The Family is Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics, Which is the Model for God’s Absoluteness, Peace, and Ideal, and the Global Kingdom
Ladies and gentlemen, throughout history, people have worked continuously for peace, based upon human effort alone.
Sermons about Ideal
Many people expected that the long-awaited era of peace and stability would arrive, supported by our highly developed science and technology.
You should have a strong determination to overcome the present reality and have something to leave behind for future generations.
The sole purpose of all my undertakings in many areas over the past forty years has been the realization of a peaceful world that is the desire of God and humanity.
When you look at the history of the Unification Church, things that might take ten years or even hundreds of years can work out at a stroke.
It is my great pleasure today to be able to share with you distinguished leaders, a message about the True Family.
When we raise the question of the purpose of life with ordinary people, no one seems to know the answer.
The oriental way of writing is always vertical, whereas the Western way is horizontal.
Those who neglect to attend official gatherings such as this are the ones who don't care about their lives.
If the human beings Adam and Eve had become one body under the love of God, everything would have been complete and perfect.
No matter how much humankind may deny the Fall, it is obvious. We do not live in a peaceful, happy, and unified world.