Please Let Us Be Aware Of Being The Elite Troops For Building The Kingdom Of Heaven
Father! We have opened our hearts and realized by ourselves how awesome your command is.
Founder of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
Father! We have opened our hearts and realized by ourselves how awesome your command is.
Beloved Father! Each time we stand before your majesty recalling so many circumstances of the sins committed by our ancestors, and when we think of those sins which left uncountable stains, we cannot help but lament the fact that we stand on the earth because we were born as their descendents.
When we narrow down "our standard," it becomes "my standard." When we broaden it, it becomes the "world standard."
I want you to become victors who can survive and withstand any challenges in the world.
The Providence emerged to fulfill the purpose of the whole. You emerged in history to be a part of this Providence.
The tradition is here to stay, and millions of people afterward will continue in that tradition.
If I said that you were all very evil, you would be upset and hurt. On the other hand, if I said that you were all good people, you would feel happy.
On the morning of February 10, 1981, Father spoke at length about Jesus' mission and circumstances.
Very few people know the real meaning of salvation, which has been hidden in the heart of God.
The balance in human life is so delicate that it can be thought of as hanging on the thread of a spider's web.
Now you must decide whether those things are good or bad.
Marrying a foreigner with whom you cannot communicate is like marrying a dumb person, and in a way, that person is far distant from you.