True Parents are an example
All human beings were originally supposed to achieve individual perfection within the love of God, become true husbands and wives and true parents, and form true families. Each true family creates a special realm in which we can experience, succeeding, love for our parents, love among siblings, love as husband and wife, and love for our children. It is also the fundamental foundation for completing the purpose of creation.
Hence, it is the hope of every human being to form a true family. A member of a true family will grow to become an embodiment of true love, not acting counter to God's desire, hurting others, or abusing the created world. Finally, for the first time since God's creation, True Parents have fulfilled the ideal of the true family, and thus they have set the example for all human beings of how to live. All people need to pattern themselves after the tradition of the True Parents of Heaven and Earth. Throughout their lives, they practiced a life of living for the sake of others by loving God, loving people, loving their nation, and loving all created things.
1. True Parents' family is the model for all families. Therefore, True Parents are re-creating all the families of the world on the horizontal level. Based on the Principle and its laws, they are bringing all families into unity with God. This way they can realize the four great realms of heart, the three great kingship, and the realm of the royal family. We first must achieve the authority of the elder son, then the authority of the parents, the authority of the king, and finally the authority of the royal family. When we achieve all these, God will be able to go back and forth freely, day and night.
My vision of the united homeland is that we all can connect to every level from the individual to the world. Every family should be able to forge connections with all others. When you interconnect as new families, you can build the original homeland. Upon building such model families, you will be welcomed wherever you go. It will be as if God is freely traveling with you. (247-334, 1993/06/01)
2. Will you be a happy person when you go to the other world? If many people want to visit you and spend time with you there, you will be happy. Although you come from different backgrounds, races, nationalities, and living environments, if you participate in a new family structure in which you have become one in mind and body, one as husband and wife, and one as parents and children, and with your siblings, you will find that everything works out well for you wherever you go.
The world that the Unification Church is seeking is one in which we have restored the authority of the elder son, the authority of the parents, and the authority of the king, as well as the four great realms of heart. Then everyone will be connected everywhere. As new families, you are responsible for becoming model families.
When your families connect, they will constitute the original homeland.
Then God can be with them.
God likes True Parents. You like True Parents as well. Because you're like True Parents as God does, He should be able to freely enter your life. Thus, your families must be connected to True Parents and expand. This is how we can build the original homeland. True Parents are building the model family.
Based on that family model, many families will be multiplied.
(247-335, 1993/06/01)
3. What the fallen world needs most are True Parents who have prevailed over the fallen realm by centering on God's original love. True Parents have gone beyond the stage of fulfilling their portion of responsibility. This is the perspective of the Principle. They have gone beyond the realm of indirect dominion and have entered the realm of direct dominion.
The realm of direct dominion is the world aligned with God's love. Thus, in this realm, there can be no owner apart from God. This realm is absolute because once we become one with God's love, we do not want another owner. Even as God does not want another owner, human beings do not want any owner but God. God's love becomes the eternal base.
This is the model True Parents have established. This foundation can be expanded to the family, tribe, people, nation, and beyond. Then heavenly fortune will pour down centering on the axis of God's love. (149-155, 1986/11/21)
4. The original ideal world that the first human beings were supposed to establish according to the ideal of creation would have been a world where, centering on God's true love, true life, and true lineage, they would have established the four great realms of heart as true children, true siblings, true husband and wife, and true parents.
However, our first ancestors did not keep faith in God's Will. Instead, they entered into an illicit relationship that defiled their lineage and they inherited the evil seed. As a result of their illicit love relationship, these evil parents passed down the root of evil life and evil lineage to their evil children and thence to all humankind.
This all started when they were still in their youth. Youth is the most important period in our life. Young people today are immersed in fallen love, behaving just as their first ancestors did. Their value system is reckless and confused. They deny morals and ethics as they pursue free sex and other selfish ends. They flout the parent-child relationship; they do not value the family. This world has indeed become a hell on earth.
If we are to create the kingdom of heaven on earth based on God's standard of absolute true love, we must turn this world around 180 degrees to God's side. The devil destroyed the human family. To save human beings, God had True Parents create the model of one true family through a reverse course. God is yearning for the world of love and peace that He originally envisioned at the time of creation. (271-148, 1995/08/27)
5. In the world today, families are being destroyed. Parents are losing control, and there is no proper order. Siblings are divided. The family has no center, and family members are all going their own way. To halt the breakdown of the family, people need the True Parents. By knowing True Parents clearly, broken families can be healed.
