Twelve Americans Attend True Parents in Uruguay
Announce to the world that the religious founders are united together in the spirit world. Satan surrendered, so the evil that is still going on is just the remnants that are left over.
Sermons by Reverend Sun Myung Moon, his wife Hak Ja Han Moon, and their followers.
Announce to the world that the religious founders are united together in the spirit world. Satan surrendered, so the evil that is still going on is just the remnants that are left over.
At the beginning of this first year of the new millennium, I held the Coronation Ceremony for God’s Kingship on January 13.
When I was sixteen years old I met Jesus early Easter morning and set out on the path of Heaven's Will to accomplish the Will of God.
If you are my child, you have to be with me with your mind and body united, whether I go fishing or whatever.
That is why we need to remember that we owe much to all the people in the spiritual world, and therefore we should make a new determination to pay back our debts.
To commemorate this 48th Foundation Day, I want you to study the Family Pledge in detail.
Spirit World worked so hard to restore. So far everything had been divided. Now God is trying to bring everything together.
They are officially approved by God, and these messages came from the spiritual world, because of True Parents' demand.
When you look at the history of the Unification Church, things that might take ten years or even hundreds of years can work out at a stroke.
What is the meaning of the human fall? It is a misuse of the love organ. Therefore, the lineage took a wrong turn.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, one small vivid example of the work of the spirit world. We will see it more and more.
Make a plan, consistently develop it, and put it into practice-organize, systematize it. To make strong relationships conditions continuously, especially prayer conditions.