God Is The Owner And Victor
It is the settlement of the Abel UN and the completion of Cheon Il Guk in Korea.
Founder of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
Spiritual Messages — page 13
It is the settlement of the Abel UN and the completion of Cheon Il Guk in Korea.
True Parents Return to America On Monday, July 12, 2010, we had the opportunity to welcome our True Parents to the U.S.
That day, Father spoke for 23 hours and 30 minutes without eating or going to the bathroom.
You all need to keep records and publish your autobiography.
Ladies and gentlemen, two months ago, I celebrated my ninetieth birthday and took my first steps toward the hundredth year of my life.
For these events to work so many members had to work all night and sacrifice so much.
As you know, there is within God the God of the night and the God of the day, but they are not two gods.
It is because I know how the sorrowful history of humankind has been woven
Hoon Dok Hae this morning was held in the True Parents' Suite at the Waikiki Marriott Hotel.
The Hoon Dok Hae was very small. 24 people were invited and Father said that 24 was a very good number.
You should stretch yourself to the east and the west.
A little over one month ago, I celebrated my 90th birthday and took my first steps toward the hundredth year of my life.