This applies not only to the families in today's world; the families of our ancestors must be called back to earth and restored. This has now become possible. It is called restoration by returning resurrection. The same applies to your descendants. Once you clearly understand the Principles and make them part of your daily life, you can protect them and guide them in the right direction. The reason you need True Parents is to make your family a true family.
(237-218, 1992/11/17)
6. God's ideal of creation is to perfect human beings as the models of love through eight stages of life: in the womb, as an infant, sibling, as an engaged couple, as husband or wife, as parents, as true grandparents, and true king or queen. This course of life was designed to establish the tradition of true love and to perfect human beings as models of true love, within the parent-child relationship.
The true love, true life, and true lineage of the True God are absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal. He set up the family model, with unchanging true love at the core, to bequeath His true love, true life, and true lineage to tens of thousands of future generations.
In the family model, parents and children, husband and wife, and brothers and sisters become one through true love. It is a son who makes his father an owner of true love; it is a wife who makes her husband an owner of true love; it is a younger brother who makes his older sibling an owner of true love.
On the other hand, a couple without children cannot establish their position as parents of true love. The same goes for women with no husband or men with no wife: They cannot establish their positions as spouses of true love. Likewise, people who have no siblings have no way to establish their siblings as owners of true love.
To become owners of true love, we must lift others and love them more than we love ourselves. As individuals, we need to establish mind-body unity, with true love at the center. In the family, we need to build unity between husband and wife and between brothers and sisters. Then we must unite nations in the same way. This is how we can create the realm of love through the eight stages and become model owners of true love. This is how we can build ideal families and ideal nations. From that point, eternal worldwide equalization can begin. When it does, the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven naturally will arise. (316-245, 2000/02/13)
7. The world of peace will find its beginning when True Parents emerge and educate humanity, showing the world every aspect of the model family. The international marriage Blessings that True Parents are conducting throughout the world are more than the marriage ceremony of one religious group. They constitute a movement to save the nation and the world by establishing the tradition of God's love.
This movement teaches young people the value of maintaining their purity before marriage. For adults, it promotes the marriage Blessing in which they vow to maintain trust and fidelity between husband and wife, with God's true love at the center. The marriage Blessing builds up families of true love, stops family breakdowns, and sets up cornerstones of peace in nations and around the world.
Especially about international cross-cultural marriages, once people from nations that have politically and historically been enemies overcome their high barriers and relate to each other as in-laws within these families of true love, they can transcend the boundaries of their national and racial backgrounds. This is how peace can come. Truly, the high-level formula for creating true peace is to bring the children of nations that relate to each other as enemies into the realm of the marriage Blessing and have them wed each other across national and cultural boundaries to build true families of true love that heaven and earth desire. When enemies accept the cross-cultural marriage Blessing, peace can begin to unfold.
The formula is the same, whether the conflict is between families, between nations, or between ideologies.
In cross-cultural blessed marriages, people can transcend their ideologies and build a world of peace and happiness far greater than what their ideologies ever envisioned. The eternal world of peace that both God and humanity long for can begin from this point. (359-140, 2001/11/06)
8. If you have absolute faith in the indemnity course that True Parents are walking and that you walk with them, when you go to the spirit world it will become a condition by which you can surmount the barriers of the past. It is because the standard of your attendance to True Parents will connect to the spirit world.
Therefore, you must live as True Parents have taught you and become one in heart with them, to inherit their true love, true life, and true lineage. You must become sons and daughters who are centered on my thoughts, aligned with my heart, and bonded to my lineage. If you are such sons and daughters, then when your children become husbands and wives, they will be the substantial fruit of God's love and life.
When you become a couple, you unite with the realm of the heart of the Original Being of dual characteristics.
As the Original Being engages in origin-division-union action through you, the heavenly realm and the earthly realm unite as one vertically. At the same time, east and west, or right and left, become one centering on your conjugal love, and when you have children, they will become one with each other in relationships of older and younger. This is the model of the family, the standard model. There we can experience all the types of God's love.
When you experience life through your sons and daughters, it is as if you are experiencing God's life, and when your sons and daughters expand your lineage, you can feel it is the expansion of God's lineage.
Since you are in oneness vertically and horizontally, you become sons and daughters and couples who can represent God's life. And through you, God's love, life, and lineage can connect everywhere on the horizontal plane.
(355-277, 2001/10/06)
9. God is the Owner. God is the Teacher. God is the Parent. This is the three great subject partners principle. Because of this, becoming the True Parents required that we become the teachers of all teachers, the owners of all owners, and the parents of all parents.
