality.

That is the most important thing. The spirit must have dominion over the physical body. The spirit did not have dominion over the body of Adam and Eve.

The spirit did not have dominion over the minds of Adam and Eve. The mind had dominion over the spirit. That is why they fell. The mind was more sensitized and the mind was working harder than the spirit. That is why they fell for the temptation.

Losing the ideal position or ideal relationship of love, thus, Adam and Eve fell. You must realize that true love comes from Heavenly Father. For us to achieve true love, we must become part of Heavenly Father.

Although we have our mind and our own volition to do our own thing (and we can do anything, we can even deny God), if we utilize our special prerogative, of having dominion over these special abilities (that no other creation has), and utilize that ability to unite with God, we become part of Heavenly Father and at the same time, we are setting the condition to say, “We are worthy to become Your object.

Through our ability and our own volition, we have offered ourselves to You. J have offered myself to You.

“That offering wasn’t blueprinted. I wasn’t programmed. Out of my own will and ability, based on my own reasoning, because I have free will and creativity, and based upon my ability, I have given a reason to myself to unite with You and deny anything that comes my way. I did that, I proved that to You. That is the condition by which I can become Your object. I am like You. Why?

“Because I have chosen that, through my ability and based upon my own will.

You didn’t program that in me. Yes, You wished it, but I made that choice. I made it happen. It was a completely independent decision.”

Only then can you truly say that I am an object to God and I am like God and I am a God-like being. Only then can you give and take with God. You must prove that condition. Laying that condition is so important. The thing is, although you must go through this process to achieve your perfection and to bring the ideal realization of love to Heavenly Father, the thing is that this realization of love stems from God. It came from God.

Your Original Mind is the Teacher and Closest to God
Rather than the words of a brilliant teacher thousands of times greater than you, or any other truth in the world, you should listen to the words of your original mind.

That is why it is important to realize the principle relationship. In any situation, one way or another, you are connected, you have a central figure.

How many of you like your central figure?

How many of you do not like your central figure?

Honestly. Raise your hand. I see some hands here. Did Adam like the ways of God more than the ways of Satan? You might not see, according to your level of understanding and level of viewing the world, based on your perception, you might not see the importance of that relationship, but it is important. It is important to achieve love within that relationship although it might be hard, based on your level of understanding and based upon your level of reality about what should be right and what should be wrong. You must prove that condition.

That is the beginning of restoration. How do you expect to restore this world when you cannot even restore the ideal relationship among your fellow members? It is unrealistic.

That is why, although it might be difficult, you must rise above this difficulty. It is very, very crucial. You must rise above it. If you can rise above it, and if you can bring true love within that relationship, it might happen. Let’s even pretend that your central figure is completely nuts.

You can truly win him over through your dedication and love and, even if it was through your absolute offering, if you can bind that relationship, just as Isaac was willing to sacrifice his life to satisfy his father, the spirit will intervene. God will intervene in that relationship.

Dedicated for Love

The way that God can bring heaven down to you is when you can dedicate yourself, regardless of what situation you are in. If you can absolutely dedicate and sacrifice for the sake of love, beyond your differences and your personal beliefs, it doesn’t matter what, if you can love, the spirit will move and make that life richer and richer.

Some incidents will happen which will spark love between you and your central figure.

We abused the love process even within the family. We abused the process of making children. Are we getting together to truly bring God’s children or are we doing it for ourselves?

When we cannot even create a family centered on an offering heart, can we truly realize an ideal relationship with somebody whom we are not physically connected with 7

With your wife, you are physically connected and you share physically with one another. That is why you must truly analyze yourself. You have to look at yourself critically. “Why do I hate my central figure?”

Even till Jesus’ death the Israelites and Judaism were in a position of offering to Jesus because of the successful offering of Abraham. The reason why Abraham’s family failed is because he failed in the symbolic offering. Although he succeeded in the offering of Isaac, he failed in the symbolic offering. But the condition was set. A victorious family condition was made based upon the son’s absolute dedication. The son was the offering. He was the sacrificial lamb. His father was in the position to carry out the sacrifice as the priest but his son was the offering.

