God Is The Owner And Victor
It is the settlement of the Abel UN and the completion of Cheon Il Guk in Korea.
Sermons about Adam And Eve
It is the settlement of the Abel UN and the completion of Cheon Il Guk in Korea.
Distinguished guests, ambassadors for peace, and blessed members from many parts of the world.
Respected peace-loving American dignitaries, ladies and gentlemen, I extend my warm greetings and gratitude to all of you for coming here this evening.
At the beginning of this first year of the new millennium, I held the Coronation Ceremony for God’s Kingship on January 13.
When I was sixteen years old I met Jesus early Easter morning and set out on the path of Heaven's Will to accomplish the Will of God.
The principle is unchanging. The principle teaches how to achieve the foundation for the Messiah.
We can hold this ceremony because all the people on Earth and in Heaven were blessed and formed a homogeneous nation.
The most important word in the Family Pledge appears in the eighth part of the pledge. What is it? It is "liberation".
Today the world is lost in great confusion and cries out in agony.
It is my great pleasure today to be able to share with you distinguished leaders, a message about the True Family.
When we raise the question of the purpose of life with ordinary people, no one seems to know the answer.