Accordingly, if you want to become a true owner, a true parent, and a true teacher, you must know the True God. Centered on the ideal of the True God, you need to teach people how to become true human beings, how to establish true families, how to build a true nation, and how to become true citizens of that nation. Since you have not known about all this, True Parents are here to guide you to follow the true path. They teach you how to become true parents. They also teach you how to become true owners. (216-057, 1991/03/09)
10. At Cheon Jeong Gung Palace, I wrote the following calligraphic precept, “The true, holy, and virtuous Emperor of Cheon Il Guk, reigning over the myriads of people and triumphant on all levels, begets generations of holy people living in peace and prosperity for whom everything goes well.” You need to carry this motto in your heart as you lead your life. By now, even without anyone's help, you should be able to know thoroughly the principles of heaven and earth and the formula for the course you need to follow in your life. Then you will not need any other textbooks. This is the ultimate level you need to reach. (533-011, 2006/07/18)
11. True Parents overcame all the challenges they encountered on earth and gained the supreme victory.
Now, along with the inauguration of God's kingship, we have established the world of liberation. This was achieved by victoriously inaugurating the heavenly nation of God's sovereignty, the united world of spherical oneness.
Whether you fully unite with True Parents at the center will determine the conclusion of the entire providential history before and after God's creation of the world. You must succeed in uniting with them to receive the seal of approval from God, Jesus, and True Parents. This is how you can be truly liberated.
You as individuals cannot indemnify the things I must resolve. Therefore, instead of that, you must have absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience in front of True Parents. Your priority should be True Parents; you must place them above your concepts, possessions, and desires. No matter what, you have to maintain absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience toward them.
You must build a model family that will never leave its position as True Parents' partner, one that works with them not only on the levels of the individual and the family but on every level up to the nation, the world, and even the cosmos. You need to stand as a subject partner whose blessed marriage is of such a standard that it can be publicly recognized by all people. Only then can you return to the original world where the Fall is unknown, the world that manifests the ideal of creation. I mean that you can go to the united world of all-embracing oneness. (378-173, 2002/05/11)
12. True Parents' family is the model. Individuals and families who emulate that model are free to travel anywhere. It is the same for the tribes, people, nations, and world. All people must unite with that model.
From the family to the world, everyone must inherit True Parents' tradition; this is how they can be integrated with God and True Parents as their true children. Then they will establish a unified homeland.
The True Parents' family is always the model. For this reason, all of you must unite with it. Even the world must connect with it. True Parents' family is the model for all your families, but it is also the model for the whole, having transcended the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and world. Therefore, God can freely travel back and forth to True Parents' family. This is why everyone must unite with that family.
Moreover, True Parents are the ones who set the tradition from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation, and world. Hence, from the family to the world, all must inherit that tradition. By doing so, they will be integrated with God and True Parents as their true children. Only then can the unified homeland be built. To be integrated means you are with them in total harmony.
The term “True Children” means the True Parents' direct children. In modeling yourself after True Parents' family, you should have the same bond of heart with True Parents as their direct children have.
To become a model means to represent God and True Parents. To represent God and True Parents, you must unite centering on True Parents and their children.
This is the condition for unifying the homeland. (242-312, 1993/01/02)
The path to becoming, True Parents
As a result of Adam and Eve's Fall, we are destined to travel the path of restoration. The only way to sever our connection to the Fall is to follow in the footsteps of True Parents' model course. True Parents triumphed over billions of evil spirits and brought them to voluntary submission. They succeeded because they lived a life of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience before God.
True Parents not only prevailed on earth; they also endured the most miserable circumstances to prevail in spiritual struggles in the spirit world. Thus, both to work has example become the greatest examples of living for the sake of others with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience before God.
They allowed us to receive the marriage Blessing, thereby bequeathing their victorious foundation to all blessed families. All people should inherit True Parents' tradition of true love, true life, take and true lineage and become second selves of True Parents. Then they should fulfill their responsibilities as tribal messiahs and citizens of Cheon Il Guk.
13. Human beings are born from fallen parents. This is why you find yourselves changing every day, living in ignorance of your purpose and direction, groaning in despair. However, the path you are destined to take is not a path that changes from one moment to the next. You must not be fickle one way in the morning and another way in the evening. You need to have the firm belief and conviction that “True Parents' path is my path; True Parents' daily life is my daily life; where True Parents stand, I will stand; True Parents' world is my world.” And you should be able to say you cherish True Parents more than you do anyone else in the world.
