Revelation in Folk Songs - "Moon, Oh Moon, you bright Moon"
If True Parents symbolize masculinity and femininity with the highest authority of God
Founder of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
If True Parents symbolize masculinity and femininity with the highest authority of God
I was not able to attend God in my hometown. So I must go back to my hometown holding high the flag of global victory.
In addition to His intellect, emotion, and will, God has His hopes, circumstances, and heart.
Beloved Father! The flow of history was full of pathos, and your providential history was a history of despair.
We have come to know that you are looking for true fruit because you sowed true seeds, Father.
We have also considered the division of the north and the south while attending you.
As we look at this world of death which does not know the fact that as it passes, time is calling true people, we, who possess a realm of liberation
We have realized the fact that there cannot be a world of joy, ideals or peace without a beginning of an ideal that can move towards the garden of love.
Because of the fall of our human ancestors, this world of so many lamentations came about.
If you are to be victorious, you must go out into the world. You must go out and restore the rights of the firstborn son.
If all the elements from your mother and father and all elements supplied to you from the things of creation were removed from you, you would disappear.
Is it proper for him to demand, as soon as arrives, and in front of his mother and father and his brothers and sisters, to know, "Where are Grandpa and Grandma?"