Let Us Possess the Everlasting Love of the Father
Since we cannot exist apart from the world of relationships, we should clearly know that in our maintenance of life and our struggle in our life courses, everything moves within the world of relationships.

Therefore, God could send, through Abraham’s lineage, His beloved son, Jesus.

Offering of Parents

You know the New Testament era is an era of offering the self. It is not the offering of the creation. It is the second stage. In the Completed Testament Era, the offering of parents must be achieved. During the Completed Testament Era, you must live and achieve perfection by making the offering as a parent.

However, if centering on Jesus the Israelites and Judaism united and offered themselves to Jesus absolutely, Jesus could have achieved the foundation of True Parentship during his lifetime. You know the significance of the Last Supper. You know the sacrament of Eucharist. Jesus talked so much about being a bridegroom.

What I am leading to is that it is important that, centering on God, God has an ideal object foundation, the foundation of love, and centering on that ideal object foundation of love, you start creating the family.

We have an ideal family. We manifest love and we multiply love. That is what God wanted. He wanted love to multiply and multiply endlessly. He wanted to reap the fruit of love as long as He lived. That is what He wanted. That is why the primary being’s position is so important because that is the source of God’s love. That is the beginning realm of the oceans to come of humanity.

Based on this Parent, based on perfected Adam and Eve, God will have an ideal family and an ideal tribe, society, and, ultimately, the world, and ultimately heaven and earth will unite centering on God’s true love. That was His ultimate goal. It will happen to center on one center God.

Try to look at the situation of this world. What kind of solution do you have to bring an end to hatred and bigotry that exists in today’s world? How are you going to bring the separated races and cultures and all of humanity and make one world?

How are you going to physically, tangibly, achieve this goal? Can it happen just centering on intellect? Do you think some “ism” will bring about peace harmony and unity in this world?

Lineage to Unite

No way. You need some tangible means by which all of us, regardless of our race or culture where all of humanity can be physically interconnected. There must be a way that we can physically intertwine all the different cultures and races. That is why Father talks about lineage so has

Mr. Bush has a Spanish daughter-in-law when you look at his mixed grandchild half WASP and half Spanish, it doesn’t matter. Although he is the president of the United States, he cannot deny that that mixed person is his grandchild.

How many of you were blessed with Orientals?

I’m sure many of your parents contested this and I’m sure many of you received persecution from your parents. But I know their heart is changed by looking at your children. Many of you won your parents’ hearts when they came and saw their grandchild. They are mixed but they cannot deny that that is their grandchild.

When you take the vertical history and try to put it into a format through which we can try to restore it horizontally, what is the most basic unit? The basic unit is the family. It doesn’t matter that you are a 36 blessed couple representing the Parents’ position a 72 couple representing the children’s position a 124 couple representing the nations of the world, or a 434 couple which represents 430 years of captivity of the Israelites in Egypt and so on-it doesn’t matter. What it all boils down to is that the basic unit becomes family.

Father has to lay conditions to establish these providential positions because Father has to restore the vertical history horizontally, within his lifetime. He can’t die and say, “Oh we’ll finish later.” It has to happen within his lifetime. The thing is that because Jesus had died, and although Jesus had Christianity, and Christianity established itself worldwide, nevertheless established Christianity does not truly have an internal foundation; it does not have the God-centered family unit, separate from the fallen lineage. That is the problem.

You might have the external aspect of Christianity being manifested all over the world but it is not centered internally. Why?

Because Jesus did not become the True Parent. He yearned to become that and he gave the bread and wine to his disciples as his body and his blood, the blood of the covenant. But that is not his real blood, it is symbolic.