There will be storms on your path while attending True Parents. Yet no matter how furiously the tempests blow, you should be able to surmount them and even find delight in them. If you do so, you will not be just dreaming about the restoration of the world in the future; you will be actualizing that united world.
This I why I tell you to become the family who can exemplify True Parents' family and meet the standard of True Parents' tradition. Your families should be the hope of the future world that all people have been hoping for. This law does not change. If you are a family that can embody that law, then you are a family of True Parents. (044-136, 1971/05/06)
14. You cannot become perfect on your own. You can be perfected simply by the love of your parents.
This is why, once a baby is born in the bosom of its parents, the child takes after the parents. It doesn't matter whether the parents are good people or bad, handsome or plain.
The Unification Church teaches that we must meet True Parents and receive their love. For you, it is the blessing of all blessings. All people hope to meet their True Parents. You must meet the True Parents even if you have to face death along the way. You may lose all history, all the present eras, and even all your future descendants, but if you can meet the True Parents, it is as if you are recovering the ages of history, the present era, and the future. Such is the value of True Parents.
Throughout fallen history, people have longed for one united world. Human beings all cherished in their hearts the hope that a world of peace would be built on earth at some point. (035-237, 1970/10/19)
15. The time has come for our blessed families, centering on True Parents' family, to present the ideal of the family to the families of humankind throughout the world. This is the era to restore the family.
Therefore, now that we are building exemplary families on God's side, we should teach the right path to all the families in Satan's world. We should present the one perfect model, surpassing the imperfect standards of families in the fallen world.
This would be a family in which sons and daughters attend their Heavenly Parent, a wife attends her husband, children attend their parents, and a younger sister serves her older brother.
What I am saying is that all of you should inherit the heart of the vertical Parent and horizontal True Parents, with true love at the center, and become perfected true children. Then you can become true parents. When you fulfill the ideal of perfect siblings that God has envisioned in His heart, you can become husbands and wives.
As married couples, you should become the best among all couples, perfect in the sense that you are what God has desired to see. When you become parents, you should become perfect embodiments of God's heart.
True Parents have emerged as the ones who embody perfectly God's heart at each stage: children, siblings, spouses, and parents. They are the ones whom God has awaited and envisioned as the center of His own family. (240-204, 1992/12/13)
16. You need to place God and True Parents at the center of your life. This is the original standard. After
taking this position, you need to expand it into a new future. You need to build a world that is the expansion of God and True Parents' family. For this, you need to establish the structure of your family based on absolute, original, true love. This is the beginning point of the tradition of God and True Parents.
Yet, you are now too distant from this standard. You are going in the wrong direction because of your many bad habits and worldly concepts. These things become conditions for Satan to accuse you when God brings the judgment in the future. That is to say, what you must fear most is what you are carrying within yourself.
From now on, you must eliminate all your bad habits and the conditions upon which Satan could accuse you, and advance to firmly secure the structure of your own true family. (228-023, 1992/03/01)
17. All members who received the Blessing must become true parents. We are now living in an era when we must bring all the families of the world to become families with true parents. Since we now laid the foundation to bring unity throughout the world, the time has come for all the blessed people throughout the world to become true parents, and by doing so, to enable others to become true parents.
For this, all you blessed wives must first inherit True Mother's tradition. To become a true parent, you need to do so. On behalf of True Mother, you too must experience the pain of childbirth to unite everyone in your tribe at this time of making everyone into true parents. The True Mother represents the Holy Spirit; therefore, she must give birth to all humankind, but this time not only in terms of the spirit but also in terms of the flesh. Accordingly, you blessed wives have the responsibility as mothers to give birth to young adults and even older men, regardless of their age every one of the first generation.
You need to resurrect them all.
Second, you need to liberate families and expand the realm of family messiahs. You need to give them rebirth and liberate them. If you do not give them rebirth, they cannot be resurrected. All human beings must be reborn. As family messiahs, you must give birth to the families in your clan and bring them into oneness as your tribe.
Then each of you, as a tribal messiah of your tribe, must bring your tribe into the realm of the one tribe. Thus, in the position of True Mother, you must give rebirth to families and tribes and bring them into oneness. This is what is required to reverse through indemnity the failures of Adam's family and Jesus' family. (248-159, 1993/08/01)
18. Now you need to go over the individual level of Adam and Eve when they lived with God before the Fall, and even beyond their life as a family. You must go further, to fulfill the family ideal at the levels of the tribe, nation, world, and cosmos.
