Indemnity and Returning Glory to Heaven
Thanks to God’s providence, however, United Nations troops from sixteen nations came to participate in the Korean War and saved Korea.
Sermons about Providential History
Thanks to God’s providence, however, United Nations troops from sixteen nations came to participate in the Korean War and saved Korea.
These men attended True Father's night and day during his lifetime.
Ladies and gentlemen, two months ago, I celebrated my ninetieth birthday and took my first steps toward the hundredth year of my life.
We must understand the direction of God's providence.
Respected peace-loving American dignitaries, ladies and gentlemen, I extend my warm greetings and gratitude to all of you for coming here this evening.
We can hold this ceremony because all the people on Earth and in Heaven were blessed and formed a homogeneous nation.
During the course of my life, I have totally committed myself to the salvation of humankind centered on God's Will.
The oriental way of writing is always vertical, whereas the Western way is horizontal.
However, we do not know what is happening beyond the scope of our missions.
Those who neglect to attend official gatherings such as this are the ones who don't care about their lives.
If the human beings Adam and Eve had become one body under the love of God, everything would have been complete and perfect.