The Embodiments of God
Adam and Eve were created as God's substantial object partners Adam was the representative of God's masculinity and Eve was the representative of God's femininity.
Sermon on God's Love
Latest Spiritual Messages
Adam and Eve were created as God's substantial object partners Adam was the representative of God's masculinity and Eve was the representative of God's femininity.
The first human ancestors were to start as good parents, but instead, they started as evil parents.
In 1960, True Parents opened a new chapter in the history of human salvation through the marriage Blessing.
True Parents said that one should participate in the marriage Blessing ceremony only after working long and difficult to become eligible.
True Father spent about 18 years of his life within about ten kilometers of his birthplace.
The period starting with the Holy Wedding of True Parents in 1960 and going through 1967 was the first seven-year course, the purpose of which was to create the foundation for the restoration of the Korean people.
The second seven-year course was the period in which blessed families needed to fulfill their duties as tribal messiahs to restore their position as the ancestors.
When we think about all the people in today's world who died for God, just as Elijah said, all I can say is, “Lord, I alone am left.”
After outreach work in Korea began to take root through the 40-day witnessing campaigns, True Father was able to turn his attention to other countries.
Distinguished guests, ambassadors for peace, and blessed members from many parts of the world.
There should not be even the slightest difference between what I teach today and what I taught 20 years ago or 40 years ago.
I received Heaven's call at the youthful age of sixteen and have dedicated my life of more than eighty years to the task of accomplishing God's Will on this earth and saving humankind.