Within our generation, we, the True Parents, had to resolve all the historical entanglements of Adam, who by falling had become the false parent. Within our generation, we had to resolve humankind's defilement by the blood of death that began from Satan, a matter whose truth was unknown through all the ages of history. We had to establish the original foundation as a family with God's love within the world of heart and the realm of oneness and expand it to the levels of the tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos. Because we have completed that, we can finally settle.
Starting from Adam and Eve, human beings together with God went through the Old Testament Age, the New Testament Age owner, and the Completed Testament Age. Only today have we finally settled in the realm of the Fourth Adam's heart.
Your families have inherited a position of liberation that was only attained now, tens of thousands of years after the time of Adam. Therefore, all of you can now become the ancestors of your newly formed clans. (519-096, 2006/02/28)
19. You need to fulfill the way of filial children in your family, the way of patriots who live for the nation, the way of saints who live for the world, and the way of divine sons and daughters who live for heaven and earth. Your family represents not only your family; it represents the model for your tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos. Therefore, you are required to live for the fulfillment of them all.
When Adam fell, though he was but one individual, that one moment brought the downfall of all the billions of people in the future generations of his family.
Accordingly, when you restore people through indemnity, you need to restore each person or family as if they represent multitudes of people. This is the responsibility of each blessed family.
Thus, with your merit as the center, each of your blessed families will become the starting point of new tribes. Satan's world expanded horizontally from individuals to tribes.
Now all people throughout the world should unite by developing the mindset of world-level individuals and world-level families and build a common base with True Parents' standards. This is how the world can come to be perfectly in accord with the True Parents' model. On behalf of your entire family, you need to be in accord with True Parents' example and be willing to offer your body as a sacrifice for the sake of the world and the sake of all humanity; then you can receive God's Divine Seal. We as the True Parents
have been working throughout our lives to pioneer that standard and be that example for you. (557-163, 2007/02/27)
20. You must become citizens of the kingdom of heaven. It is the nation of True Father, the nation of True Mother, and the nation of the true elder son. When you are connected to them, you emerge as people of the kingdom of heaven. Each of you is a citizen, a son, or daughter, and an owner of the kingdom of heaven. It is in the family that you begin to become owners of the kingdom. From there you can enter the realm of the royal family.
A filial child owns his or her family, and a patriot owns his or her nation. These must connect as one; they must go in one direction on the same path. A filial child, a patriot, a saint, and a divine son or daughter all move in the same direction on the same path. There is no other path. God wants you to follow a single path.
In the very beginning, you must become a filial child. You must become a person to whom God would say, “I need you. I will be with you whether you are in hardship or happiness.”
Become the person He wants to be with, all through your life. No matter how much you are rejected and persecuted, you must keep following this one path. Once you become a citizen of the kingdom of heaven, no indemnity is required. Once accomplished, results will last forever. Your re-creation is the one hope to which you should aspire. (293-209, 1998/05/26)
21. True Parents own true love. True Parents are the king and queen of love. We have lost that most precious true love. The question is how we can recover it. True Parents, true love, true life, and true lineage from a realm that Satan cannot touch, no matter how much he tries.
Humanity must become tuned to God's Will for eternity. God and all people must maintain an eternal relationship as subject partners and object partners, with true love at the core. Unless we can arrive at this goal, we cannot maintain a life centered on true love, which is God's ideal of creation. This is the Principle. No one can deny it. This is why we need True Parents.
(216-320, 1991/04/15)
22. As a result of Adam's Fall, numerous walls were created. Now that True Parents have finally come, they have removed the barriers with their love and paved the way to the realm of heart, both in the heavenly world and on earth. Whether you tread that path is up to you, but the path is there. True Parents have built a highway in every village. To get onto that highway, you must bring your car and find that road by exerting your effort.
Thanks to True Parents, the walls erected throughout human history that blocked the realm of the heart and that separated the spiritual and physical worlds are now broken down. Just as water flows from a large main to every home, the road without any obstacles is now open to everyone. On this foundation, the realm of unity between the spiritual world and the physical world can finally be formed. (169-125, 1987/10/29)
23. Henceforth, we must establish the standard in our families based on the tradition of Adam and Eve, the original husband and wife according to God's creation. We must perfect the realm of husband and wife and become true parents.
Then we must in turn bequeath true love, true life, and true lineage to our true sons and daughters. This is the mission of all blessed families, and you must never forget it.
