The Formula For God's Providence
This evening I am going to talk about God's providence for mankind, how He began this providence, and how He has been leading it.
Sermons about Satan
This evening I am going to talk about God's providence for mankind, how He began this providence, and how He has been leading it.
We cannot deny that the first human ancestors fell somehow.
There are many sorrowful people around us, and there are many who are not sorrowful.
The mind and body of man are in the relationship of subject and object. The most serious question for us is whether our mind and body become one, thus equipping us with a starting point.
Today marks the ninth Day of All Things. Since the Day of All Things was established on May 1, 1963, this year marks a full eight years.
Under a Blessing of God's hand in Eden's garden, Adam and Eve had to make a relationship of a married couple.
During the 1960s we have been laying the base for the Foundation for the Providence, chiefly by means of "All Out March" or "Victorious Front Line for Unification" aimed at the external world.
So, if you know God's word and practice His word 100 percent in your life, Satan will attest to you saying, "Without a doubt, you have completed God's word 100 percent.
Rev. Moon has experienced many sorrowful situations, extreme agonies, and indescribable sufferings.
Do you think that when the Lord comes upon this earth, he will utilize the people's ideology and ideal as suggested by the system of government of each nation?
Many people are quite satisfied when they have received such testimony and study the Principle once or twice.
If we think that we are to live in this world for our own sake, that is a misunderstanding.