The Value and Significance of the Family Pledge
It came from Heaven as a gift to all humanity on May 1, 1994, the day when the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) was inaugurated.
Sermons about Family
Distinguished guests, ambassadors for peace, and blessed members from many parts of the world.
Many people expected that the long-awaited era of peace and stability would arrive, supported by our highly developed science and technology.
This is no less so for God. However, does God have anything that He can pride Himself in? No.
The sole purpose of all my undertakings in many areas over the past forty years has been the realization of a peaceful world that is the desire of God and humanity.
Today the world is lost in great confusion and cries out in agony.
When we raise the question of the purpose of life with ordinary people, no one seems to know the answer.
The oriental way of writing is always vertical, whereas the Western way is horizontal.