The reason we become true parents is not only to bring victory from the individual level to the levels of the tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos; it is also to create the realm of God's liberation. (235-022, 1992/08/24)
24. True Parents come to deal with the fundamental problem of the family, and the Savior originally comes to deal with the problems of the nation. True Parents have both these responsibilities. When they engraft people with the seed of true love and true life, both of these matters can be resolved. Due to the Fall, human beings received the seed of false love and false life. Since that made them false olive trees, they must receive a graft from the true olive trees. Then they must connect to true love, so that by centering on true love they may inherit life. Otherwise, they cannot belong to True Parents' bloodline. (238-074, 1992/11/19)
25. All leaders want their successor or heir whom they raise to be better than themselves. This is the principle of the creation of heaven and earth. Hence, you who are in the position of owner should open the way for the son or daughter who most closely attends you to become even better than you are. Even though Satan may close a door and cause your hair to fall away, still you must keep the door open for him or her to return. Then your successor can inherit the original lineage, perfect and flawless, and be free of the fallen lineage.
If you leaders believe this and put it into practice, then when I pass into the heavenly world as its governor the True Parent, true teacher, and true king in the position of having established a parent-child relationship with God in lineage I will bequeath everything to you. I will consider you to be the representatives of the family of True Parents that God established, and I will give you the position of my representative as your inheritance. You need to believe that this proclamation is for heaven and earth. Hence, you need to put it into practice.
(574-188, 2007/09/04)
26. You, too, must become true parents. If you become so, will you be true parents to a tribe or people? Or even for a nation? If you reach the level of national-level true parents, you will ascend straight to the heavenly kingdom.
There are many individual true parents. The best among them will be elevated to be the true parents of a tribe. They can even be elevated to be the true parents of a people, a nation, or the world. Nevertheless, you cannot even begin unless you establish a true family.
Without a true family, you cannot go to the kingdom of heaven in the next world. It is a place that only families can enter. The structure of the heavenly kingdom is based on gatherings of families. The formula is based on gathering. Thus, until you have your family, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. This is the way of thinking centered on True Parents. This is the way you must also walk as true parents. (268-078, 1995/03/05)
27. We read in the Bible, “I am the way, and the truth and the life.” But one thing is missing love.
Although it is written, “I am the way, and the truth and the life,” what can we do with this? We need to include love. What about, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life and the love? No one comes to the Father except through me”? Jesus Christ is the central person of love. He was to become the True Parent.
It is just as the body takes after the mind: in the era of True Parents, if you resemble True Parents you resemble God. (177-297, 1988/05/20)
28. When you relate to God, the question is how to attain oneness with Him as the Parent in the realm of heart. All beings, whether in the spiritual world or the physical world, whether our ancestors or those in the angelic world, exist to safeguard and protect Him. This should be their priority. They are meant to feel in the core of their being that they are connected to God that their body with its four limbs exists to connect to Him with a bond of true love. They are meant to have a relationship with their Lord centering on true love. All creatures in our environment in this world and this universe are meant to exist to become one with the Lord and to protect Him. Thus, when they perish, it should never be the case that they feel a grievance over having been a victim.
Then the question is how you connect to God in bonds of love, so you are one with Him from the core of your being in your body to every thought in your mind. You need to be able to stand before Him with the qualification to be a lord of creation, as God desired when He created you. Such lords or owners are the sons and daughters who take after God in everything. (345-143, 2001/06/11)
29. We have the idea we should become perfect. How can we attain such perfection? We need to follow a formula, such as, “If you do this, you can build an ideal family.” Indeed, there is a formula for building an ideal tribe, nation, world, and cosmos. The owner of this formula is God. So if you base your life on this formula, you should have no problem taking root in perfection. We can reach perfection through unity between God's large formula and our small formula. Then our foundation will expand to become the foundation of the family, the tribe, the nation, and the world, allowing us to stand right next to God. And when we are with the Center, we can connect to the spirit world vertically. It means we can become God's sons and daughters.
To become God's children, we must resemble Him. God is united in mind and body. Yet, your mind and body are still struggling, even now. When are you going to unite them? If you are still on the way to uniting them, it means you are not yet perfect. This is why I am telling you to humble yourself, live for the sake of others, and devote yourself to fulfilling the Will.
If you have the conviction, “I am True Parents' representative; I am one with God. I am His champion,”
then you can stand in the central position. It means you are the second creator. Then you will have no problem reaching perfection on the individual level. You will have no problem perfecting your family and your tribe. Your influence can extend even beyond your nation. You can make connections with other nations, transcending national borders. (248-185, 1993/08/03)