Sunday Service
The characteristics of Western civilization, expressed through various fine arts such as literature, but in particular dance and music, can be quite clearly seen in the performance of ballet.
Founder of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
The characteristics of Western civilization, expressed through various fine arts such as literature, but in particular dance and music, can be quite clearly seen in the performance of ballet.
The false parents' betrayal of the heavenly principle of love has brought ruin.
So our body is a house where God can dwell. Such houses are not the bodies of today's fallen people.
Rather than the words of a brilliant teacher thousands of times greater than you, or any other truth in the world, you should listen to the words of your original mind.
When you go to the spirit world, will your ancestors come to you or not?
Now, the time when Abel had to sacrifice for Cain for the sake of the restoration of the rights of the eldest son
The Fall means to be separated from the Word in substance and heart. So you should first know the Word and practice it.
The newspapers have also attacked me, but since I already knew everything before their propaganda came out, it did not work.
Imagine the moment when you come face-to-face with death and look back on the course you have taken after you came to know God's will.
Today, you need to understand some things about Heung Jin.
From the historical perspective, this is the Age of the Unification Church.
To do this, we must shed blood, sweat, and tears based on a heart of true love for the sake of re-creation.