Who Is God And Who Am I?
Marrying a foreigner with whom you cannot communicate is like marrying a dumb person, and in a way, that person is far distant from you.
Sermons by Reverend Sun Myung Moon on God
Marrying a foreigner with whom you cannot communicate is like marrying a dumb person, and in a way, that person is far distant from you.
Citizens of the United States and Honorable Delegates of the world, I would like to speak to you tonight on the subject "God's Hope for America."
Human history started from the sorrowful spring caused by the fall of man.
Such a human proclivity will continue as history flows. It was the case in the past, it is the case in the present, and it will be the case in the future.
We today are aware of the fact that human history has seen numerous conflicts carried out to acquire freedom.
On the contrary, this world is an evil one, We know that the world in which we are now living is the world of results.
This evening I am going to talk about God's providence for mankind, how He began this providence, and how He has been leading it.
We cannot deny that the first human ancestors fell somehow.
The mind and body of man are in the relationship of subject and object. The most serious question for us is whether our mind and body become one, thus equipping us with a starting point.
Under a Blessing of God's hand in Eden's garden, Adam and Eve had to make a relationship of a married couple.
Accordingly, if one person appears, holding the determination to fulfill this will of God, he stands in the position that any nation or any society has to oppose him.
Up until now, people have celebrated the days they were born and the days they were married.