But even you, when you receive the holy wine what are you doing? You are going through a symbolic grafting process. Simply put, being in the blessed position is like being nominated for presidential candidacy. We all want to be great and we all want to achieve things but the reason that there are not that many great people in the world is that nobody likes walking the path of suffering. You can’t become great without paying your dues. Not many people like to sacrifice. That is why there is a lack of great people in this world.

Why We Need True Parents
We are children of God. That is the perception taught through religion, the basis of this type of gathering.

I know that everybody in this room loves to sacrifice, don’t you RIGHT? Do you have second thoughts about that?

We might joke about that but that is the reality. That is the kind of dedication that you need and that is the conviction that you must have if you are going to bring victory to your responsibility. If you are going to be victorious then you must bear the consequences and the consequences are harsh because this present-day reality is not God’s reality.

I’m sure that even within the ideal setting every individual must try to excel and try to prove their worthiness and must nurture properly, God-given talents and traits. Think about it.

This world is very challenging. Many things that we believe, this world does not. So we are faced with many conflicting situations everywhere we look and everywhere we go. Every day, you have been greatly stressed and challenged more by some other source that would never exist within the ideal setting. So it is a difficult reality.

However, if you are going to claim the position of restarting history (and this will only be once) and if you are going to be part of this then it will be the greatest honor.

You know what Father tried to acquire was not just conditions that needed to be satisfied spiritually to restore the world, but physical conditions. Father’s ultimate responsibility is to connect Cain’s world to Abel’s world. If Father is to restore Cain’s world then we must have some standard to communicate on the same level, so Father must somehow raise Abel's position from an individual level to family, tribe, society, nation, and ultimately, to the world level. He must raise the position of Abel to the world level to meet Cain’s world. But it took this long.

Peace Award

Father is giving the Peace Award at the tenth anniversary of The Washington Times and these people are receiving it. Father is giving and they are receiving.

People are saying that only The Washington Times has the credibility to give this award. No other organization has the credibility to give this. Why?

Because without The Washington Times, we would not see the end of the Cold War. Ronald Reagan sent his congratulatory remarks and spoke for four minutes on the video that he sent, acknowledging in front of a thousand conservative leaders in Washington that without The Washington Times, he could not have brought down communism. After Father saw the video he said he could forgive him for his irresponsibility. It made him happy because President Reagan testified on behalf of The Washington Times.

Before that Jerry Falwell came up and gave the benediction and before he prayed he said, “The world must thank Reverend Moon.” I’m sure he took a lot of flack from his congregation but he said it in front of a thousand politicians. Times have changed. Father has brought the position of Abel up to the world level. Father can come out as Father and be accepted as who he is in the capital city of America, Washington, D.C.

You can easily see that Washington is the capital of the free world. In Washington Father was received by these prominent politicians. The Washington Times' endeavor did not happen overnight. Father spent a billion dollars on The Washington Times. That is what Father is doing right now. He was revered and respected by all these people. Even Senator Hatch told my sister In Jin Nim when Father was speaking “Your father is a great man.” Senator Hatch is in the U.S.

Senate Judiciary Committee and the Subcommittee on the Constitution. Do you believe that?

That is why you have got to do more because the time is coming … so think about what you are doing. Father is the only person who is bringing different religions together. Do different religious denominations get along? No. Look at Ireland and England, they are killing one another.

Do you think that Muslims and Christians can get along? Do you think that Jews and Christians can get along?

The here of True Love

Only Father has the truth of true love. That is the essence of Father. Father is teaching the other religions to love one another. That says it all to me. That’s great. If you want to be somebody that’s a man. That is a true man. It sounds funny but it’s serious. Father is the only person who practices and invests everything that he is.

If we spend one billion dollars to restore our church and to build our church I think that we could have a bigger building than the Empire State Building right here that is how greatness is measured certainly we can build the greatest building.

Anyway, to truly celebrate the Day of All True Things we must restore ourselves centering on True Parents.

Father first established Parents’ Day, then Children’s Days, and then Day of All Things because history has to be restored. Think about it, In the Old Testament they made offerings through sacrifices. The New Testament is sacrifice through the son’s position and the Completed Testament is through True Parents.

