This speech was given by both Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon during a series of assemblies for Ambassadors for Peace, Segye Times investigative reporters and other leaders in Korean society
This evening I am going to talk about God's providence for mankind, how He began this providence, and how He has been leading it.
In Christianity they talk about God's love. They believe that Jesus is someone who showed God's love to human beings.
People today are longing for a happy life. They also long for a world of freedom in their hearts.
The only purpose for God's providential work in history was to establish Jesus, the substance of hope, and to realize the hopes of Heaven
Considering the rise and fall of a family, society, nation or state, we see that when they were not awake, they collapsed.
King Solomon had a heavenly responsibility to build the holy temple by upholding the will of Heaven and to unite his people with it through his leadership.
God exerted Himself to the utmost for the sake of saving fallen humanity.
If we have to go toward a certain purpose anyway, we should think carefully about in what direction we should proceed, how we should live, how we should act, and what opinion we should have concerning good and evil.
Looking at all creation from the first day to the fifth, God rejoiced in Himself with unlimited desire and hop
Everyone, who has hope, desires to be at the center of hope. If God has a hope, you desire to be within this hope.
The fact of the emergence of the one person Jesus within history was not a chance accident.