Who Will Eliminate the Debt of 6,000 Years?
What is the cause of human misery? Humankind has been using the word "happiness" without experiencing even one moment of complete enjoyment and happiness
Sermons by Reverend Sun Myung Moon on Jesus
What is the cause of human misery? Humankind has been using the word "happiness" without experiencing even one moment of complete enjoyment and happiness
Today is the day of resurrection, the day when Jesus resurrected 2,000 years ago.
Jesus, who came 2,000 years ago, is not someone who was needed only by the Jewish people at the time.
You know that the coexistence of the desired Kingdom of Heaven and undesirable hell is inevitable during the restoration of fallen people.
If we delve more deeply into the sphere of the original nature, we will not be able to deny that our minds and bodies are not our own.
There must be those among you, who have made some determination, who have gathered today.
The reason God carried out the dispensation of toiling for several thousand years looking for Jacob is because Adam, the ancestor, had fallen.
There are many people living on this earth today. They live with individual visions and opinions, with various doctrines and assertions.
The body of Jesus Christ knew how to feel and experience God's shimjung, and Jesus' heart knew how to feel God's shimjung.
We know well that Jesus visited high mountains whenever he was faced with serious matters.
You know very well that although many people are living in this world today, a destined path of misfortune lies before them that they have no choice but to cross over.
What did God use then as the basis to create all things? He began to create all things through the eternal and unique words of truth.