So because the restoration course is a reversal course centering on True Parents, he established True Parents’ Day, then Children’s Day, and then the Day of All Things, and then came God’s Day in 1968. March 1, 1960, was Parents Day and the same year, October 1 was Children’s Day then in 1963 May 1 (Lunar) this Day was established, and then God’s Day in 1968.

That is when Father first completed the seven-year course. So it iForficant. For us to this day, we have to restore ourselves. We have to be in a position greater than that of Adam before he fell because we are blessed. When we can truly claim the world, God can truly rejoice on His day. We must substantially bring physical victory to rejoice ultimately on God’s Day with Heavenly Father and a united world centering on God and True Parents.

We are going to make that day come and how much are you going to invest?

You think about the future and ask yourself how much are you going to invest not just for you but for your lineage and not just for that, for the sake of humanity and God and the sake of love. How much are you going to invest?

As much as you invest it will come back to you. That’s the truth. I see that the more I work with people. If we are united, the spirit world moves and will do incredible things that we didn’t even expect.

How did Abraham fail in his offering?

Every offering, even Adam and Eve, themselves were an offering, they put their condition, and once the offering becomes conditional, it is not received. It has to be unconditional. Many times your offering has conditions.

Anything I do I do to please Father but sometimes I am frustrated because it seems that Father doesn’t recognize it. It seems to me that way. Why? Because I have my expectations when I am giving this offering or I want to see a certain expression on Father’s face and I want him to say a certain thing.

So I get disappointed when that doesn’t happen and I harbor the disappointment longer and longer and it becomes anger and resentment and what comes after I don’t know. I haven’t gotten that far yet. That is the truth.

Comfort how from the Object

But that is when things go bad, and that is when the offering becomes meaningless.

How many of you have felt that, honestly?

I feel that in the course of restoration the joy that you receive or the comforts that you receive, it doesn’t come from the subject it comes from the object. That is what I realize. Even God, the way that He can feel joy or be comforted is through Adam and Eve and how you will be comforted is through your children and your object.

Father talked about this many times. Every time I accomplish something, God pushes me into a harder situation. But every time you think about Father, God makes you cry and God makes you shed tears. Think about that. Through your tears, Father’s heart is comforted. God doesn’t say anything.


Because there is a way to go, and for the sake of love and the sake of humanity restoration must be completed, and sacrifice is necessary for the fall that creation committed. So you mustn't put yourself in the position, that is a satanic trap, of expecting something out of offering. You will truly be liberated.

People are going to recognize you and your accomplishments. Even if you don’t want to think about it, others will, but that’s not why you do it. That’s not why you do it and that’s what I’m telling you. Do it for the sake of love and without condition and do it selflessly and sacrifice without expectation. That’s what you need to do. Please! If everybody practices this simple truth, then this world would be a maker place. We’ll make this world a better place. Why? Because we will be the ones who can mobilize the spirit world and when God has a foundation to utilize within this physical world, He will do so.

God will claim the ultimate victory. Why? Because He has to perfect right over perfecting the creation. The day of victory will come and it is in God’s hands and Satan will not take that away because God has the absolute right to complete His creation within our lifetime and with our hands. Think about that. Then the history is ours.

It is a strong statement but it will come true. I am tel, ling you. Believe it, please.

That is all I can give you and it isn’t much. Take it and let us truly celebrate this day and commit this year to make greater victory on my level and I will raise that to Father’s level as much as I can. I know it isn’t going to happen right away but I will do my best and I will master everything that Father has done and I will take control over it I want to say to Father, “Please go and rest and go fishing or something. We will take care of everything.”

Can you promise me that you will do your best? Thank you, very much.

Speech to the assembled international members in the main hall of the Cheongpyeong
In defining the concept of love in the Unification Church, we say that the family of True Parents is the textbook, the example, and the model.
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