True Parents’ Prayer
Beloved Heavenly Father! Today on February 21, 2010, at 10:09 am, we wish to dedicate to You Cheon Bok Gung of the Unificationist faith, which will serve as the Unification Church headquarters.
Co-founder of the Universal Peace Federation
Beloved Heavenly Father! Today on February 21, 2010, at 10:09 am, we wish to dedicate to You Cheon Bok Gung of the Unificationist faith, which will serve as the Unification Church headquarters.
Dae-mo Nim’s father was named Hong Yu-il, and when I first met True Father, he looked very much like my grandfather.
Father, we in humanity truly do not even deserve to call You Father, but You still have been patient with us, waiting throughout Your providence.
You should not lose this tremendous opportunity for blessing from Heaven.
Distinguished guests, ambassadors for peace, and blessed members from many parts of the world.
Firstly, I am happy that we have been able to construct and dedicate Cheongshim Hospital to God and True Parents.
Respected peace-loving American dignitaries, ladies and gentlemen, I extend my warm greetings and gratitude to all of you for coming here this evening.
Before Father proclaimed the Realm of Life of the Unity and the Complete Settlement of the Parents of Heaven and Earth
This federation was not founded simply as another woman’s organization among the many that already exist.
Like God’s prophets throughout history, he did not soften his message in the face of opposition: he intensified it.
It is more significant to exhibit this collection of children’s works for peaceful unification on this occasion than at any other time because children are symbols of love and peace.