Responsibilities Remain
Today, I would like to reflect on Korea’s mission as the father country which is as important as Japan’s, the mother country.
Sermons about Responsibility
Today, I would like to reflect on Korea’s mission as the father country which is as important as Japan’s, the mother country.
They had to compromise with the world and could not live up to their pride and responsibility as the chosen people.
Proud blessed families of the Unification Church from all over the world, I am indeed very proud of you.
We blessed all the people centered on the national leaders and good spirits in the spirit world.
The most important word in the Family Pledge appears in the eighth part of the pledge. What is it? It is "liberation".
It is my great pleasure today to be able to share with you distinguished leaders, a message about the True Family.
However, we do not know what is happening beyond the scope of our missions.
If the human beings Adam and Eve had become one body under the love of God, everything would have been complete and perfect.
True world peace has never been accomplished on this earth, and yet this has been the one constant dream of all humanity throughout history.
My topic today is filial piety. We understand the meaning of filial piety as the son or daughter’s devotion to their parents, and it is very significant in a life of faith.
We all understand Adam and Eve as the primary ancestors and as the symbol of mankind.
To do this, we must shed blood, sweat, and tears based on a heart of true love for the sake of re-creation.