The Path for America and Humanity in the Last Days
During the course of my life, I have totally committed myself to the salvation of humankind centered on God's Will.
Founder of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
During the course of my life, I have totally committed myself to the salvation of humankind centered on God's Will.
The most important word in the Family Pledge appears in the eighth part of the pledge. What is it? It is "liberation".
Beloved Father, As of two o'clock in the afternoon on the Day of All True Things, today May 26, 1998, centered on the parents, all the peaks of indemnity that had to be gone over on the earth as the parents have been gone over.
When we raise the question of the purpose of life with ordinary people, no one seems to know the answer.
If we are presently able to live to the age of eighty years by wearing all manner of clothing throughout our lives, then without clothing we can surely live one hundred years,
However, we do not know what is happening beyond the scope of our missions.
The oriental way of writing is always vertical, whereas the Western way is horizontal.
Those who neglect to attend official gatherings such as this are the ones who don't care about their lives.
The time has come when God's providence is progressing to the point of culmination. There should be one goal set by God and True Parents.
Loving Father! Today is April 18th, 1996 and we are celebrating the 37th True Parent's Day.
If the human beings Adam and Eve had become one body under the love of God, everything would have been complete and perfect.
No matter how much humankind may deny the Fall, it is obvious. We do not live in a peaceful, happy, and unified world.