2018 Universal Blessing Ceremony Given by the True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind
This is an important time in history when the long-awaited reunification of Korea can be realized.
Sermons about True Parents
Latest Spiritual Messages — page 4
This is an important time in history when the long-awaited reunification of Korea can be realized.
Today we take great pains to think about what we can do to live in a peaceful and happy world.
Following the fall of Adam and Eve, God had to lead the undesired providence of salvation through indemnity, the history of the providence of restoration through indemnity.
Through the initiative of King James, the Bible was translated from Hebrew into English in the 17th century.
There is no solution to today’s difficulties if we do not know the original Creator, God, the absolute God.
Heavenly Parent’s dream, True Parents’ dream is one family, the kingdom of heaven on earth.
God created the heavens, earth, and all things. He then created Adam and Eve and said that it was good.
Originally, the true owner of the world was God. From all created things to all human beings, all belong to God.
God has been waiting for the human ancestors, the True Parents, who will fulfill their responsibilities according to this purpose.
The fulfillment of the Heavenly Parent’s ideal of creation is rooted in family values.
God had a dream. God created heaven, earth, and all of humankind with this great dream in mind.
Even though I have toured Europe and the United States, the external environment is becoming more difficult for humankind.