Creation And Building Of The Kingdom Of Heaven
The reason God's providence started on earth was because man fell. Therefore, God's providence has been the providence of salvation, to restore what was lost.
Sermon on the Human Fall
The reason God's providence started on earth was because man fell. Therefore, God's providence has been the providence of salvation, to restore what was lost.
Our world is certainly in a state of confusion economically, militarily, and ideologically.
We today are aware of the fact that human history has seen numerous conflicts carried out to acquire freedom.
The first day he talked about how the external world will change, and yesterday he talked about how our movement is influencing the external world.
This evening I am going to talk about God's providence for mankind, how He began this providence, and how He has been leading it.
We cannot deny that the first human ancestors fell somehow.
The mind and body of man are in the relationship of subject and object. The most serious question for us is whether our mind and body become one, thus equipping us with a starting point.
Under a Blessing of God's hand in Eden's garden, Adam and Eve had to make a relationship of a married couple.
During the 1960s we have been laying the base for the Foundation for the Providence, chiefly by means of "All Out March" or "Victorious Front Line for Unification" aimed at the external world.
I heard that you have come from around the country, representing the congregations of your respective churches;
The Meaning of the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil